the most fucked up thing someone ever did to me(must read)

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Well-Known Member
Dont be giving no shit to the cops you think they aint gonna check you out if you hand in a gun that might have bodies on it! you want cops watching what your doing looking into your shit i wouldnt say so! dump that shit some where or sell it! even if this is a bull shit story why would people tell him to give it to the cops a cop makes up his mind the min he looks at someone and cana dont sound like no clean cut bisinuss type so you see what im sayin
I guess I am cut from a different cloth than some of you.

It is not unreasonable that someone would ditch a murder weapon / one that was used in a crime. I could not live with myself if I sold it or gave it back to my "friend" and they killed someone and I certainly would not keep it.

I am hoping that you didnt pick it up and start playing with it. Makes the whole thing a lot easier if your prints arent all over it.

Call 911: "can you please send an officer over here. I found a gun in my front yard."

Cop shows up:
"I found this in my front yard, (if you touched it) I thought it was a toy so I picked it up - realized it was real and picked it up with a ziplock and brought it inside cause there were kids playing outside." "I don't know anything about it."

They aren't going to arrest you. How many criminals have you ever heard of that have turned in a gun? They do stupid shit like the advice you are getting on here (sell it, throw it somewhere else, keep it). It is stupid to think that you would get in trouble for turning a gun in.


Well-Known Member
yea man thats the right thing to do ubt that doesnt mean its the safest thing to do! i mean ive had a couple of runs in with the cops(noting serious) so if i handed in a gun they wouldnt be long about checkin it out even if the average preson hands in a gun there not just gonna say thanks and leave it at that there still gonna ask question about shit they dont need to kno!


New Member
'Gangstas' who carry guns and play the 'game' smoke 9 blunts. It helps to flesh out their perception....unfortunately.


does your mom beat you?

was you molested? so now you take your anger out on internet users? your so virtually cool, when i grow up i wanna be virtually like you, :hug:


Well-Known Member

does your mom beat you?

was you molested? so now you take your anger out on internet users? your so virtually cool, when i grow up i wanna be virtually like you, :hug:
I'm sorry. I've been feeling weird lately because I just smoked some moldy bud and need to call 911 because I'm puking blue stuff.

You entertain me.....keep it up kid. And I love how you ALWAYS post after me - I've never had a stalker. You have to get that post count up somehow...makes you cool.

BTW...I'm done responding to you. Please stop.


New Member
I'm sorry. I've been feeling weird lately because I just smoked some moldy bud and need to call 911 because I'm puking blue stuff.

You entertain me.....keep it up kid. And I love how you ALWAYS post after me - I've never had a stalker. You have to get that post count up somehow...makes you cool.

BTW...I'm done responding to you. Please stop.

true story, and yea, ima stalker, but you get your little pleasures from being an asshole over the, i wont respond anymore if you dont respond, i love you sweetpea, lookin to stalk ya some more, :hug:



Active Member
First off, If a supposed mate of mine did that shit I would teach him to show respect to me and my fam, no way in hell I would let that slide. Second I have a very bad past with cops, I've made mistakes and paid for it, but I would still turn in that gun. Don't let there be a chance that it will get into someones hands and be used for a murder, that blood will also be on your hands. Lastly, enough with the personal attacks people make, it's that type of attitude that keeps everyone from gathering together and pushing for at least legal medical marijuana in every state. Personally I am waiting for NY legislation on the medical marijuana bill, I would much rather get my script and grow legally.


Well-Known Member
well fair enough canna your a better man than i am! I wouldnt be handin in shit cause ive stayed away from shit like that and i wouldnt need some friend(fool) fool bringing shit like that around me when all i wana do is grow my herb!


Active Member
reading this is a waste of time. the only reference to cannabis is i woke up after a 9 blunt session etc..
can we stop postin useless info??


Well-Known Member
yea man thats the right thing to do ubt that doesnt mean its the safest thing to do! i mean ive had a couple of runs in with the cops(noting serious) so if i handed in a gun they wouldnt be long about checkin it out even if the average preson hands in a gun there not just gonna say thanks and leave it at that there still gonna ask question about shit they dont need to kno!
Not much they can do if you found it in your yard. Have you ever heard of someone turning in a gun that used in a crime? That would be the dumbest thing in the world to do.


Active Member
Do Americans often sleep with men then leave guns behind when they leave?
What an wild country!
Apart from the sleeping with other chaps, America sound jolly interesting.
Also I really like Hamburger Helper and Hershey Kisses, where does one apply for a green card?


[Lucas];2443673 said:
Everyone is over looking the fact you were sharing a bed with a dude.
man, it doesnt matter. youve never been so baked, and no one wanted the couch so everyone was just like, "fuck it man, scoot over?"


Well-Known Member
Yeah, just because two dudes share a bed... doesn't mean they're fucking or anything. Beds are ALWAYS comfy... whereas couches aren't. Sometimes they are, yes, but not all the time!


Well-Known Member
Thats pretty fucked up bro. Let us know what you end up doing, I am pretty curious.
ok sorry for the hold up. I've read all the posts and im gunna try an answer them all at once. but first, an update.
the past 2 days ive been tryin to get in touch with him, and i've gotten no responce. its almost as if he is avoiding me. i left work early so i can go to his house and tell him to pick it up but he wassnt home. idk what im gunna do because it cant stay here, and like i said befor i have little kids around here. eventhough its hidden now, i still wouldnt feel comfortable leaving my house with them here and the gun still being here. im so pissed off because the more and more i think about it, the more it feels like he tried to stash it here. it couldnt of fallen out because for one, he wears skinny jeans and honestly i still dont kno how he could of gotten a gun in his pants in the first place. secondly i would of heard it hit the floor if it had fallen out. and thirdly, people dont sit down with the gun in his/her pants. thats how plaxico burress got shot. so it had to be placed there.
when me and him meet face to face im gunna have alot more than words for him. thats taking it way too far man. more than likely what i can do is go to home depot and get some cement and fill it in. i remember my cousin told me once when he came back from millitary school that the guns are filled with cement so nobody can fire it. i might fill it in, then maybe bury it somewhere, and throw some grass seed where i dug. besides i dont wanna rat him out, and i dont wanna put myself in any danger. and i still abide by that code of conduct when it comes to the police, but its lost. and im hurt. that one of my so called friends would put me in this situation. and the worse part about it, i never expected it from him. he really isnt that type of person. he is pretty much about fuckin every girl he can get his hands on. and smoking weed. thats what he does. hes not a gangsta or a hustla. he's not even from the hood. so why would he need to carry a pistol around for? nobody bothers him as far as i can see. most ppl in my area have chilled out on violence and concentrated more on gettin money, so its not like he is gunna get jumped or anything. and lastly, he has never told me about him having problems with anybody. so this might be deeper than i thought.
also, its not like all of my friends are dumbasses like him, my ex wouldnt of seen this comming just as i didnt. and it wassnt because my friends are crazy, it was because she felt as if she had to compete for my affection and my attention. idk......... im gunna go cop a dub, ill be back in a little bit


Well-Known Member
Take care, dude. Okay? ... Also, filling it in with cement and burying it sounds like a good idea. Or even... filling it in with cement and throwing it away on trash day.
ok sorry for the hold up. I've read all the posts and im gunna try an answer them all at once. but first, an update.
the past 2 days ive been tryin to get in touch with him, and i've gotten no responce. its almost as if he is avoiding me. i left work early so i can go to his house and tell him to pick it up but he wassnt home. idk what im gunna do because it cant stay here, and like i said befor i have little kids around here. eventhough its hidden now, i still wouldnt feel comfortable leaving my house with them here and the gun still being here. im so pissed off because the more and more i think about it, the more it feels like he tried to stash it here. it couldnt of fallen out because for one, he wears skinny jeans and honestly i still dont kno how he could of gotten a gun in his pants in the first place. secondly i would of heard it hit the floor if it had fallen out. and thirdly, people dont sit down with the gun in his/her pants. thats how plaxico burress got shot. so it had to be placed there.
when me and him meet face to face im gunna have alot more than words for him. thats taking it way too far man. more than likely what i can do is go to home depot and get some cement and fill it in. i remember my cousin told me once when he came back from millitary school that the guns are filled with cement so nobody can fire it. i might fill it in, then maybe bury it somewhere, and throw some grass seed where i dug. besides i dont wanna rat him out, and i dont wanna put myself in any danger. and i still abide by that code of conduct when it comes to the police, but its lost. and im hurt. that one of my so called friends would put me in this situation. and the worse part about it, i never expected it from him. he really isnt that type of person. he is pretty much about fuckin every girl he can get his hands on. and smoking weed. thats what he does. hes not a gangsta or a hustla. he's not even from the hood. so why would he need to carry a pistol around for? nobody bothers him as far as i can see. most ppl in my area have chilled out on violence and concentrated more on gettin money, so its not like he is gunna get jumped or anything. and lastly, he has never told me about him having problems with anybody. so this might be deeper than i thought.
also, its not like all of my friends are dumbasses like him, my ex wouldnt of seen this comming just as i didnt. and it wassnt because my friends are crazy, it was because she felt as if she had to compete for my affection and my attention. idk......... im gunna go cop a dub, ill be back in a little bit
Yeah don't get involved with the cops, you might regret it. Cement it shut, and just get rid of it. Doesn't matter how. Good Luck bro.:peace:
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