The Movie of shame

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The Gardener
This is why young stoners should not watch twisted propaganda Movies with no evidence whats so ever just twisted news clips and Just words from dazzed and stunned victims
They used a few words from what the people were actually saying so they could make them sound any way they wanted to ,,

This movie you no what 1 , and some others were made by the Muslim wise men in order to destroy peoples trust and faith in there own people to tell people there religion is fake and there own goverment Bombed its land mark building killing 1000s and destroyed the u.s Doller , And left america in a complete mess ,
Now if they thought this was facts on something as big as this the u.s wiping out 1000,s of there own people there surely would be no need to tell us that are religon is fake ,,, its all just war propaganda :hump:

There is No basis at all killing thousands of your own people and destroying your own country ,,,, If you buy into all that bull shit i think you just like getting a little head rush from it like watching the x files ..........


Now This is how that movie should have started of By Alla is fake and is a evil and sadistic faith that promotes the death of any none believers and all them other medi evil views on like all westerners are evil and deserve to die.... all that sort of crap

instead they say other religions are fake ,But alla was left out why ?

The same people that brain washed these men and women and kids to want to kill as many non believers as possible are now trying to brain wash use and i dont no how many stoners kids ive seen watch this shit then come back brain washed




thats what happens when you buy in to that muslim propaganda and if you buy into them movies your just as brainwashed as them protesting happy to keep killing them selfs and kill any non- believers All in the name of Alla

shame on you :peace:
Is there such thing as Jesus ????????????????????

At the end of the day its not to much the point now days if there is or is not
What he and his friends promoted just teaches are children how to live a good and decent life ,Not to kill , steal , nor to do to others what what you wouldent like done to your self , And live a happy life with no fear of death ,
I like the hindu,s out look on there faith , the are respectful and humble to there faith, I Fully respect them and there faith

Rather than have them pumped full of propaganda brain washing men women and kids in a evil way were they are willing to kill them selfs and lots and lots of others because its there faith , It makes me sick sometimes

No thank you ,, These people should not be allowed the choice of free words when its only evil that the promote

thats the point .........
No thank you ,, These people should not be allowed the choice of free words when its only evil that the promote

thats the point .........

That right there made your hole thread pointless..........Thats just like people saying beer is the devil or weed is evil..I can say what I please when I please if people buy into it then thats their problem. You are talking about movies...Movies are made to make MONEY!! So with it being freedom of speach they can say what ever the fuck they want to sell movies and ill buy them weather YOU think its EVIL or not.

Go make your own country and control it because this is the USA I can say what the fuck I want if you dont like it dont liscen....You are just like the government that controls us now with prohibition because they said "Marijuana is the devils weed,it makes white girls seek negro man for sexual relations!".. How is what your saying any different just on a different subject???
Im glad your brought this up booky ! Its not pointless its vital ,

There is no freedom of speech when it comes to this faith. Remember Denmark and the world on alert because of a silly cartoon with the name Alla placed on it

If not check it up and also Austraila ,
Or just look at the normal every day muslims protest cards .. ....................
Im glad your brought this up booky ! Its not pointless its vital ,

There is no freedom of speech when it comes to this faith. Remember Denmark and the world on alert because of a silly cartoon with the name Alla placed on it

If not check it up and also Austraila ,
Or just look at the normal every day muslims protest cards .. ....................

YOUR FAITH IS YOURS!!! You pushing it on other people makes you like Hitler....YOU are a mooly get over it no body will ever think just like YOU on every given subject and YOU can make them...

This world doesnt revolve around YOU and YOUR faith... Get the fuck over it and stop making Hitler like threads forcing your opinion on people, WITCH IS WHAT YOU ARE BITCHING ABOUT IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! Just stop its stupid and making YOU look like an IDIOT(note I didnt call you an idiot I said your making your self out to be one).....
Im not planing to go and kill myself and others in the name of what i believe man

Im actually a peacful person and i dont want no 1 to believe what i do ... Did i say that ?

Im not looking any 1 to believe in a religion im just saying this movie is a crock of shit , As soon as i seen them trying to tell me every religon but islam was fake i knew it stright away who was promoting the video

Also this is not the USA its the WWW ,

The hitler you see it the one that did 9/11 and make these videos , They make lots more very intelligent propaganda videos but please do not watch them in case you get brain washed and run through a city center with bombs tied around you
Is there such thing as Jesus ????????????????????

At the end of the day its not to much the point now days if there is or is not
What he and his friends promoted just teaches are children how to live a good and decent life ,Not to kill , steal , nor to do to others what what you wouldent like done to your self , And live a happy life with no fear of death ,
I like the hindu,s out look on there faith , the are respectful and humble to there faith, I Fully respect them and there faith

Rather than have them pumped full of propaganda brain washing men women and kids in a evil way were they are willing to kill them selfs and lots and lots of others because its there faith , It makes me sick sometimes

No thank you ,, These people should not be allowed the choice of free words when its only evil that the promote

thats the point .........

Cristians don't kill ppl do they?
I read in the papers that there was going to be some trouble because theres not enough muslims showing on television , So they are now showing u.k crime watch 3 times a month instead of 1 ............ lmao
its interesting to hear opinions from the other side of the world about our country. i mean this truly, im not being sarcastic. i have seen the doc. you are refering to and i will answer your question about why islam was never brought up. the whole point of the doc. was to show how americans were brainwashed and lied to. here in the states im sad to say christianity is definatly used to control the weak. if you speak out about it your automatically not american and unpatriotic. remember blacklisting? rep. of the churchs are telling people who to vote for. what happened to the seperation of church and state? have you been to the us? or better yet have you been to all these red states? ive been to every one. as a matter of fact there are only a small ammt of states i havent been to. do you know how many giant crosses ive seen across my country? how many religious billboards?the amount of churchs, liquor stores, gun stores, pawn shops and check cashing places are unbelievable. and they are all in the black/brown neighborhoods! why? control of the sheep.
its interesting to hear opinions from the other side of the world about our country. i mean this truly, im not being sarcastic. i have seen the doc. you are refering to and i will answer your question about why islam was never brought up. the whole point of the doc. was to show how americans were brainwashed and lied to. here in the states im sad to say christianity is definatly used to control the weak. if you speak out about it your automatically not american and unpatriotic. remember blacklisting? rep. of the churchs are telling people who to vote for. what happened to the seperation of church and state? have you been to the us? or better yet have you been to all these red states? ive been to every one. as a matter of fact there are only a small ammt of states i havent been to. do you know how many giant crosses ive seen across my country? how many religious billboards?the amount of churchs, liquor stores, gun stores, pawn shops and check cashing places are unbelievable. and they are all in the black/brown neighborhoods! why? control of the sheep.

Im not american ,, wtf was that all about lmao
anything before 100 yrs doesnt matter!!!!!????? are you serious????!!! what a warped view! lets look at the 1500's when cortez came to south america and wiped out the aztec/mayan civilization, destroyed all its history and then passed out bibles..lets go more towards present day now..slavery blacks brought here to build this country against there will. white people showed up with rifles and bibles. the whole time slavery is going on jesus and bibles are manditory. if you dont believe, your about the american indians? there whole belief system was wiped out by genocide and there ancient beliefs and practices are refered to as a heathen religon and now its a joke and a novelty! all this brought us to where we are a book....stop watching tv
anything before 100 yrs doesnt matter!!!!!????? are you serious????!!! what a warped view! lets look at the 1500's when cortez came to south america and wiped out the aztec/mayan civilization, destroyed all its history and then passed out bibles..lets go more towards present day now..slavery blacks brought here to build this country against there will. white people showed up with rifles and bibles. the whole time slavery is going on jesus and bibles are manditory. if you dont believe, your about the american indians? there whole belief system was wiped out by genocide and there ancient beliefs and practices are refered to as a heathen religon and now its a joke and a novelty! all this brought us to where we are a book....stop watching tv

Modern life only man , not people on horses with spears , And black people was stealing white men from ireland for slavery 100s of years before the english sold them to america That is all just history ,,,

Thats why i say in the last 100 years , Theres no point saying about somthing thats happened 100,s of years ago ,
its just not tolerated now days , And them people should not be tolerated eather ,
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