The 'Official' Do Not Vote For Obama In 2012 - Thread. Don't Want Him Back N Office!

Remind me again please, what did he get the prize for?:shock:

I'll say it:

BECAUSE HE'S BLACK. the prize has nothing to do with the wars the country is in right now. The prize has to do with his race. americans seem to forget how racist we are here... that's right, how racist we ARE. racism isn't gone in America, it just doesn't express itself with the savage rage it used to...

for example: i haven't seen the legitimacy of the birth certificate of any other president in history beign called into question as much as Obama's has. "I just want to make sure the guy calling the shots passes the constitutional requirements of holding office".... sure... ok......
I was just watching Rap news and it reminds us that President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize.. Seems only Democrat Presidents have what it takes to Win a Nobel Peace prize.
You think that seems from Bizzaro world? Obama had a secret meeting with people to receive an award on his great transparency.

Jon Stewart made fun of it.

I agree that Obama will probably win. However if you think there is any real difference between Dems ans Reps, you are deluded. Obama has taken serious steps to limit the first and second amendment rights of americans (free speech zones?!? hyperinflation on ammunition tax???) as well as trashing the 10th amendment. read up people...he's as bad as Bush ever was.
I'll say it:

BECAUSE HE'S BLACK. the prize has nothing to do with the wars the country is in right now. The prize has to do with his race. americans seem to forget how racist we are here... that's right, how racist we ARE. racism isn't gone in America, it just doesn't express itself with the savage rage it used to...

for example: i haven't seen the legitimacy of the birth certificate of any other president in history beign called into question as much as Obama's has. "I just want to make sure the guy calling the shots passes the constitutional requirements of holding office".... sure... ok......

Well there ya go, If every black person would just nominate every other black person for the Nobel Peace prize or any other Nobel prize then those damn racists down at the selection committee can just give it to them and we can solve the economies problems. Don't forget that each Nobel comes with a cool $1.4 million
That is one of the better Jon Steward shorts..

Well yeah I think we are all shocked at how little change has happened in the whole Government when it comes to Transparency.

But who among the Republicans is free of Sin? Let them stand so we can see them transparently.
Well there ya go, If every black person would just nominate every other black person for the Nobel Peace prize or any other Nobel prize then those damn racists down at the selection committee can just give it to them and we can solve the economies problems. Don't forget that each Nobel comes with a cool $1.4 million

i wonder what obama did with the money....

that evil communist gave it away to charity. proving once again how his true kenyan communist ideals fall in direct contradiction to american capitalist greed..... am I close?????
i wonder what obama did with the money....

that evil communist gave it away to charity. proving once again how his true kenyan communist ideals fall in direct contradiction to american capitalist greed..... am I close?????

Great! A 1.4 million dollar deduction, bet that comes in handy on tax day. If it takes a Billion dollars to run a Campaign in 2012, im sure he won't miss the chump change he had to spend to convince less critical folks like your self that he is indeed the messiah.
The biggest problem facing the right IMO is the fact that 99% of their arguments can be disproven with facts and simple logic. As Redivider said, he has the highest security clearance in the country... Logic tells you that there is no way they could have missed the fact that he was born outside the U.S. if it was actually true that he was born elsewhere (although obviously all evidence points towards his legitimate citizenship)..

Hell, even the "smart" Republicans site what is supposed to be evidence - and then that evidence turns out to not even support their argument (I'm referring to the case for Austerity using the U.K, Sweden and Ireland as examples). Hell, if there was a "government take over of healthcare" wouldn't there be at least a public option? Another argument that holds no water... sigh. "runaway inflation"? Take a look at the core inflation numbers from about 1980 to now and it's quite obvious inflation is far from being a problem (thanks, Volcker...).

What else is there? Cmon, I'm waiting.
I'll say it:

BECAUSE HE'S BLACK. the prize has nothing to do with the wars the country is in right now. The prize has to do with his race. americans seem to forget how racist we are here... that's right, how racist we ARE. racism isn't gone in America, it just doesn't express itself with the savage rage it used to...

for example: i haven't seen the legitimacy of the birth certificate of any other president in history beign called into question as much as Obama's has. "I just want to make sure the guy calling the shots passes the constitutional requirements of holding office".... sure... ok......
Umm, I've never questioned the legitimacy of Obama's presidency and I challenge you to find a post of mine stating otherwise. I think it's a non-issue and has been from the start. Even if he WAS born outside of the U.S. I haven't seen the proof of it. That said, I think he's been a bad president, as have most of the presidents in my lifetime, IMO of course. I do love it when you guys play the race card though. It never gets old! lmfao!!!!!!!!!:clap:



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there is no evidence of his birth in hawaii. saying the 'short form' is good enough is never going to make it so. he had the right machine behind him to get elected. there are HUGE gaps in his history. none of that matters though, he'll be pres until 2012
Obama promises: Give me trillions and I'll get unemployment under 8%. FAIL!, First thing I'll do is close Gitmo and put the terrorist on trial in U.S. courts. FAIL!, Universal health care. FAIL! End the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. FAIL! Transparency. FAIL! End Bush tax cuts for the rich. FAIL!
Umm, I've never questioned the legitimacy of Obama's presidency and I challenge you to find a post of mine stating otherwise. I think it's a non-issue and has been from the start. Even if he WAS born outside of the U.S. I haven't seen the proof of it. That said, I think he's been a bad president, as have most of the presidents in my lifetime, IMO of course. I do love it when you guys play the race card though. It never gets old! lmfao!!!!!!!!!:clap:

Yes, the race card is quite hilarious I'm sure...

But I have a hard time believing that blacks would agree that it was okay that guys like Reagan used bigotry to win elections. I have a hard time believing that Obama being black has NOTHING to do with the questions of his citizenship. I come from a family of avid racists (almost every time I say the word "Obama" my father joins in on the conversation, "I'm disappointed that the good ole' boys haven't got that damn nigger yet! He isn't even a citizen!" and then this is followed with laughs from everyone around me.. sigh).

To deny that race is deeply ingrained in our nations politics is to deny the evidence. Hell, just look at the south's voting record since the civil rights and voting acts were passed in 1966... curiously red for a region that prior had been almost entirely blue.
The whole birther thing is shit. Even if he was born in Africa, or where ever people claim, he is still a citizen because his mother was.
Umm, I've never questioned the legitimacy of Obama's presidency and I challenge you to find a post of mine stating otherwise. I think it's a non-issue and has been from the start. Even if he WAS born outside of the U.S. I haven't seen the proof of it. That said, I think he's been a bad president, as have most of the presidents in my lifetime, IMO of course. I do love it when you guys play the race card though. It never gets old! lmfao!!!!!!!!!:clap:


I find this to be over the line. Jesse Jackson is not the topic of the thread and this does little except to fling open the door to racism as a reason to not vote for somebody.

Is this what you Anti-Obama people really have against Obama? he is Black?

Oh he is not born here, he is a Muslim and he is black.. Is that the level of intellect Rollitup-ers have?

Shame on you.
I find this to be over the line. Jesse Jackson is not the topic of the thread and this does little except to fling open the door to racism as a reason to not vote for somebody.

Is this what you Anti-Obama people really have against Obama? he is Black?

Oh he is not born here, he is a Muslim and he is black.. Is that the level of intellect Rollitup-ers have?

Shame on you.
Dude, read the thread! Obviously I'm not promoting racism or anything of the sort. Of course it would be a liberal that would find it "over the line" that I'd put up a funny pic (which I've posted dozens of times whenever one of y'all plays the race card) in response to a liberal (that's right) throwing down the race card. I did not bring up race, that would've been redivider in the post I was responding to. If you don't get it, then I can't help you. Sheesh!:roll:
I found the message to be one of race.
As someone who casts accolades on your recent Japan trip I also feel comfortable telling you when you have a foot in a pile of shit.
There are people here who masturbate to pictures of dead black men lynched in this country.
There really isn't a flexible line to make fun with on the issue of Race.
The whole birther thing is shit. Even if he was born in Africa, or where ever people claim, he is still a citizen because his mother was.
yeah, the Constitution doesn't state that you have to be a citizen, It states that you have to be a NATURAL BORN citizen. Big Difference.
I found the message to be one of race.
As someone who casts accolades on your recent Japan trip I also feel comfortable telling you when you have a foot in a pile of shit.
There are people here who masturbate to pictures of dead black men lynched in this country.
There really isn't a flexible line to make fun with on the issue of Race.
YOU may have found the message to be one of race, and if so, that's on you my friend. I was trying to illustrate, in a humorous way, that nearly every time someone questions anything about Obama or voices their displeasure, they get smacked in the face by someone (usually a liberal) with the accusations of "hidden racism" and all that B.S. Does it exist? Of course racism exists! That would be ridiculous to say otherwise, but was my picture racist? It wasn't meant to be. See, you have NO idea what race or nationality I am or anything about me other than what I've shared with you folks here at RIU. You have no clue what race or nationality my wife is. You have no clue what kind of schools my kids go to. No clue what kind of neighborhood I live in or have ever lived in. Utterly no clue what neighborhoods in what cities I spent my fire service career. I know I'll probably be accused of hidden racism, and that's fine, but I am in no way shape or form a racist. I call 'em like I see 'em though, and the race card gets played WAY too fucking often by too many people in this country. It doesn't help anyone.:evil:
I hate to say it, but the OP is filled with lies, distortions of record and just downright deceit....

President Obama has kept a lot more than 25% of his promises, though the OP lies and states he hasn't. How about we fact check his bogus claim here?

The OP goes on to claim that Mr Obama has never produced a birth certificate, not only has he produced it, the State of Hawaii has authenticated the copy and archived newspapers from back in the day have birth announcements for him. This is just a tired and BS story that Republicans hope that if they keep repeating, people will make it an issue, regardless of what certificates have been provided. The document was signed on the back, just like every other Birth Certificate from that era in Hawaii. :roll:

I just don't get good vibes from the guy. I watch him sometimes on television, while hes giving an "important speech" (..right).. I'll look right into the depths of his pupils.. and I get bad energy feelings from him.
Wow, you sound just like Bush, able to see the soul of Mr Putin through his eyes... only Bush was wrong, just as you are now... Let us know when you start making judgment calls in a jury box because of the "energy in the eyes"... Again, nothing factual to base an opinion on, just a political hunch.... ;)

The 111th congress accomplished more than any other congress in more than 4 decades, yet the OP would have you believe nothing is being done and the President leads us into gridlock.

So the OP would have you believe several things that have been debunked. While he is certainly entitled to try to sway others to vote his conscience, it's a shame he couldn't do it with facts and sources to back up those facts.... Don;'t let Cannabisguru decide for you... Be careful what you wish for, just think back to 2000-2008.... two recessions, two wars, one unprovoked and preemptive and the worst economy since the great depression.... In 2008 we did vote for hope and change, and we were told that it wouldn't happen overnight, and it was to be only if we worked hard to succeed. While we aren't out of the hole dug by his predecessor yet, we are on the way out. The stock market has recovered it's losses, TARP funds are being repaid with interest and the jobs outlook is looking up.

The OP closes his plea by citing the deficit. What he fails to address, is that Bush spent more deficit funds than EVERY previous president combined. Nearly 85% of all outstanding foreign debt was incurred under two Republican presidents, Reagan and Bush, from the so called 'conservative' party. The only time Republicans are conservative, is when tea Partiers hold their ass to the fire, or when a Democrat is in the office on Pennsylvania avenue. Other than that, one only need luck at their military spending and huge social programs becoming law in an election year (the 1.3 trillion dollar medicare prescription coverage bill that they sneaked through at 3 in the morning with CSPAN cameras turned off.).

Think long and hard about your decision and then vote your heart....