The Original 16oz Party Cup Comp

60% of the players havent even shown their lights.
Some are just getting them in the mail.
Wouldn't it make more sense for us to all submit our lights at the same time for a final submission?
Like this week maybe seeing how some have began sexing.
That would be more fair, feel like I'm being singled out here cuz I said something about switching out just to mess around & get those knees shaking. Looks like it worked, tooooo good... I said this because 1/2 of us haven't submitted a final light yet I don't think & we haven't even sexed yet so the real growing hasn't begun.
Dimmer man, 1 shop light is just a 1/2 power function. My sad attempt at DIY while trying to care for many monsters in the real world.
You seriously won't let me add the other light. Didn't seem to care about my wanting to add the red flood light or that I said I'd be using multiple screw in lights possibly when I was still deciding. And ya, I may have had you confused for someone else on the PM.
Also, where does it say ANYWHERE that we need a set enclosure?
Edit :
Having a hard time sexing 5 in this. Was planning on using it for the pick by now if it was big enough but I doubt it is. Would like to PandaWrap a spot for the chosen one. There's that 12/12 from seed inexperience kicking in I guess. Getting tight.

Your A Very Confused Young Man. Everyone Has Showed Or Declared What Light Their Using. Plus All these Conversation You Said You Had With Me Must Of Taken Place In Your Head Cause You Didnt Include Me.

In This Comp Once You Start You Can Not Add A Lamp !!!!!!!
Your A Very Confused Young Man. Everyone Has Showed Or Declared What Light Their Using. Plus All these Conversation You Said You Had With Me Must Of Taken Place In Your Head Cause You Didnt Include Me.

In This Comp Once You Start You Can Not Add A Lamp !!!!!!!
You don't care about the red bulb last I knew nor the multi-bulb set-up was originally going w/.
Whatever. It's all good. I'll lyk if im gonna drop out or make it work.
Should've been more cautious.
Good to see the fear is there though. Cuz that's for sure a decision that could've went either way.
Never meant to hurt your feelings.
I don't dry snitch either man.
What is the spectrum looking like on your multi-colored diode setup?
Its from 365nm-720nm.
10×3w 365nm, 375 mm, 385nm, 420nm
3×5w 365nm, 375nm, 385nm, 395nm
20×3w blurple
10×3w 520nm,
5×3w 500nm,
20x1w 720nm
10x3w 660nm
5×23w 3000k, 4000k
Video just shows different channels, they are capable,of being individually timed at any pattern and may even be programmed to make various days different spectrums . I access the calendar by monitor or hdmi. The reds on the left were out for some reason but I since fixed that.
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Is This Not Your Encloser? Looks To Have A Big Ass Light In Their All Ready And No Room For Adding?

2nd You Need To Go Back And Check Out Your Pm's Cause We Never Discussed Lighting. You Have Me Confused With Someone Else...

3rd Your Adding Another Lamp Rules State You Must Start And Finish With The Same Lamp Period. Theirs No Adding More Light By Adding Another Lamp 35 Days Into The Contest. Discussion Closed :peace:

This is why I busted my ass to get my red and uv on in time for the start date, not fair to those of us that had our ducks in a row to cave. Thanks @The Dawg
This is why I busted my ass to get my red and uv on in time for the start date, not fair to those of us that had our ducks in a row to cave. Thanks @The Dawg
Except I have 5 of those shop lights laying around already. Just didnt think I needed to cram the second one in there for germ n sexing cuz 2 in there on an angle w/ only one running would've been taking up to much room to sex 5 cupies & only one light being on would've meant it shining in one direction only. Should've just built it right from day one.
But I understand, rules are rules & I wasn't paying attention.
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What stock is that button grafted to? I have 1 very young button, 2 Trichocereus peruvianus, 5 Trichocereus pachanoi, and 5 varieties of P. cubensis spores.
Grew about 50 of these t bridgesii from seed. They're about three years old now and pupping, so it's time to start topping. Most are in my greenhouse in individual cups.


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