The Dawg
Well-Known Member
60% of the players havent even shown their lights.
Some are just getting them in the mail.
Wouldn't it make more sense for us to all submit our lights at the same time for a final submission?
Like this week maybe seeing how some have began sexing.
That would be more fair, feel like I'm being singled out here cuz I said something about switching out just to mess around & get those knees shaking. Looks like it worked, tooooo good... I said this because 1/2 of us haven't submitted a final light yet I don't think & we haven't even sexed yet so the real growing hasn't begun.
Dimmer man, 1 shop light is just a 1/2 power function. My sad attempt at DIY while trying to care for many monsters in the real world.
You seriously won't let me add the other light. Didn't seem to care about my wanting to add the red flood light or that I said I'd be using multiple screw in lights possibly when I was still deciding. And ya, I may have had you confused for someone else on the PM.
Also, where does it say ANYWHERE that we need a set enclosure?
Edit :
Having a hard time sexing 5 in this. Was planning on using it for the pick by now if it was big enough but I doubt it is. Would like to PandaWrap a spot for the chosen one. There's that 12/12 from seed inexperience kicking in I guess. Getting tight.
Your A Very Confused Young Man. Everyone Has Showed Or Declared What Light Their Using. Plus All these Conversation You Said You Had With Me Must Of Taken Place In Your Head Cause You Didnt Include Me.
In This Comp Once You Start You Can Not Add A Lamp !!!!!!!