The people behind the violence in the American protests of George Floyd.

Ive never been a union guy, they screwed my dad hard in the 80's-early 90's because of nepotism, but never would have considered myself a 'union-buster'. But the police unions are in the way of the reform needed to get these racists out of their positions of power, and that needs to get fixed.
What you describe is why unions have had such a hard time lately. Ironically, though I've never worked a union job, I'm totally a union supporter. My problem is with fascists on the police force and not their union. Yes, the same fascists use the union but it's not one and the same. Can't say that for certain but after reading some history on how the fascist movements gained control of the police in the 20th century, there were plenty of officers who were coerced into cooperation. I don't believe that most officers like what's happening with their actions against the crowds. Then again, I don't really know how bad has gotten with them.

This training literature sounds like internal propaganda that I would hope city governments would reject. It's up to us to make it clear to our elected officials that they should root out that kind of training material from their department training programs. That's the job of civilian review boards to to.
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Thousands of maskless rallygoers who refuse to accept the results of the election turned downtown Washington into a falsehood-filled spectacle Saturday, two days before the electoral college will make the president’s loss official.

In smaller numbers than their gathering last month, they roamed from the Capitol to the Mall and back again, seeking inspiration from speakers who railed against the Supreme Court, Fox News and President-elect Joe Biden. The crowds cheered for recently pardoned former national security adviser Michael Flynn, marched with conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and around midday, stood in awe of a flyover from what appeared to be Marine One.

Election results under attack: Here are the facts

“There he is! There is our guy!” a woman exclaimed, reaching toward the sky.

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After railing on Twitter about the failure of his most-recent attempt to overturn the election results, Trump praised the crowd that gathered in his honor, tweeting “Wow! Thousands of people forming in Washington (D.C.) for Stop the Steal. Didn’t know about this, but I’ll be seeing them! #MAGA,” he wrote.

Later in the day, attention was focused not on the president but on a group he once told to “stand back and stand by”: the Proud Boys, a male-chauvinist organization with ties to white nationalism. In helmets and bulletproof vests, hundreds of men in their ranks marched through downtown in militarylike rows, shouting “Move out” and “1776!”

They seemed intent on intimidating onlookers, and adopted a chant popular with counterprotesters: “Whose streets? Our streets.”

As the sun went down, their antics escalated. A group of Proud Boys and pro-Trump demonstrators faced off with counterprotesters near Black Lives Matter Plaza. Officers appeared in riot gear to divide the two sides as fireworks were thrown, causing small explosions.

When the groups splintered and roamed, police moved too, barricading streets with bikes and their bodies while determined not to give the two sides access to each other.

The Proud Boys became increasingly angry as they wove through streets and alleys, only to find police continuously blocking their course.

“Both sides of the aisle hate you now. Congratulations,” a Proud Boy shouted at the officers.

Counterprotesters also agitated police, with some throwing water bottles at the line of officers. More than once, officers used their bikes and fired pepper spray to push the anti-Trumpers back, leaving at least three demonstrators flushing out their eyes with the help of medics.

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At least six people have been arrested during Saturday’s demonstrations, in addition to five arrests resulting from a brawl Friday night. A police officer was hit in the eyes with pepper spray midday Saturday, and another person was injured during an altercation on 3rd Street NW near Constitution Avenue.

The scuffles seemed poised to continue into the night in areas surrounding Black Lives Matter Plaza, which was partially blocked off by police.

The tension came as most of the day’s earlier rallygoers were on their way home or to hotels, after spending hours cheering for election fraud claims that have been disputed or debunked. The majority-White crowd ranged from gray-haired men and women in red hats to children in wagons, one of whom chanted “100 more years!”

Policing protests: Demonstrators say officers are taking sides as D.C. hosts pro-Trump rallies Saturday

The nation is watching Biden’s transition, rising coronavirus cases and vaccine development while following Trump’s attempts to maintain power.
But to his most dedicated supporters, the president’s megaphone is as loud as ever. He has continued to falsely claim the election was stolen from him, prompting his faithful to return to the nation’s capital, where speakers promised, falsely, that Trump still had a chance of remaining president.

Flynn appeared on the steps of the Supreme Court to encourage them to keep hope, despite the justices’ dismissal Friday night of Trump’s long-shot bid to overturn election results.

“Don’t get bent out of shape,” Flynn said. “There are still avenues … We’re fighting with faith, and we’re fighting with courage.”

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After Flynn finished speaking, he was chased by shouting admirers who cheered, “We love you, general!” Bodyguards tried to keep the fans at bay as Flynn kept smiling.

The speakers painted a picture of a country in a battle between good and evil, in which God himself would ultimately ensure Trump remained in power. Sebastian Gorka, a former foreign policy adviser to Trump, said that when he heard the Supreme Court had dismissed an election case from Texas Friday night, he told himself to “Stop, take a deep breath, count to 10, read the Bible and pray.”

“We, thanks to our lord and savior, have already won,” he said.

A priest featured on a Jumbotron prayed to “Place thyself at the head of this army of thy children.”

Ruth Hillary, a 58-year-old pastor from California, listened while holding up her “Stop the Steal” sign. She said she will continue to protest as long as the president and vice president believe she should.

“If President Trump accepts it and Vice President Pence accepts it, then we will accept it,” she said. “But right now, this is a Godly protest.”

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Jones, the Infowars host and conspiracy theorist known for his denial of the Sandy Hook massacre, alternated between speaking about God and the future president: “Joe Biden is a globalist and Joe Biden will be removed one way or another,” he said from a stage on the Mall.

Trump backer and My Pillow founder Mike Lindell argued that “Fox (News) was in on it,” while podcaster David Harris Jr. riled the crowd by suggesting there might be a civil war.

“We’re the ones with all the guns,” he said.

All day, the masses nodded along to falsehoods, prayed for the country and cheered beside each other without masks.

A gallery of pain and protest: Demonstrators turn White House fence into gallery of signs

D.C. police are not enforcing mask rules or issuing fines to those who ignore social distancing guidelines, even as the region faces an unprecedented spike in coronavirus cases. Dozens of D.C. police officers have tested positive in the weeks since the November rally. As of Thursday, 74 remained in quarantine. Police have declined to draw a direct link between demonstrations and the spike in infections among officers.

Local activists were frustrated Saturday with the police tactics aimed at maintaining peace. Officers formed intermittent blockades at the perimeter of Black Lives Matter Plaza, essentially penning in counterprotesters while Trump supporters were free to roam.
“They can move around however they please,” said Constance Young, 37. “We’re not the ones not wearing masks and spreading covid.”

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D.C. residents have expressed concern that the influx of maskless protesters puts the entire city at risk, especially workers in restaurants and hotels. Activists flooded the inboxes of city officials, asking them to shut down businesses that allow people to congregate without masks. They called hotelsto ask that they refuse to host those planning to attend Saturday’s rallies, with little success.

Protesters still came in from around the country, with family, friends and flags in tow.

David Dumiter, 33, and his niece Monica Stanciu drove eight hours from Dearborn, Mich., to be at the Washington Monument on Saturday.
Dumiter, an airplane mechanic who said he has been unemployed since the coronavirus pandemic decimated air travel, said he knew the Supreme Court had blocked any legal path to reverse the results of the election. That didn’t change his mind about showing up Saturday. The president was still pushing, so he would, too.

“We’re not going to cave in,” Dumiter said. He walked down the mall in his Trump hat, Trump sunglasses and Trump jumpsuit, still gripping his flag.
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Nearly three dozen people were arrested during a night of unrest in downtown Washington that began Saturday with rallies supporting President Trump and descended into chaos and violence as a group with ties to white nationalism roamed the streets looking to fight.

One of those arrested was 29-year-old Philip Johnson of Northwest Washington, who was charged with assault with a dangerous weapon in connection with at least one of four stabbings that occurred.

For most of the day, police largely kept opposing factions separated, at times frustrating the Proud Boys, a male-chauvinist and neo-facist organization labeled an extremist group by the FBI, that supports Trump’s attempts to reverse an election he lost.

Confrontations broke out after dark, when Proud Boys and their supporters ventured near Black Lives Matter Plaza, and were prevented access by police, many using bicycles as mobile barricades.

Four people were stabbed, one critically, during a scrum near Harry’s Bar at 11th and F streets NW, a Proud Boys hangout where hundreds had gathered, some dressed in body armor and helmets, and where many had been drinking in the street for hours.

Multiple people stabbed after thousands gather for pro-Trump demonstrations in Washington

It could not immediately be determined whether Johnson is affiliated with any particular group or cause, and police declined to describe the ideologies of either the victims or the suspect.

The Proud Boys, in a post on an encrypted social media account, identified at least one of the victims as belonging to their group.

A police report said the stabbings occurred during a melee amid a sea of Trump supporters. It said one of the victims identified Johnson as the person who allegedly stabbed him.

Police said in a statement that Johnson got into an argument with someone that escalated. Based on a video, the police report says Johnson pulled out a knife after he was pushed in the back. The report says another person repeatedly pulled on Johnson’s mask, at which point one of the victims and another person punched Johnson in the head several times.

D.C. Police Chief Peter Newsham said detectives believe “others may be involved” and additional arrests might be made. Johnson’s relatives could not be reached for comment; he could make his first court appearance Monday.

Man arrested in Olympia, Wash., after pro-Trump demonstrations turn violent

Newsham estimated there were as many as 700 Proud Boys or people supporting their cause, a group that often splintered in smaller factions, and about 200 anti-Trump protesters moving about. The chief said officers were “trying to prevent any of these groups from coming together and getting involved in altercations. It was a lot of work.”

Overall, Newsham said “largely, people are going to be very pleased the police department was able to keep it under control to the extent that we did.” He said most activity was limited to small areas of downtown, and some fights involved “mutual combatants.” He said eight officers were injured, one seriously from being struck in the face with an object, causing multiple fractures.

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Anti-Trump protesters tried to stay in or as close to Black Lives Matter Plaza as possible, to guard an area they view as belonging to them and to the city. Police blocked off a section to secure a fence lined with posters and placards, many disparaging Trump and law enforcement, and a frequent target of Trump supporters.

The Proud Boys marched in big and small groups, chanting and appearing to try to provoke confrontations.

Black Lives Matter banners and signs were torn from two historic Black churches downtown and destroyed. A banner belonging to Asbury United Methodist Church, one of the oldest Black churches in the city, was set on fire.

Mayor Muriel E. Bowser (D) tweeted Sunday that the District’s “faith-based organizations are at the very heart of our community and an attack on them is an attack on all of us.” She did not comment further. Police said they are investigating the incidents as potential hate crimes.

Historic D.C. Black churches attacked during pro-Trump rallies Saturday

Organizers of Black Lives Matter DC criticized police and the Bowser administration. They said they did not stage a counter-demonstration, but rather defended Black Lives Matter Plaza from an assault by White supremacists. They accused police of protecting the Proud Boys as they marched through the District, and “threatened lives, damaged historic churches, destroyed and burned property.”

“The only thing that we ask is that we be able to be safe in our space,” said Neenee Taylor, a core organizer with Black Lives Matter, who said she witnessed police arrest a demonstrator of color while directing people she believed to be supporters of Proud Boys to move along. She said police sprayed chemical irritants at street medics and showed up in riot gear “deep” inside the plaza.

Newsham said authorities will look into all complaints and that when officers enter altercations, “We don’t know who belongs to what party. We just try to separate them.” He added, “To suggest the police are protecting one side or another, it’s just not true.”

In all, police said they arrested 33 people on charges that include assault on officers, weapons violations, resisting arrest, disorderly conduct and misdemeanor assault. Seventeen of those who were arrested are from the District, Maryland and Virginia. Others are from 11 states, including Maine, Texas, Arizona, Florida and Utah. It could not be determined whether any were Proud Boys or affiliated with any other group.

Thousands gather for pro-Trump rally in District
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Demonstrators on both sides accuse police of taking sides

Later, the Proud Boys found groups opposed to Trump and skirmishes ensured. In one, counterdemonstrators threw fireworks at the Proud Boys.
Newsham showed up outside the Hyatt Place Hotel at 15th and K streets and told an anti-Trump demonstrator, “We’re doing the best we can.”
One person responded, “Do a better job.”

Proud Boys on the march typically returned to their home base, Harry’s Bar, where a largely maskless crowd of hundreds gathered. The crowd, dotted with red MAGA hats and the signature black and gold of the Proud Boys, spilled into the street as demonstrators drank from bottles of alcohol and milled around the intersection. Cascading chants of “f--- antifa!” and “USA!” bounced up and down the street.

The mood was jubilant — but tense — as the crowd broke into echoing cries of “uruhu,” a Swahili word for “freedom” that the Proud Boys have appropriated as their battle cry, and they continually approached strangers who looked as though they did not belong. The perceived outsiders were interrogated: “Are you antifa?” some would ask.

Proud Boys with earpieces and microphones signaled the presence of unknown individuals to each other, exchanging hand signals and trailing close behind them.

As the night wore on, small fires broke out as groups ignited signs and banners they had stolen from racial justice and anti-fascist demonstrators in and around Black Lives Matter Plaza.

Black Lives Matter banners taken from historic churches in District

Earlier in the evening, a group of 14-year-old girls had approached D.C. police officers in tears, pointing at the backs of a group of departing Proud Boys, shouting, “He stole my flag! He stole my Black Lives Matter flag and then he pulled my hair!”
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On the encrypted social media site, the group posted: “Proud Boy stabbed in D.C. looks like he will be fine.”
The video is a very good look into all the online propaganda Trump has used to keep his cult loyal and scared.
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The Proud Boys are as stupid as they look, decked out in their ridiculous yellow-and-black garb and wannabe military gear, if they thought marauding D.C. streets would leave this community hiding behind locked doors. They only managed to stir things up.

Bent on provocation, the far-right know-nothings invaded our town over the weekend as part of a contingent of marching MAGA sympathizers who can’t come to grips with the unassailable fact that their hero got his butt beat by Joe Biden last month.

On Saturday night, they went to work marching in big and small groups, chanting and looking for fights and other ways to act out their hatred. D.C. Police Chief Peter Newsham estimated there were as many as 700 Proud Boys or others supporting their cause roving through the city.

The numbers from a night of mayhem: more than three dozen arrests, four stabbings and Black Lives Matter banners and signs torn and destroyed from at least two historic Black churches, at Asbury United Methodist Church at the corner of 11th and K streets NW and Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church at 15th and M streets NW. At Metropolitan AME, they chanted — as they destroyed the BLM sign — “Whose streets? Our streets!” The banner belonging to Asbury United Methodist Church was set on fire.

The Rev. William H. Lamar IV of Metropolitan AME told his congregation not to be surprised by the “signs, sounds, or fury” of this moment. Yes, the church’s Black Lives Matter sign was destroyed, Lamar said. But he reminded the worshipers — and this city — that for nearly two centuries, Metropolitan has “lifted and lived out an affirmative gospel.”

His message to the Proud Boys: “Black Lives Matter: yesterday, today, forever.”

Asbury United’s senior pastor the Rev. Ianther M. Mills declared in a statement that as horrible as it is, the burning in the street “doesn’t compare with the challenges and fears the men and women who started Asbury, 184 years ago, faced.”

Mills‘s notice to the Proud Boys: “We will move forward, undaunted in our assurance that Black Lives Matter and we are obligated to continue to shout that truth without ceasing.”

We know the racist pedigree of this kind of fire in America. The Ku Klux Klan used to take a match to Black homes and bodies back in the days of darkness. Darkness that has made a comeback in these days of Trump.

How President Trump feels about the Proud Boys’ behavior in Washington is unclear. But never forget: During a televised presidential debate with Biden, when asked to condemn White supremacists, Trump told the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by,” which they took as a rallying cry. They’re not standing by any more.

The Proud Boys are ignoramuses. I know those churches. Worshiped in them, attended weddings in them and sat through more home-going services in them than I can remember.

Trump‘s fanboys assaulted the church homes of people of faith — and pews that have filled with leaders too numerous and too vast in endeavors and achievements to number.

My thoughts turn to my Howard University classmate Charles A. Hines, who was commissioned into the U.S. Army in 1962, one year after I received my commission.

I think of retired Army Major Gen. Hines, the first Black commander of a military installation in the South and later a college president, and of his funeral at Asbury United Methodist Church, and how those good-for-nothing Proud Boys thought they could defile “Chuck’s” place of worship by trespassing and destroying what didn’t belong to them.

As if. Trump and his hateful acolytes are a national disgrace that need to get out, and be made to stay out, of Washington.
The video is a very good look into all the online propaganda Trump has used to keep his cult loyal and scared.
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Racist and more racists in the guise of religious fanatics, great concern about the "unborn" but no concern for toddlers in cages at the boarder or the millions of people during in the pandemic. This isn't religion, it's cognitive dissidence and hypocrisy, racists who can't speak their minds publicly, that's why they really feel their freedom is constrained by society, not the law. Their tongues are restrained by society and their fists and guns are constrained by the law, yet the monster of hate and fear within longs to be free. It's about "freedom" to make war on minorities for shits and giggles. Donald gave them voice and was their avatar.

The ones who talk to the cameras are dishonest with themselves and others, at least the proud boys are refreshingly frank, we know who they are and what they are because the tell and show us.
Im not trolling i gave a you a clip of what you asked for..i can give you many more unedited videos of dems inciting violence. Want to see the city of portland every night? Kenosha? There are endless reciepts if violence from the left. Look at the responses from your commrades
I would love for you to point out some of these people showing you that they are 'from the left'. Because I have looked a lot, you can see throughout this thread that time and again it is just right wing propaganda that is telling you to believe the violence is 'from the left', but it is mostly propagandized click bait and very real examples of domestic terrorists using the protests as cover to cause violence.
They all say he should have let the antifas kill him instead of defending himself. Whike the riots were heavy going , i was watching them on livestream. Saw the Rittenhouse shooting live..was crazy. After finding out the people that attacked him were criminal rapist and pedophiles..overall i was happy how it turned out. Free kyle
Yeah the plastic bag looked really dangerous that was thrown at him.

He never should have had that gun that he illegally purchased.

Hillary sold a third of our uranium to russia. But thats fine..nothing to see there.
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Yes hillary that meme tho lol.
Who throws a plastic bag..get real. Lol
You should watch what happened. I don't disagree that the Rittenhouse kid was scared. People showing up acting big with a gun is going to have a lot of negative attention tossed their way, and some crazy (red state letting down its citizens again to the point they end up in a blue city causing problems) guy who was worked up threw a bag at him and in the distance someone fired a couple rounds in the air and Rittenhouse murdered the homeless guy, then started running from the scene and got chased where he murdered someone again.

No Hillary did not, you are mistaking her being head of one of 12 or so agencies that allowed the approval of a Canadian company selling off some of its company to the absurd troll that got turned into a 'but Hillary' response.

If you are a real person you really should rethink where you are getting your information, because everything you have spouted so far that I have seen comes from Trump's propaganda factory.
No just burn down your neighborhood is all. They arent currently doing it. We both know it happened just recently and after George Kirbys murder or overdose..whatever
What about all the proven cases of white supremacists and other almost exclusively white domestic terrorists that are doing the actual violence in these communities using the protests as cover?

Hell even Chad Wolf in his hearing admitted that there is no evidence of the protestors causing the violence.
What about all the proven cases of white supremacists and other almost exclusively white domestic terrorists that are doing the actual violence in these communities using the protests as cover?

Hell even Chad Wolf in his hearing admitted that there is no evidence of the protestors causing the violence.
lol. Its the kkk left. Notice of all the blm are mostly white. Please show allll the cases of white supremecists in this. Then ask yourself why they arent there. Blm and antifa has caused more division than the white supremecists ever dreamed up.
Isnt there a saying about sitting back and letting the enemy destroy itself or something. Why would they get involved?
lol. Its the kkk left.
Right all those post Obama klan members in the Democratic party huh.
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Notice of all the blm are mostly white.
Only because you are wathchgin the propaganda Trump spam is my Guess.

Please show allll the cases of white supremecists in this.
All? I linked several examples for you, but you ignored them. Now you ask me to chase my tail for every act of violence and do a study of it for you? I am pretty sure the data is not even available on that yet.

Blm and antifa has caused more division than the white supremecists ever dreamed up.
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Isnt there a saying about sitting back and letting the enemy destroy itself or something. Why would they get involved?

Because they got sick of waiting and seeing the minority communities slow rise out of the post civil rights era voter suppression and equality movements that have been happening? That (the Republican Southern Strategy) then gets hijacked by the Russian military and these very real problems in our nation got further amplified to radicalize people like you are coming off so far on this website so they can keep you in a nice and tight information bubble.

That was the only way enough people would be able to think that Trump was a good idea for POTUS.

He was not.
lol. Its the kkk left. Notice of all the blm are mostly white. Please show allll the cases of white supremecists in this. Then ask yourself why they arent there. Blm and antifa has caused more division than the white supremecists ever dreamed up.
Isnt there a saying about sitting back and letting the enemy destroy itself or something. Why would they get involved?
BLM won and are not in the streets now, the Trumpers, and suckers and losers are, the black and brown folks are sitting at the table of power. Over the years they will gain more power especially with the senate and the changes in law and regulation will reflect this. All domestic terrorist acts since 2018 were right wing extremists and the vast majority before that were by the same losers.

A lot of non violent black people are gonna get out of prison to make way for the violent white ones and there will be a lot of room in the large federal prison system too. In Michigan you can get 20 years in state prison for making death threats to public officials and there are plenty of ways to get caught with the enthusiastic help of the FBI. Make no mistake the entire national security community went democratic and there isn't a republican among them any more. The conservative justices on the SCOTUS watched their political home burn to the ground like those of the Lincoln Project. When you lose it will be spectacular and final, lose the senate and that day might come quicker than you think.
Right all those post Obama klan members in the Democratic party huh.

Only because you are wathchgin the propaganda Trump spam is my Guess.

All? I linked several examples for you, but you ignored them. Now you ask me to chase my tail for every act of violence and do a study of it for you? I am pretty sure the data is not even available on that yet.

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Because they got sick of waiting and seeing the minority communities slow rise out of the post civil rights era voter suppression and equality movements that have been happening? That (the Republican Southern Strategy) then gets hijacked by the Russian military and these very real problems in our nation got further amplified to radicalize people like you are coming off so far on this website so they can keep you in a nice and tight information bubble.

That was the only way enough people would be able to think that Trump was a good idea for POTUS.

He was not.
Wtf? Poc rise? No..the democrats keep them on the plantation by offering them free shit, convincing them they are opressed and stuck, and too stupid to even get an id. Sell crack on every corner infront of the liquor store. Convince mothers to have fatherless households to gain more benefits. That way they can keep their voters their in the city
Wtf? Poc rise? No..the democrats keep them on the plantation by offering them free shit, convincing them they are opressed and stuck, and too stupid to even get an id. Sell crack on every corner infront of the liquor store. Convince mothers to have fatherless households to gain more benefits. That way they can keep their voters their in the city
Oh the good old Reagan era trolling. You have any Republican soundbites you don't pretend are your own?

You going to now pretend like the over policing of our minority communities (for example Detroit, 170 square miles has over 2k police officers, while a couple counties away you have almost 700 square miles with 170 or so cops policing it) doesn't end up brutalizing our minority communities males?
Wtf? Poc rise? No..the democrats keep them on the plantation by offering them free shit, convincing them they are opressed and stuck, and too stupid to even get an id. Sell crack on every corner infront of the liquor store. Convince mothers to have fatherless households to gain more benefits. That way they can keep their voters their in the city
Here have a look at this good old boy. Lots of folks will be showing up for your meetings and some will have a bottle whiskey to loosen tongues and a $20 wire or their cellphone on record. Guys like Beau would be welcome and he wouldn't even be working for the FBI, but once he has some recordings of liquored up Trumpers he would drop a dime to the FBI.

The world will become a dangerous and uncertain place for some folks. You have no idea of how many patriots you pissed off by betraying the constitution of the United States and supporting sedition, some of them are real cocksuckers too.
Let's talk about speaking Trump and the biggest republican joke....
Here have a look at this good old boy. Lots of folks will be showing up for your meetings and some will have a bottle whiskey to loosen tongues and a $20 wire or their cellphone on record. Guys like Beau would be welcome and he wouldn't even be working for the FBI, but once he has some recordings of liquored up Trumpers he would drop a dime to the FBI.

The world will become a dangerous and uncertain place for some folks. You have no idea of how many patriots you pissed off by betraying the constitution of the United States and supporting sedition, some of them are real cocksuckers too.
Let's talk about speaking Trump and the biggest republican joke....
You got nothing on them thats why you make it up to fit your narritive. It is cute tactic tho..we all just know it worn it out.