The people behind the violence in the American protests of George Floyd.

Wtf? Poc rise? No..the democrats keep them on the plantation by offering them free shit, convincing them they are opressed and stuck, and too stupid to even get an id. Sell crack on every corner infront of the liquor store. Convince mothers to have fatherless households to gain more benefits. That way they can keep their voters their in the city
I hear that the alt right believe Illuminati control the world's government and are plotting the destruction of white people.

Is that true?
I defended the fact that when he was on the ground being assaulted he had the right to discharge his weapon...that's it....idk what kinda kid he is or what he's into
Another way to maybe think about this.

If you see someone murder someone, then they are running and you try to stop them, and the murderer then turns and kills them, is that justified?

Who was the first group to go around throwing rocks in cities and burning stuff down? Which took place right after another undesired certain group looted the place up.... Want to nip this in the bud, get rid of life over property so we can shoot looters. If they think looting is the solution, we don't need them on this Earth. Such a primitive form of thinking. As for people throwing things at the police, lay a few of them dead in the streets instead of standing there with their cock in their hands. Police are half to blame for this, but it's due to lack of authority and support from local leaders. Portland and Seattle are one big cluster fuck as of right now. Show me one conservative city where this shit going on? Not a single one. I live in a conservative 600k+ person city in central California. We don't have this shit going on here or anywhere within a 4 hour drive. Maybe we are too busy protesting Newsome and trying to get his stupid ass recalled.

White agitators using the protests to do violence were the first ones burning shit.

And I would also point you to the very real fact that white supremacists have infiltrated the police for decades and the Republicans have been stopping our ability to understand this very real problem as a society.
From the left..remember that little song " black gay trangenders lives lets go burn something down". While Kamala Harris tweets out where to donate to bail out looters and rioters? ( i started to spell rooters and lioters)...this wake n bake with coffee is real this am;)
More lies from the right wing propagandist.
Another way to maybe think about this.

If you see someone murder someone, then they are running and you try to stop them, and the murderer then turns and kills them, is that justified?

White agitators using the protests to do violence were the first ones burning shit.

And I would also point you to the very real fact that white supremacists have infiltrated the police for decades and the Republicans have been stopping our ability to understand this very real problem as a society.
Thats straight up democratic weaponized propaganda right there. Patriots sleep at night..they have to go to work. They are not up at night burning down democratic cities. These arent white supremecists ..we all know its the leftist commies. Its your side that are the kkk dressed in black. Why would kamala harris start a fund for these types if they are white supremeies?
Democrats, yes.
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Thats straight up democratic weaponized propaganda right there. Patriots sleep at night..they have to go to work. They are not up at night burning down democratic cities. These arent white supremecists ..we all know its the leftist commies. Its your side that are the kkk dressed in black. Why would kamala harris start a fund for these types if they are white supremeies?
But you are wrong. Just because you are programmed to 'know' whatever it is that you want to, doesn't make you right.

You have been shown time and again that white supremecists have in fact been causuing violence in these cities using the protests as cover, but just decide to ignore it because it doesn't fit in your information bubble.

Just because you say something doesn't make it reality, like your bullshit about Harris starting a fund for rioters and domestic terrorists, it is a lie.

"Your side" is just bullshit that Trump's troll army (foreign and domestic) use to try to divide us up.

You still haven't said, are you ok with the Russian military attacking America?
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But you are wrong. Just because you are programmed to 'know' whatever it is that you want to, doesn't make you right.

You have been shown time and again that white supremecists have in fact been causuing violence in these cities using the protests as cover, but just decide to ignore it because it doesn't fit in your information bubble.

Just because you say something doesn't make it reality, like your bullshit about Harris starting a fund for rioters and domestic terrorists, it is a lie.

"Your side" is just bullshit that Trump's troll army (foreign and domestic) use to try to divide us up.

You still haven't said, are you ok with the Russian military attacking America?
Go look on her twitter lol. Your projecting. Trumos brought more ppl together and the democrats used the poc as weapons, as they do every 4 yrs. How many presidents you been threw?
No im not ok with anyone foreign of domestic attacking america. Bit the right isnt attacking america and burning it down the commies are. Thats tye extreme left. Thats your side now.
Go look on her twitter lol. Your projecting.
Go look for some shit you made up, chasing my tail to find something that is not there.

No thank you.

Trumos brought more ppl together
Sure, the women Trump sexually assaulted really did bring the women of our nation together and helped bring women movement into being.

and the democrats used the poc as weapons, as they do every 4 yrs. How many presidents you been threw?
You mean like the Republicans causing recessions in every Republican presidents time in office since the 70's?

Ive been alive for 7 presidents.

I really have no idea what pic is supposed to mean. Your typing is going to shit. It is almost like your troll had a shift change.

No im not ok with anyone foreign of domestic attacking america. Bit the right isnt attacking america and burning it down the commies are. Thats tye extreme left. Thats your side now.
You are lying again. There is no evidence presented by you or any other Trump troll of 'the left' attacking the cities. But time and again you can see idiot cultists in Trump's branding running around causing violence.

Just because people stand against these domestic terrorists doesn't make them 'the left'. That is just the big lie that Trump needs you to believe so that you can pretend you don't see what Dear Leader is doing.

And you say you are not ok with a foreign nation attacking America, but you use their propaganda and push it helping their attack.
Democrats, yes.
I see Newsmax, OAN and Foxnews are panicking and running for cover because the voting machine companies are gonna sue them for billions over false accusations about their voting machines. I wouldn't expect to hear much more about rigged voting machines, they are looking at wipe out lawsuits, except for foxnews cause they are big enough to take the hit.
Fox News, Newsmax Walk Back Election Fraud Claims After Voting Machine Manufacturer Threatens Legal Action (

Fox News, Newsmax Walk Back Election Fraud Claims After Voting Machine Manufacturer Threatens Legal Action
TOPLINE Without explicitly addressing their prior coverage, Fox News and Newsmax both aired segments over the past few days walking back a subset of election fraud claims centering around voting machines manufacturer Smartmatic, which earlier this month delivered legal notices to a trio of conservative networks for promoting baseless conspiracy theories about the company.

In a three-minute segment aired on three shows that previously played host to some of the more zany election fraud claims coming from Trump’s advocates—Fox Business’ “Lou Dobbs Tonight,” and Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo’s “Sunday Morning Futures” and Jeanine Pirro’s “Justice with Judge Jeanine”—Fox News appeared to retract allegations made against Smartmatic.
In each pre-recorded segment, entitled “CLOSER LOOK AT CLAIMS ABOUT SMARTMATIC,” an unnamed voice is heard questioning Open Source Election Technology Institute Director Eddie Perez, labeled a “leading” authority on open source software for elections, who fact checks false claims about Smartmatic, including some that have previously made their way onto Fox’s airwaves as serious allegations.

Perez told CNN after the fact that he was not warned the interview would focus on Smartmatic and found the format to be “strange”: “I was anticipating a broader discussion about the debate around the election [and] election integrity.”
While the segment appears to be a legal retraction in response to Smartmatic’s demands, a spokesperson for Fox News would not confirm whether this was an agreement made with Smartmatic or a direct response to their request, characterizing the videos as fact-checks, and Smartmatic told Forbes it could not comment “due to potential litigation.”
Newsmax also aired its own apparent response to Smartmatic’s demands, in which host John Tabacco sought to “clarify” the network’s coverage, stressing that it “has not reported as true certain claims made about these companies. “

In the segment, and in a corresponding article published to its website, Newsmax debunked claims that had previously been floated on its platforms by hosts and guests (such as “Smartmatic is a U.S. company and not owned by the Venezuelan government”) but again did not label this as a response or retraction, as initially requested by Smartmatic.
“There are certain facts our viewers and readers should be aware of,” said Tabacco, rattling off common fraud claims about Smartmatic and fellow conspiracy theory target Dominion Voter Systems that he said there is “no evidence” to support. “Dominion has stated its company has no ownership relationship with the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's family, Sen. Dianne Feinstein's family, the Clinton family, Hugo Chavez, or the government of Venezuela.

“Fox News has engaged in a concerted disinformation campaign against Smartmatic,” charged the company in its 20-page demand letter sent to Fox News Media. “Fox News told its millions of viewers and readers that Smartmatic was founded by [the late Venezuelan President] Hugo Chávez, that its software was designed to fix elections, and that Smartmatic conspired with others to defraud the American people and fix the 2020 U.S. election by changing, inflating, and deleting votes.”

Not only has Smartmatic vehemently denied these claims, but it has emphasized its relatively limited involvement in the 2020 election as a contractor for the process in Los Angeles County, Calif.

Smartmatic—one of two voting machine manufacturers that’s been attacked by Trump and his allies for supposedly rigging the 2020 election—demanded retractions and delivered legal notices to Fox News, One America News Network and Newsmax earlier this month for statements made by hosts, including Lou Dobbs, as well as guests, like pro-Trump attorney Sidney Powell, who has been the source of some of the post-election periods more outlandish claims. In its demand letter, Smartmatic stipulated that Fox News must make its corrections on “multiple occasions” during prime-time shows to “match the attention and audience targeted with the original defamatory publications.” One American News Network did not respond to questions from Forbes about whether it will retract its stories.

The other target, Dominion Voting Systems, has also requested a retraction from President Trump’s informal legal team led by Powell.

118. That’s the number of times Smartmatic has been mentioned on Fox News and Fox Business collectively, according to tracker TVEyes. Dominion has been mentioned 792 times.
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Democrats, yes.
Illuminati Demoncrats, lulz

"Illuminati", "cheating", "Venezuela", and on and on. You alt right sound like one of my kids after they skate on studying and louse up a test. "It was teacher's fault!" What bunch of weaklings. It's a good thing Trumplicans have low birth rates. The future doesn't need your kind.

But really, it's much less complicated than you crybaby snowflakes make it out to be.

Trump didn't win the election because he was a terrible President.

Simple as that.
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More Trump sponsored violence taking place in Portland.

Again, yet to see any 'Biden' or 'Pelosi' flags at any of the domestic terrorist events that have taken place this year.
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Starts off with the door open and these potential domestic terrorists yelling into the open door. Couple boogaloo looking LARPER's mixed in with other Trump cultists.

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Some old ladies that I am sure are totally excepting of all their grandkids life decisions.

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Cops inside finally had enough and gassed the idiots screaming in the building after politely trying to get them away from it for a while. The propaganda video skip edits so didn't get to see what happened right before this (I'm sure totally not racist, but...) lady walks to the camera wiping her face.

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Got Meth mouth sporting his gun and hat that I am thinking is a tribute to the Trump supporter that was walking around Portland looking for a fight and caught a bullet. After which Trump then asked for the murderer's head and got it when the cops shot him up for over a minute. But "Rittenhouse'.

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Then totally predicable that those potential domestic terrorists escalate to actual domestic terrorists with this idiot using a pole to bust into the door.

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And his Trump supporting buddies come in for the money shot which was another edited in camera shot.

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And the wide shot to show all the fine Trump supporters cheering on the violence.

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Pretty lame, makes me wonder if Trump will get more than a couple thousand people on Jan 6th for the hate rally he is planning.

Judging by this small crowd I wouldn't bet on it.

Lots of branding going on in this youtube page.
More Trump sponsored violence taking place in Portland.

Again, yet to see any 'Biden' or 'Pelosi' flags at any of the domestic terrorist events that have taken place this year.
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It was a flash mob organized by Gibson, the Patriot's Prayer leader and convicted rioter. Proud Boys and Patriots Prayer were pretty much the only people there except for reporters, who they attacked. In Oregon. The police didn't let the demonstrators into the building and so the babies threw a tantrum. Broke some windows and doors. Bear sprayed a police officer, beat a reporter and pretty much let everybody know how obnoxious they are as a group.
It was a flash mob organized by Gibson, the Patriot's Prayer leader and convicted rioter. Proud Boys and Patriots Prayer were pretty much the only people there except for reporters, who they attacked. In Oregon. The police didn't let the demonstrators into the building and so the babies threw a tantrum. Broke some windows and doors. Bear sprayed a police officer, beat a reporter and pretty much let everybody know how obnoxious they are as a group.
The reporter fell. If thats violence you are major pussies
It was a flash mob organized by Gibson, the Patriot's Prayer leader and convicted rioter. Proud Boys and Patriots Prayer were pretty much the only people there except for reporters, who they attacked. In Oregon. The police didn't let the demonstrators into the building and so the babies threw a tantrum. Broke some windows and doors. Bear sprayed a police officer, beat a reporter and pretty much let everybody know how obnoxious they are as a group.
I just saw your thread on this, that is crazy they had 300 supporters.

That must be why they edited away form the lady who was wiping her face, the propaganda video I posted about this edited out what happened and made it sound like it was the police that sprayed them.

The reporter fell. If thats violence you are major pussies
Yeah totally not as bad as these white nationalists did earlier in the summer using the protests as cover huh.
Last time you linked to this shit it was all Russian propaganda websites, will this one be different?

Nope. More breitbart bullshit. Andy Ngo is a propagandists. But I guess you already knew that huh.
How is he a propagandist. He showed nightly streams of antifa blowing up portland. Chi comms do not fund these true journalists. The people fund them.
You hate unedited videos..why its live truth. This is so weird.
How is he a propagandist. He showed nightly streams of antifa blowing up portland. Chi comms do not fund these true journalists. The people fund them.
You hate unedited videos..why its live truth. This is so weird.


Yeah they don't get 'donations' from their bullshit troll army on youtube when they live stream and peddle their bullshit branding in real time with their click bait propaganda titles?
You remind me of cover for the pedo's, terrorists, globalists. No one believes these pukes are innocent but you brainwashed fool.
Ballot signature audit and this all goes away..why are they hiding so much if they are innocent?