The people behind the violence in the American protests of George Floyd.

You remind me of cover for the pedo's, terrorists, globalists. No one believes these pukes are innocent but you brainwashed fool.
Ballot signature audit and this all goes away..why are they hiding so much if they are innocent?
I cover Trump, Proud Boys, and Kushner?

I call bullshit on them 'hiding' anything. Just because you won't take the time/effort to find actual information doesn't mean it is not out there and available.
Yes there is no evidence if you arent looking at any and refuse lol. Cognative dissonance
They counted the voted in Georgia what 3 times? Never changed shit. Same in the other states Trump wasted his cult's money on.

Trump cultists love pretending like just because a proven liar says something it should be taken seriously. It is almost like you guys are all programmed to respond to bullshit with hope.
why do you support trump after he bragged about creeping in on unsuspecting naked underage girls?

Are you a fucking pedophile or what
How come you supported Hillary, Obama and Biden when you know they are child trafficking pedophiles...are you a pedophile or something?
They counted the voted in Georgia what 3 times? Never changed shit. Same in the other states Trump wasted his cult's money on.

Trump cultists love pretending like just because a proven liar says something it should be taken seriously. It is almost like you guys are all programmed to respond to bullshit with hope.
They had 1 audit. The gop was still not allowed to witness. They are still breaking their own laws. Its cool. Same shit is happening in every swing state. If i was a judge i wouldnt touch it either..get suicided by the left. But orange man is showing the corruption on every level. Pence cannot by law allow electoral votes in states that didnt abide by the laws. Sorry. You lose
How come you supported Hillary, Obama and Biden when you know they are child trafficking pedophiles...are you a pedophile or something?
Pizzagate? Or Q, I guess it doesn't really matter. Because if you can convince cultists to believe the propaganda you are peddling getting them to not vote for a Democrats is pretty easy huh.

Your shit is still weak. And already proven false.

They had 1 audit. The gop was still not allowed to witness. They are still breaking their own laws. Its cool. Same shit is happening in every swing state. If i was a judge i wouldnt touch it either..get suicided by the left. But orange man is showing the corruption on every level. Pence cannot by law allow electoral votes in states that didnt abide by the laws. Sorry. You lose
Nope, they did 2 recounts. Once was by hand, and you are once again buying Trump's lies to his cult.
They had 1 audit. The gop was still not allowed to witness. They are still breaking their own laws. Its cool. Same shit is happening in every swing state. If i was a judge i wouldnt touch it either..get suicided by the left. But orange man is showing the corruption on every level. Pence cannot by law allow electoral votes in states that didnt abide by the laws. Sorry. You lose

we won.
Whats a real outlet? One owned by china and employes only the left?
Your outlets are "real".

Just to give us comedic relief. Post up something about the "stolen election" from one of your "real outlets". You won't, you are a coward and know that you'd get laughed at. That's all fake shit. As soon as consequences for repeating the lies are brought up, so-called right wing news orgs and their lawyers show they can run in reverse faster than they run forward. :lol:
They counted the voted in Georgia what 3 times? Never changed shit. Same in the other states Trump wasted his cult's money on.

Trump cultists love pretending like just because a proven liar says something it should be taken seriously. It is almost like you guys are all programmed to respond to bullshit with hope.
Your outlets are "real".

Just to give us comedic relief. Post up something about the "stolen election" from one of your "real outlets". You won't, you are a coward and know that you'd get laughed at. That's all fake shit. As soon as consequences for repeating the lies are brought up, so-called right wing news orgs and their lawyers show they can run in reverse faster than they run forward. :lol:
I was rold my unedited video was fake. So yeah...i wont. You all say its fake then drop beast, cnn, ap, all those commie rags. You should have a look and follow the money on your rags. You wont like what you find
Its going to be declassified soon. Wait for it. You are the side of the kid fkers.

i'm going to say that's known as misinformation because i believe you believe it.

why do you believe what people tell you when no proof is offered? i mean the God thingy is exempt..but the rest of it?

considering all the lies and corruption that we have proof of- the last 4 can you still believe it?

but you can's your life..far be for me to say, but please don't send him any money.
i'm going to say that's known as misinformation because i believe you believe it.

why do you believe what people tell you when no proof is offered? i mean the God thingy is exempt..but the rest of it?

considering all the lies and corruption that we have proof of- the last 4 can you still believe it?

but you can's your life..far be for me to say, but please don't send him any money.
Why did you believe russian collusion for 4 yrs with zero evidence and still spouting it with zero evidence
We will see. With Trump, 'Huge Moves to' do something are like 0-50.

Your cult leader is shit at the only real job he has ever had, because he is a moronic troll.

Why did you believe russian collusion for 4 yrs with zero evidence and still spouting it with zero evidence
Are you ok with Trump's campaign manager Paul Manafort giving the Russian military the polling data on American citizens Trump got from the RNC so that they could more accurately attack our citizens with the very same kind of bullshit you pretend to believe?

Screen Shot 2020-12-22 at 4.21.55 PM.png
We will see. With Trump, 'Huge Moves to' do something are like 0-50.

Your cult leader is shit at the only real job he has ever had, because he is a moronic troll.

Are you ok with Trump's campaign manager Paul Manafort giving the Russian military the polling data on American citizens Trump got from the RNC so that they could more accurately attack our citizens with the very same kind of bullshit you pretend to believe?

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I was rold my unedited video was fake. So yeah...i wont. You all say its fake then drop beast, cnn, ap, all those commie rags. You should have a look and follow the money on your rags. You wont like what you find

Post up something from one of your "real news" sites. That last video was ridiculous, btw. It's fake. Your feelz hurt when I say that, snowflake?

Which article are you objecting to that I posted? The one that reported OAN and other fake news sites were tucking their tails and running when the elections machine companies threatened them with a defamation lawsuit? They did. This is an objective fact. I can post up OAN's own retractions. OAN, without any evidence whatsoever, published baseless and false stories about Dominion that is causing grievous harm to them. By OAN's quick attempt at back tracking they show us just how poor their standing is. And how stupid you are for believing the fake shit. Idiot.

Assholes like you can continue to smear them, there is nothing anybody can do about that. Because their business model depends on new contracts from political bodies, this harms Dominion and gives Dominion the right to sue for defamation of their business. Dominion can show that the claims made by OAN, Fox and other right wing outlets are false.

Your "best" argument: "yeah but e-mail accounts were hacked". Lulz. Do you even believe that makes your argument about election machines valid?

Pardon me, I am sneering at and mocking you. That's not very polite of me. Did I hurt your feelz again, snowflake?