The people behind the violence in the American protests of George Floyd.

Even so, imagine coming here with nothing, your parents can't even teach you english or navigate basic social services as they've only just arrived. Your isolated and get racism from the whites and the blacks. This is what immigrant children have to come up from.
Notice the spread of immigration in America. This is a key to understanding what you seem to not get about our country.

Any second generation child should know they need to work on getting good credit and make investments to succeed in life, but many black people are rejecting this path to live off welfare and cash jobs or drug money.
When a new immigrant moves to America they are starting at zero, no question. But they are not moving into downtown Detroit necessarily, they are moving where there is a opportunity in our country, where people they may know have told them to move to or whatever other reason they chose to live there.

Your racist jab about 'rejecting this path to live off welfare and cash jobs or drug money', is shitty and a conversation ender. And naive to the opportunities that are available to people with a criminal record, which is far easier to get when you are a not white male living in a highly policed area.

And yes, I realize they haven't had enough time to catch up isn't the same as they won't catch up. So do you admit that they will catch up given time then? What is the justification for such racist policies if they will catch up eventually anyways.
No I don't think our minority communities will 'catch up', because the wealth is already pooled at the top of our society which is in the hands of the wealthy white people.

As black people now work their way into a middle class lifestyle and move into the suburbs, that money that they are paying is going to the profit of the people that were able to buy into the burbs/landowners making them generational wealth. It is just the way the system was set up.

Good analogy, except a person is a plant and a community is an ecosystem. You can keep pumping fertilizer into an unhealthy ecosystem and get product, but the second you stop it will turn to wasteland. We need to support the communities to the point where they can support themselves.
Why would you stop feeding a plant that can't thrive without that benefit? You act like by helping these communities in the generations that as a nation we have hurt badly we are somehow hurting ourselves, we are not. And by helping those younger generations, the future taxes that they pay into the system more than makes up for what they needed to get through the years it took to get them what their tool kits.

Most racist logic is too short-run. In fact the Republicans created an entire economic system based on this illogical and outdated belief.

What do you think will happen in Seattle with their police funding cut? Did people not vote for it? We will get to see in a few years.
Links or you are just making shit up and expecting people to buy it.

If you read what I say I am not left or right wing. I advocate for evaluating individual programs based on their data driven success rate and not who introduced them. I advocate voting for politicians that will produce the changes that you want to see on the ground and in your communities. I have posted this three times so far in this thread but continue to be called right wing for suggesting responsible citizens making educated choices as the best way forward.
You really think right wing media sticks to just trolling the world from the right? No, they have weaponized ever side of every issue.

I did not call you right win, I said you were listening to their programming if you are thinking what you say is valid.

But why not look at why the tax base fled? Mostly crime and not being safe. There are lots of successful communities that remain because they are the 1% and can afford private security. Baltimores exodus of taxpayers didn't start until after blm forced the coops out in 2015. SanFrans exodus didn't start in earnest until they decriminalized petty crime and their crime rate skyrocketed.
The tax base fled because the Federal Government used all that rich peoples tax money to invest in the international highway system opening up the countries land outside of cities. All those old lead/asbestos filled buildings would have been very expensive to clean up, so people with money moved their businesses to the suburbs.

I don't know much about Baltimore outside of a friend of mine moving there and enjoying it.

But it seems you are incorrect, and whatever media you are consuming is selling you on racist shit.

I also love how 1) it's white peoples fault for some of them having a human condition. And 2) these people have no agency, they just do whatever this "white people" boogyman you have dreamt up tells them to do unquestioningly. How about they themselves travel to the city because they get free food, free housing, and don't need to drive to get around? Much simple than the evil white man bogeyman actively sabotaging the cities by breeding people who can travel.
Whatever point you were trying to make here is not making much sense out of something to end with that was shitty to say and just more racist tropes.
I would love to see the entire video of this incident and not just the portion of it with a black guy in the face of this white woman who had paint on her face.

It is very hard to tell, but I think he is saying 'Do you believe this is racist', which is very much inline with the 'I am not racist, but' racism that trolls have been pushing hard.

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But more important to the click bait of actually having a black person looking like he is attacking a white woman, is the branding for Dear Leader of this as 'ANTIFA' in the youtube title while trying them to the BLM movement in the description. Screen Shot 2020-08-08 at 6.35.46 PM.png

I would really like to see a full context video of this. Because it looks like slickly edited coverage.
We'll I said I was done with this thread but here it is!

This has been my point all along!

This is what's going to happen to the world because of this BLM Movement.

People are reacting.
Govornments are reacting.
Countries, races, religions, entire fucking continents are reacting

As it happens...
I live in a mostly non religious country.
A mostly white country.
But an extremely acceptant country for people of all races.
I've stated numerous times that racism here is absolutely minimal.
We need free travel here for foreigners to survive as a nation.
Racism would literally destroy our country.

There is a small % of us are still ignorant pricks.
Nobody will ever change that.

If our political leaders even mention the word god though then they might aswell just stand aside.

Here's why....

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That sounds like Scots don't know how to craft laws.
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Twitter has shut down multiple accounts that it says were operated by a white supremacist group posing as liberal groups encouraging violence.

Twitter said the white supremacist group Identity Evropa used one fake account, @Antifa_US, to call for violence in majority white suburbs, in the name of the Black Lives Matter movement. The account's removal was first reported by NBC News.

"This account violated our platform manipulation and spam policy, specifically the creation of fake accounts. We took action after the account sent a Tweet inciting violence and broke the Twitter Rules" the company said.

Twitter said it has also targeted other fake accounts run by Identity Evropa, but did not provide examples. The company said the accounts posted hateful tweets targeting race, religion and sexual orientation.

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An Identity Evropa account purported to be associated with Antifa, a collection of loosely connected groups that organize against fascism. On Sunday, Attorney General William Barr said Antifa was associated with violence at recent protests. Officials have yet to show evidence to support this claim.

Without identifying any particular group, a May 31 Department of Homeland Security note warned that well-coordinated groups had "potentially compromised" law enforcement radio communications in Portland, Oregon over the weekend. The note warned that those seeking to incite violence in other locations could be "monitoring local law enforcement communications to identify vulnerabilities in their operational security posture."

Democratic officials, including Minnesota Governor Tim Walz and Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey, have said without evidence that white supremacist groups have been involved in violence.

On Friday, Denver police seized assault rifles from at least two people associated with a group called the "Boogaloo Bois" near the site of a protest.

In a report Monday, the Anti-Defamation League described the "Boogaloo Bois" as "right-wing anti-government extremists have also reacted to the protests and violence following the killing of George Floyd."

"ADL's Center on Extremism has been closely monitoring the protests nationwide, and it is our initial assessment that while a number of extremists – including anti-government agitators, anarchists and a handful of white supremacists – are taking an active role, these protests should not be categorized as "extremist" events at this point," the organization said in its report.

The nonprofit said that although there are white supremacists among the "boogaloo" followers, the group's focus is not explicitly race.

"Some white supremacists have also adopted the boogaloo concept, but most boogalooers are not white supremacist. Rather, their orientation is anti-government and vehemently anti-police, a fact that has largely shaped their reactions to the protests against George Floyd's killing," the ADL said.
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PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — A rally by a small group of alt-right demonstrators in Portland, Oregon, quickly devolved Saturday as they traded paint balls and pepper spray with counter-protesters.

About 30 people were participating the Patriot Prayer rally in front of the Multnomah County Justice Center in Oregon’s biggest city. Several were armed with automatic weapons, KOIN-TV reported.

The group clashed with counter-protesters through downtown streets, and some counter-protesters blocked the exit of a garage where several Patriot Prayer members had parked.

A KOIN photojournalist reported hearing at least two gunshots at the garage.

The Portland Police Bureau did not immediately return an email seeking comment Saturday.

Earlier in the day, police said they made four arrests overnight as they dispersed a protest that was headed toward the offices of the police union.

The bureau declared the demonstration of a couple hundred people an unlawful assembly Friday night, saying people were throwing fireworks, golf balls and chunks of concrete at officers. Officers said they used crowd control munitions but no CS tear gas to disperse the crowd.

Some of the protesters carried heavy wooden shields and wore gas masks and other protective gear, authorities said.

Demonstrations, often violent, have happened nightly in Portland for more than two months following the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police. Participants have repeatedly broken into the offices of the Portland Police Association, vandalized them and set fires.

Police said that one officer suffered minor injuries after being repeatedly punched in the head and another from being struck by a stick, bat or other object. The four arrests were for investigation of charges that included assault on an officer, resisting arrest and criminal mischief.

Police said they disengaged as the crowd dwindled in an attempt to further deescalate the situation. But a small group nevertheless vandalized the union headquarters early Saturday.

Protests in Portland last month outside the federal courthouse saw demonstrators clashing with federal agents dispatched to the city to protect the facility.

The demonstrations shrank after a drawdown of the agents, who were replaced by Oregon state troopers. But protests turned violent again over the last week, mostly near a police union headquarters building miles from the federal courthouse.

"Counter protesting Antifa and BLM" and shots rang out. Not many details, but lots of white guys walking around with guns out. Dear Leader's branding of the peaceful protests looks to have a lot of trolls out there pushing this lie on Youtube titles, apperantly everyone is ANTIFA anytime there is any rioting.

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Got to love the video of this skin head trying to hide his shotgun behind him while his GI Joe Larping buddy sports a cheesedick mustache.

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"Counter protesting Antifa and BLM" and shots rang out. Not many details, but lots of white guys walking around with guns out. Dear Leader's branding of the peaceful protests looks to have a lot of trolls out there pushing this lie on Youtube titles, apperantly everyone is ANTIFA anytime there is any rioting.

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Got to love the video of this skin head trying to hide his shotgun behind him while his GI Joe Larping buddy sports a cheesedick mustache.

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Yup, pretty clear that the thug with the gun was one of theirs. There is nothing scarier than a scared white man.

Patriots Prayer and Proud Boys are outnumbered five or ten to one and they are scared of the crowds. So, they bring their guns and our fascist cops just pull back to let them menace the crowds. Wheeler has to get his shit together or somebody is going to get killed. Hopefully, this example of white supremacist gun violence will give Wheeler leverage in the courts to permanently ban those groups from obtaining permits for their demonstrations.
Stephanie Rhule just had on a pastor in Chicago Corey Brooks, and this dude just painted the black lives matter protests as the looters and rioters over and over again. Saying how a local BLM leader was saying 'Looting is ok'.

I call bullshit on this guy, but have to give his church's message of 'Let us Live' being far more positive of a title than Black Lives Matters.

But it really doesn't matter anymore, BLM has taken a name back from the Russian use of it to propagandize the people who they could get to fall for their manipulation.

Anyway, I was curious so I checked:
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I couldn't find anything to make it seem like she is speaking for the entire movement. Much less be a reason for this pastor to paint the BLM protests as the rioters who are causing the violence or the looters who are taking advantage of the chaos.

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I have noticed a big push with showing black people/minorities to attack the BLM movement more and more from right wing sources.

I think this video nails it:

Once you can convince people that a political party/anything is murdering children with abortion, it really doesn't matter anymore. The people that believe these things about the BLM or the Democratic party are firmly in a cult. I don't think it would be possible to convince someone in a cult when they are surrounded by their fellow cultists that they are in the wrong.

It just sucks that they are helping to spread the propaganda about the Black Lives Matter movement to paint it the way Trump wants it to be.
never said the peaceful protesters should be arrested in either situation. but you should be arrested for rioting and looting? which is still happening for over 100 days now in portland. just last night a man was charged for attempted murder for ripping a man out of his car and kicking into a comatose state. if these people began breaking laws id say taze them and move to the next one
Sure, I am very much in favor of stopping the people causing violence at these peaceful lawful protests that is being used to paint them in a way that Trump can sell fear of 'them' to his cult.

But we need to be sure who it is that is doing crime is the ones getting arrested. It is ignorant to think that our minority communities are not being abused by the over policing of these communities stuffed into a very small area. And them peacefully protesting and getting driven out by Trump's stormtroopers so he can have a photo op was when shit hit the fan and the organized groups of white people started to really do some damage.
Sure, I am very much in favor of stopping the people causing violence at these peaceful lawful protests that is being used to paint them in a way that Trump can sell fear of 'them' to his cult.

But we need to be sure who it is that is doing crime is the ones getting arrested. It is ignorant to think that our minority communities are not being abused by the over policing of these communities stuffed into a very small area. And them peacefully protesting and getting driven out by Trump's stormtroopers so he can have a photo op was when shit hit the fan and the organized groups of white people started to really do some damage.
what he said happened didn't happen.

a guy tried to drive his truck into some protesters. one of the protesters kicked him in the face.

he's literally trying to say that a guy who drove his truck into protesters is somehow a victim. and he's such a pussy that he thinks one sneaker kick to the face will put you in a coma.

he's a lying retard.
what he said happened didn't happen.

a guy tried to drive his truck into some protesters. one of the protesters kicked him in the face.

he's literally trying to say that a guy who drove his truck into protesters is somehow a victim. and he's such a pussy that he thinks one sneaker kick to the face will put you in a coma.

he's a lying (suppressed speech).

Good catch thank you.

Real life is fucking crazy.
Very long, very real looking video, that is propaganda wrongly trying to paint the BLM protests as violent. The edits in the crowd shots and the final brutal change of the camera angle by going to other recorded clips instead of showing their coverage until after all the footage was seen of the entire event make me question the intent/professionalism of this video.

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The subtle 'lives matter' that fades in at key spots was a nice touch with the psi-ops.

Starts off with a few black guys chasing out a white kid obviously looking for a reason to beat him up, no explanation of how that started or why this camera man (light skinned based on one arm shot) follows this particular group.

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The camera follows them to a corner where this person in a white tank top pulls out a stick acting tough to the guys (which was a proper honorable response, but not if done in a really shit way (chasing people spraying mace when they are taunting him especially) that catches you a beating) and continuing it after you helped the white kid that was being chased get away.

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@10:50 you see this white woman come around the right corner and escalates the guy getting mace sprayed back at him to a female beatdown. Another white woman comes in to make it four people beating the person up.

Sucks this person got there stuff stolen and beaten up.

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@11:20 a guy dressed business casual jumps in to defend the person on the ground who was being beaten by 3 young women out who is obviously (to anyone watching the video, just showing up on the scene would not allow him to know who he is saving) messed up and fucked up hard macing people and busting out the stick thing at the start of the altercation that got him attacked by some very angry young people.

The guy who comes to the rescue looks eventually like oh fuck, what am I stepping in for after doing the right thing, but went too far by wielding a knife while doing so.

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All of a sudden @17:33 it is back out on the corner and all these white people start showing up.

At about 19 minutes someone starts saying how 'she wants us to beat her to death to make us look bad'. There is some obvious editing that is happening during the pan around though (skips in coverage).

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@20:00 the white truck from the earlier picture makes a really loud noise (I am not a mechanic, but sounds too loud to be a restarting engine noise, maybe just a loud truck) and a bunch of the same early people (that chased the white kid from the park) swarm the truck, one guy swings and hits him in the face, a white woman in blue (I think this is the video @UncleBuck mentioned earlier now that I get to this point, I smoke too much) jumps in front of the truck and gets punched and chased away and knocked down and the truck takes off.

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@21:35 the loud ass truck with the white guy who seemed to be friends with the person who originally maced/pulled the stick and then got picked on had her bag stolen and then maced/beaten up by the 4 girls and bullied from there. There were 2 girls hitting the truck, and he did not try to hit anyone at the point he enters the intersection and runs the way red light.

The camera follows down the street a few blocks running along with other people and eventually you hear a squeal of tires and a loud crash where the truck runs into a tree/mailbox @24;30.
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25:00 this guy with full face covering/gloves/backpack/baton points to someone and say 'too many people put that away' as he is telling the dude who crashed the truck to stay the fuck away from him.

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@28 minutes this guy is on the ground surrounded by the people from the start of the video with him on the ground saying things like 'Rodney King'. This group was obviously looking to stomp someone from the start chasing that first white kid to the few times that he was seen running to clock someone but being stopped, to him eventually getting a clean shot at someone @ 29 minutes when the same white woman who blocked his car and got hit and tackled around @20 minutes. This guy got laid out by a sucker kick from behind after he got in a few punches before getting dragged away.

Pretty fucking horrific. That guy with the sparkly shirt was obviously looking for someone to beat up the entire time and is fucked I'm guessing if this guy presses charges.

We don't see what happened to make the guy recording start following this group, but it was obvious he was keyed in on the guy who did the only real damage (besides stealing the person's bag and skateboard and the 4 women punching the person who sprayed mace) that can be seen on this video the entire time.

It will be interesting how this ends up if it gets investigated, because it is just too weird throughout how everything occurred. But it screams of just run of the mill crazy shit too much to be staged in any way outside of the camera man following a group of people who is looking to stomp someone and not catching a beating while doing so.

I could see how this could be staged with the 6 people or so in it (hurting for money wouldn't cost much to hire a couple homeless people to take a beating), but it doesn't seem that different from times I have seen people lose their shit in public and people get violent.

That is the only thing that really stinks to me, anyone looking to do some random hate would have turned on the camera man unless he was in on it. I would be inclined to believe that this was just a lucky camera man following the right group of angry young black males to get some HQ black on white violence to paint the BLM protests the way Trump needs them to be for his re-election chances, but with the current propaganda warfare being conducted on our citizens it is impossible to just 'know'.

But that doesn't mean that the title is not bullshit. This violence has nothing to do with the Black Lives Matter movement, and any attempt to paint it as such is just falling into the propaganda being pushed by racists hoping you fall for it.
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Very long, very real looking video, that is propaganda wrongly trying to paint the BLM protests as violent. The edits in the crowd shots and the final brutal change of the camera angle by going to other recorded clips instead of showing their coverage until after all the footage was seen of the entire event make me question the intent/professionalism of this video.

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The subtle 'lives matter' that fades in at key spots was a nice touch with the psi-ops.

Starts off with a few black guys chasing out a white kid obviously looking for a reason to beat him up, no explanation of how that started or why this camera man (light skinned based on one arm shot) follows this particular group.

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The camera follows them to a corner where this person in a white tank top pulls out a stick acting tough to the guys (which was a proper honorable response, but not if done in a really shit way (chasing people spraying mace when they are taunting him especially) that catches you a beating) and continuing it after you helped the white kid that was being chased get away.

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@10:50 you see this white woman come around the right corner and escalates the guy getting mace sprayed back at him to a female beatdown. Another white woman comes in to make it four people beating the person up.

Sucks this person got there stuff stolen and beaten up.

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@11:20 a guy dressed business casual jumps in to defend the person on the ground who was being beaten by 3 young women out who is obviously (to anyone watching the video, just showing up on the scene would not allow him to know who he is saving) messed up and fucked up hard macing people and busting out the stick thing at the start of the altercation that got him attacked by some very angry young people.

The guy who comes to the rescue looks eventually like oh fuck, what am I stepping in for after doing the right thing, but went too far by wielding a knife while doing so.

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All of a sudden @17:33 it is back out on the corner and all these white people start showing up.

At about 19 minutes someone starts saying how 'she wants us to beat her to death to make us look bad'. There is some obvious editing that is happening during the pan around though (skips in coverage).

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@20:00 the white truck from the earlier picture makes a really loud noise (I am not a mechanic, but sounds too loud to be a restarting engine noise, maybe just a loud truck) and a bunch of the same early people (that chased the white kid from the park) swarm the truck, one guy swings and hits him in the face, a white woman in blue (I think this is the video @UncleBuck mentioned earlier now that I get to this point, I smoke too much) jumps in front of the truck and gets punched and chased away and knocked down and the truck takes off.

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@21:35 the loud ass truck with the white guy who seemed to be friends with the person who originally maced/pulled the stick and then got picked on had her bag stolen and then maced/beaten up by the 4 girls and bullied from there. There were 2 girls hitting the truck, and he did not try to hit anyone at the point he enters the intersection and runs the way red light.

The camera follows down the street a few blocks running along with other people and eventually you hear a squeal of tires and a loud crash where the truck runs into a tree/mailbox @24;30.
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25:00 this guy with full face covering/gloves/backpack/baton points to someone and say 'too many people put that away' as he is telling the dude who crashed the truck to stay the fuck away from him.

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@28 minutes this guy is on the ground surrounded by the people from the start of the video with him on the ground saying things like 'Rodney King'. This group was obviously looking to stomp someone from the start chasing that first white kid to the few times that he was seen running to clock someone but being stopped, to him eventually getting a clean shot at someone @ 29 minutes when the same white woman who blocked his car and got hit and tackled around @20 minutes. This guy got laid out by a sucker kick from behind after he got in a few punches before getting dragged away.

Pretty fucking horrific. That guy with the sparkly shirt was obviously looking for someone to beat up the entire time and is fucked I'm guessing if this guy presses charges.

We don't see what happened to make the guy recording start following this group, but it was obvious he was keyed in on the guy who did the only real damage (besides stealing the person's bag and skateboard and the 4 women punching the person who sprayed mace) that can be seen on this video the entire time.

It will be interesting how this ends up if it gets investigated, because it is just too weird throughout how everything occurred. But it screams of just run of the mill crazy shit too much to be staged in any way outside of the camera man following a group of people who is looking to stomp someone and not catching a beating while doing so.

I could see how this could be staged with the 6 people or so in it (hurting for money wouldn't cost much to hire a couple homeless people to take a beating), but it doesn't seem that different from times I have seen people lose their shit in public and people get violent.

That is the only thing that really stinks to me, anyone looking to do some random hate would have turned on the camera man unless he was in on it. I would be inclined to believe that this was just a lucky camera man following the right group of angry young black males to get some HQ black on white violence to paint the BLM protests the way Trump needs them to be for his re-election chances, but with the current propaganda warfare being conducted on our citizens it is impossible to just 'know'.

But that doesn't mean that the title is not bullshit. This violence has nothing to do with the Black Lives Matter movement, and any attempt to paint it as such is just falling into the propaganda being pushed by racists hoping you fall for it.
This is why I tend not to watch youtube videos. The format is too easy to use to manipulate the message. I've no issue with this stuff getting posted but the images tend to linger a lot longer than memory of what happened. So, I try to watch only stuff posted by mainstream media.

There will be an investigation and a report where we have the best chance of finding out what really happened.

That white truck. What was it doing there, why did it crash, was it really "driving erratically" and why did it have no plates on? None of those questions seem to me to be answered by any of the videos that I saw (see? They got me anyway. I do watch them even when I'm skeptical of them. It's a powerful influencing tool).
This is why I tend not to watch youtube videos. The format is too easy to use to manipulate the message. I've no issue with this stuff getting posted but the images tend to linger a lot longer than memory of what happened. So, I try to watch only stuff posted by mainstream media.

There will be an investigation and a report where we have the best chance of finding out what really happened.

That white truck. What was it doing there, why did it crash, was it really "driving erratically" and why did it have no plates on? None of those questions seem to me to be answered by any of the videos that I saw (see? They got me anyway. I do watch them even when I'm skeptical of them. It's a powerful influencing tool).
Good catch about the license plate not being on the truck. Just too much crazy shit to just jump to any conclusions on what actually happened there other than it all being horrible. And that online 'influencers' will use this to paint the BLM protests as violent when they have nothing to do with this event.

It does look like the guy has been identified and is on the run as of yesterday.
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UPDATE: Police on Tuesday identified a suspect in the beating.

A group of protesters beat a man bloody and unconscious in the street after he crashed a truck during a confrontation that unfolded near a Black Lives Matter demonstration in downtown Portland late Sunday night, according to police, witnesses and multiple videos.

Several people kicked, punched and pushed the man to the ground after his white Ford slammed into a light pole about 10:30 p.m. near Southwest Broadway and Taylor Street, just blocks from a rally outside the Multnomah County Justice Center, videos show.

Jorge Ventura, a reporter with The Daily Caller, a conservative news site based in Washington, D.C., said the driver appeared intoxicated when he first got out of the pickup.

“He kind of seemed like he may have been drinking earlier in the evening,” said Ventura, who posted multiple videos of the scene on Twitter. “He was really discombobulated.”

Some among the crowd tried to hold the assailants back during the clash, while others began to rifle through the man’s truck, video shows.

As the driver sat on the ground, a person wearing a vest with “SECURITY” written on the front and back ran from behind and kicked the driver in the face, apparently knocking him unconscious, according to witnesses and multiple videos. The driver remained still on the ground with his eyes closed.

“It was just totally brutal,” Ventura said.

Portland police said in news releases Monday that they received a report of protesters chasing the truck before its driver crashed — and that the group attacked the driver afterward. It wasn’t immediately clear what spurred the violent confrontation.

Multiple social media posts allege that someone had been driving erratically downtown and had tried to run over protesters several times, though those accounts could not be independently verified.

Shortly before the attack, protesters had surrounded the man’s truck near a 7-Eleven a few blocks away at Southwest Fourth Avenue and Taylor Street, video shows.

Police said the driver may have been trying to help someone who had their things stolen outside the convenience store.

Another video, published by Drew Hernandez, a videographer who runs the YouTube channel “Lives Matter,” showed a woman in a blue tank top being tackled to the ground near the 7-Eleven.

Some in the crowd came to the woman’s aid. And the truck — surrounded by people, some kicking it or pulling on its doors — pulled into the intersection against the light and sped away west along Taylor Street toward the intersection where it crashed.
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People from the crowd followed after the truck, video shows.

Before being kicked unconscious, the man can be heard in one video saying: “I ain’t trying to hurt no one.”

Another video shows the man immobile and bleeding from the back of the head after the attack. Some street medics tried to help him as they urged others to call 911.

The woman in the blue tank top later arrived at the crash scene.

A handful of officers arrived later and encountered “a hostile crowd,” Portland police said. The driver, who was still unconscious, was taken to a hospital with serious but non-life-threatening injuries, according to the police news releases.

Looks like there is a little more to the story with this last bit about the guy with the truck getting in a altercation, but I am guessing that dude has a lot of drama around him with the people he was hanging out with.

The connection between the driver of the truck and the woman who was tackled remains unclear. But Sam Pape, 28, said they saw them both outside the bar Church on Northeast Sandy Boulevard and 26th Avenue several hours before the downtown confrontation.

The pair had been loudly arguing with each other about 7 p.m. when the woman grabbed a gas canister from the man and took off in a separate car, said Pape, who works at Church. The man went back to his white Ford truck, which was parked nearby, and proceeded to drink several bottles of Miller High Life he had stashed away over the next half hour.

At one point, the man got into a verbal altercation with another person on Northeast Sandy and pulled out a hatchet from his truck, Pape said. He also yelled several racist slurs at the person, according to Pape.

The woman eventually returned with the gas canister and they both left in their separate vehicles.

“I am absolutely certain that it was them,” said Pape, who saw the videos of the confrontations the next morning.

Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt on Monday night condemned the attacks on the truck driver.

“The actions depicted in these videos are universally rejected as wrong – and the actions are illegal,” Schmidt said in a statement. “Assaults will not be tolerated in our community.”

The attack remains under investigation, and no arrests have been made, police said. Anyone with information is asked to contact Det. Brent Christensen at 503-823-2087 or at [email protected].
Good catch about the license plate not being on the truck. Just too much crazy shit to just jump to any conclusions on what actually happened there other than it all being horrible. And that online 'influencers' will use this to paint the BLM protests as violent when they have nothing to do with this event.

It does look like the guy has been identified and is on the run as of yesterday.
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Looks like there is a little more to the story with this last bit about the guy with the truck getting in a altercation, but I am guessing that dude has a lot of drama around him with the people he was hanging out with.
So he was with the transgender woman got into an argument got drunk started berating her, someone got involved and he started saying racist shit tried to drive into them and got beat down.
That sounds like Scots don't know how to craft laws.

well, it's evolution. 1) they're not far from Rob Roy days in the big scheme of things 2) island nation of europe which means they're behind the curve and interbreeding from small pool genetics 3) they and UK are known for some of the worst methods of medieval torture i've ever seen.
well, it's evolution. 1) they're not far from Rob Roy days in the big scheme of things 2) island nation of europe which means they're behind the curve and interbreeding from small pool genetics 3) they and UK are known for some of the worst methods of medieval torture i've ever seen.
I'm just busting balls but they may be a little behind the curve.