Well-Known Member
Notice the spread of immigration in America. This is a key to understanding what you seem to not get about our country.Even so, imagine coming here with nothing, your parents can't even teach you english or navigate basic social services as they've only just arrived. Your isolated and get racism from the whites and the blacks. This is what immigrant children have to come up from.

When a new immigrant moves to America they are starting at zero, no question. But they are not moving into downtown Detroit necessarily, they are moving where there is a opportunity in our country, where people they may know have told them to move to or whatever other reason they chose to live there.Any second generation child should know they need to work on getting good credit and make investments to succeed in life, but many black people are rejecting this path to live off welfare and cash jobs or drug money.
Your racist jab about 'rejecting this path to live off welfare and cash jobs or drug money', is shitty and a conversation ender. And naive to the opportunities that are available to people with a criminal record, which is far easier to get when you are a not white male living in a highly policed area.
No I don't think our minority communities will 'catch up', because the wealth is already pooled at the top of our society which is in the hands of the wealthy white people.And yes, I realize they haven't had enough time to catch up isn't the same as they won't catch up. So do you admit that they will catch up given time then? What is the justification for such racist policies if they will catch up eventually anyways.
As black people now work their way into a middle class lifestyle and move into the suburbs, that money that they are paying is going to the profit of the people that were able to buy into the burbs/landowners making them generational wealth. It is just the way the system was set up.
Why would you stop feeding a plant that can't thrive without that benefit? You act like by helping these communities in the generations that as a nation we have hurt badly we are somehow hurting ourselves, we are not. And by helping those younger generations, the future taxes that they pay into the system more than makes up for what they needed to get through the years it took to get them what their tool kits.Good analogy, except a person is a plant and a community is an ecosystem. You can keep pumping fertilizer into an unhealthy ecosystem and get product, but the second you stop it will turn to wasteland. We need to support the communities to the point where they can support themselves.
Most racist logic is too short-run. In fact the Republicans created an entire economic system based on this illogical and outdated belief.
Links or you are just making shit up and expecting people to buy it.What do you think will happen in Seattle with their police funding cut? Did people not vote for it? We will get to see in a few years.
You really think right wing media sticks to just trolling the world from the right? No, they have weaponized ever side of every issue.If you read what I say I am not left or right wing. I advocate for evaluating individual programs based on their data driven success rate and not who introduced them. I advocate voting for politicians that will produce the changes that you want to see on the ground and in your communities. I have posted this three times so far in this thread but continue to be called right wing for suggesting responsible citizens making educated choices as the best way forward.
I did not call you right win, I said you were listening to their programming if you are thinking what you say is valid.
The tax base fled because the Federal Government used all that rich peoples tax money to invest in the international highway system opening up the countries land outside of cities. All those old lead/asbestos filled buildings would have been very expensive to clean up, so people with money moved their businesses to the suburbs.But why not look at why the tax base fled? Mostly crime and not being safe. There are lots of successful communities that remain because they are the 1% and can afford private security. Baltimores exodus of taxpayers didn't start until after blm forced the coops out in 2015. SanFrans exodus didn't start in earnest until they decriminalized petty crime and their crime rate skyrocketed.
I don't know much about Baltimore outside of a friend of mine moving there and enjoying it.
But it seems you are incorrect, and whatever media you are consuming is selling you on racist shit.
Whatever point you were trying to make here is not making much sense out of something to end with that was shitty to say and just more racist tropes.I also love how 1) it's white peoples fault for some of them having a human condition. And 2) these people have no agency, they just do whatever this "white people" boogyman you have dreamt up tells them to do unquestioningly. How about they themselves travel to the city because they get free food, free housing, and don't need to drive to get around? Much simple than the evil white man bogeyman actively sabotaging the cities by breeding people who can travel.