The rampant spread of shitty advice!!

you can diss me all you want. you were a know nothing scrub once too. then you got a little exp. then you started posting a little bit. maybe a wrong post here or there. then got good and bored of the stuff new people need help with. now you're this raging a-hole l33t sounding off. and i'm trying to remind you of that. i don't care if abe panhead and you hate me, call me newb. i want you remember. but you are incapable of that. ergo you suk. keep posting answers defeat those your complaining about. how many 'requests' you see from others far more exp than you? like talking to a fifth grader
Having a discussion with you is like taking lunch money from a downsyndrome child. It's unfair to you. Your in the deep end of the pool kiddo without your floaties on.
do you know how many exp. long term growers you're just outright disrespecting? you don't even take that into consideration. all you see is bullshit because it's what you've programmed yourself to only see bullshit. there's people here that hand built the culture and all you see is kiddies. you're all pretty much as sad as those you're bitchin about

Ive been here since the birth of this site & before RIU came online was a member of overgrow,total yrs spent on both mj sites most likely as long as youve been alive.

Aint no long term accomplished grower feeling disrespected over my post either , i'd bet most agree with me being that ive seen hundreds of members give up on helping or mentoring at RIU because of the rampant kiddie games,thread hijacking & other general time wasting bullshit.

Im one of the accomplished growers who used to offer help & even mentor hydroponic newbs & ive given up on helping,mainly because newbs come here dumb as a stump then 1 week & 1,000 posts later are handing out advice they read in other threads & dont have a fukin clue wtf their talking about.

Ive got a pm saved in my user cp from one of the most valuable & knowledgeable members ever to belong to RIU where he is asking me to punish the thread hijackers & members who post just so they have something to say,that member was Albfuct & not long after his pm pleading for help with the kiddy section he dropped out of RIU & hasnt been back since.

You havent even been here long enough to see the damage caused by the new facebook style membership , & you also never got to see how many people who used to participate in grow advice threads with pics from their grows & wise advice,now RIU is full of one liner post members just trying to get post count up.

Any old timers feel disrespected by my post ?
Albfuct was a monster in the hydro department. Took time outta his schedule to drop knowledge on anyone that wanted it. Helped out tons for years. His thread was prolly one of the most popular ones here.
there is no answer to this. there is only flame wars. unless you do something along the lines of my first post. even as a newb i felt deeply hurt by his post. i can help. i can't help jijifarmandgang deck out a 20x20...i can't help flyinglegal deck out his new warehouse but i sure as hell can pitch in with someone deciding on a light or having issues with something i've got first hand exp. with. check my record im not venturing out of my comfort zone. yet you continue to classify me as someone who has zero rights to even question your rage post. puffntuff disrespected people i look up to with his generalization of 'all the shitty advice' i put you in check and you didn't like that. nobody can fix this unless you implement ideas from my first post. this is a private institute and you are well within your rights to limit membership. but you won' will remain facebook flamewars. and i will continue to silently monitor good growers journals. maybe get more aggressive with moderation. that's about all i see that would help conform this site to the perceived desires of the high tier echelon.
Albfuct was a monster in the hydro department. Took time outta his schedule to drop knowledge on anyone that wanted it. Helped out tons for years. His thread was prolly one of the most popular ones here.

Yup,Al was the shit & mentored me durring my transition from 20 years in soil to flood & drain , when i was made mod of the hydro section i tried to keep the kiddies off his ass to no avail,i even posted a thread in staff forum asking the admin to help him & never heard anything in reply , i do know he was sick to death of all the kiddys wanting to become overnight weed barons & they drove him nuts by tearing up his informational threads with nonsense posting.

I think he's still here & allways has been here under a different username but no longer participates in threads , i dont really want to out the profile i think he uses but if you think about all the old timers & who's still around from the transition from to RIU era you might be able to put it together .
Mudnuts I didn't even know you existed when I made this thread. I wasn't specifically talking about any new person. I was talking about the newbs with no experience giving other newbs bad advice and arguing with people with more knowledge about it.
Like i said its ok...
i just fuqd up another grow..
i told some dude no water..
but that was a another typo...
what i ment to type was mo water!!
Fuq.. i need to stop typing on my phone!
I agree. when i first started growing about 5 years ago GC, IC and RIU were amazing. there were many great growers willing to share everything they knew and alot of people eager to learn. everything i know about cultivation is from growing sites like these but now im rarely on because its pretty much just a bunch of young kids talking about dumb shit. I thought that was what facebook was for.
i will give my honest answer and yall aint gunna like it.

theres nothing i can about people who give bad advice.

however, if there is bad advice posted on the board, and you know a "better" answer you're certainly free to post your ideas without telling the other use they suck or start a fight (derails thread)

riu is a free website and anyone can post (within reason) on whatever thread they want.
and while some see that as a down side, its the community of riu that makes it so great, people can come here and read or write or make friends whatever!

RIU is a PLETHORA of information from the OG's and many very skilled growers tutorials, grow journals, helpful threads ect ect.
and ANYONE can read them

key word read.

the problem is new people dont wanna read they want a quick answer so they post. but those questions have been answered over and over and over again by the older users so theyve decided pretty much to stop answering which leads newer members on riu to start answering questions whether its good or bad is up to whoever is reading it just because there are so many ways to grow but everyone thinks only their way is right

i cant do anything about a member giving bad advice, it is a free forum, but if the community works together by posting more good advice without attacking the bad advice giver than i think people will be much happier.
Ive been here since the birth of this site & before RIU came online was a member of overgrow,total yrs spent on both mj sites most likely as long as youve been alive.

Aint no long term accomplished grower feeling disrespected over my post either , i'd bet most agree with me being that ive seen hundreds of members give up on helping or mentoring at RIU because of the rampant kiddie games,thread hijacking & other general time wasting bullshit.

Im one of the accomplished growers who used to offer help & even mentor hydroponic newbs & ive given up on helping,mainly because newbs come here dumb as a stump then 1 week & 1,000 posts later are handing out advice they read in other threads & dont have a fukin clue wtf their talking about.

Ive got a pm saved in my user cp from one of the most valuable & knowledgeable members ever to belong to RIU where he is asking me to punish the thread hijackers & members who post just so they have something to say,that member was Albfuct & not long after his pm pleading for help with the kiddy section he dropped out of RIU & hasnt been back since.

You havent even been here long enough to see the damage caused by the new facebook style membership , & you also never got to see how many people who used to participate in grow advice threads with pics from their grows & wise advice,now RIU is full of one liner post members just trying to get post count up.

Any old timers feel disrespected by my post ?

oh man you havent even met @mainliner yet

and bradburry there the same people you think people trying to get there post count up in the growing section is bad then look into what that fucker has been doing in toke n talk

i feel you tho man like im no O.G. member ive been on here for 11 months
you know i'm trying to leave this one alone. it'll run out of my blood soon i hope but here's a counterpoint. that's the unwelcoming, hostile, belligerent, schoolyard clique. i'm 41 yrs old so no you haven't been on mj sites longer than i've been alive. it's so easy when cooperation fails to turn to hostility. then surprise when hostility is met with hostility and it degrades to "i'm l33t scrub stfu." i've been on forums as long as they've been around. original dial-up telnet bulletin boards on i386's. it will always be like this.
In the immortal words of Britney Spears'
oops i did it again!
Fucked up another grow.
Told this dude to put them on 12/12 but i dint read through his whole thread and i dint realize he had an auto garden..
so was a small yeild!