Ive been here since the birth of this site & before RIU came online was a member of overgrow,total yrs spent on both mj sites most likely as long as youve been alive.
Aint no long term accomplished grower feeling disrespected over my post either , i'd bet most agree with me being that ive seen hundreds of members give up on helping or mentoring at RIU because of the rampant kiddie games,thread hijacking & other general time wasting bullshit.
Im one of the accomplished growers who used to offer help & even mentor hydroponic newbs & ive given up on helping,mainly because newbs come here dumb as a stump then 1 week & 1,000 posts later are handing out advice they read in other threads & dont have a fukin clue wtf their talking about.
Ive got a pm saved in my user cp from one of the most valuable & knowledgeable members ever to belong to RIU where he is asking me to punish the thread hijackers & members who post just so they have something to say,that member was Albfuct & not long after his pm pleading for help with the kiddy section he dropped out of RIU & hasnt been back since.
You havent even been here long enough to see the damage caused by the new facebook style membership , & you also never got to see how many people who used to participate in grow advice threads with pics from their grows & wise advice,now RIU is full of one liner post members just trying to get post count up.
Any old timers feel disrespected by my post ?