The rampant spread of shitty advice!!

i don't know sunni, i'm pretty sure i've seen you run people out of a thread because the op asked the person to leave. if we could post when/where we want, then what you say would be true. imo, even an op shouldn't be able to limit who responds. unless of course, the responder breaks a site rule of some sort. bad advice??? just cause you don't agree with someone else's response, doesn't necessarily make the advice incorrect. if i give advice (which is less and less) and someone challenges me, i'll usually try and expand. but if it turns into a shit storm, i usually fade out...
ONLY if there is a serious argument going on ,harassment or name calling, i have attempted to disfuse the situation by contacting both parties ive never just up and gone ot someone and said dont post there, so please dont make it look like that
i was unhappy with puffntuff's post...that is all. i'm content with the site. still wish for forum ignores and possibly grow journal author locks would be only followers can post in grow journals. after the rant section of this thread this has been thoroughly stirring and immersive convo
i was unhappy with puffntuff's post...that is all. i'm content with the site. still wish for forum ignores and possibly grow journal author locks would be only followers can post in grow journals. after the rant section of this thread this has been thoroughly stirring and immersive convo
many users have expressed the need for personal modship over their threads such as deleting posts, admin has expressed and im in full agreement that it would be misused, and also not something we will ever want to implement
many users have expressed the need for personal modship over their threads such as deleting posts, admin has expressed and im in full agreement that it would be misused, and also not something we will ever want to implement

not what i meant. just only people you follow or following you can post in your posted grow journal, should u choose that deleting just not full public posting.
Why would I argue with panhead? Me and him are on the same page. I think your missing what I'm saying lil buddy
not what i meant. just only people you follow or following you can post in your posted grow journal, should u choose that deleting just not full public posting.
that would still be considered a personal modship over your thread, unfortunately for your request its not something we want to implement nor do we want to
We used to have a rep program where thread participants could add to somebodys reputation for good advice,in theory rep should of only been given for good grow advice but the majority of the membership made a mockery of the reputation system.

People would give rep for posts that made them laugh or that backed their arguement , they even started threads where they would leave each other rep points just for posting in the thread,i saw several members who had only been members for 6 months have 3 full rep bars & when looking thru their past posts all the rep came from toke n talk for bullshit posts.

There was a small movement here about overhauling the rep system so rep could only be left for grow advice but it was an odd time at RIU where the admin was pretty much against any type rules or regulations so the movement to fix the rep system got blown off.

For years i stayed out of toke n talk & only posted in unanswered questions or grow advice trying to help newbs & growers having difficulty , problem was is most threads get hijacked here & go off topic so fast its hard to give meaningfull advice without some kid who's takin a break from facebook posting a bunch of bullshit directly after a post with solid advice,the hey look at me factor in effect,many of us experienced growers simply gave up trying to advise or mentor.

Sad to say but RIU is not the site to come to if you want to learn to grow or enhance your skills,theres too many members here just to have fun.

i've gotten conflicting advice in the past but it never hurt me because i would research the advice i'm given and go with what would work best in my set-up and for my should've seen the conversation over mini-splits..WW3:lol:

everyone has an opinion on "how to" or "how they do it"..posturing on who has the biggest dick.

you have to pick and choose as there is no "one right of doing it".
I've been here for quite awhile. With that being said I generally hangout at other forums more then here. The first time growers giving other first time growers bad advice and then arguing with seasoned growers has always cracked me up. But I think some sort of ranking to let the first time growers know who's advice is quality and who's is rubbish. It can't go by post count because some of these dudes post thousands of posts on unrelated topics. I'm not sure how this would work but it's merely a suggestion.
Any ideas are welcomed.
that's why I've got this warning in my signature...then I can share what I think is good advice, but not feel guilty or liable for fucking someones shit up ;P