The rampant spread of shitty advice!!

I feel ya bra! Theres some aholes outhere.
But really u would take advice from a forum like this?? What i do is google, youtoube, books, all that shit even if it takes me days.
And if what the poster came close to what ive read then yes i might take his advice. Or i would use a particular plant as the guinne pig.
but in other news..Oops i did it again!!:wall::dunce:

With the membership of RIU being at its current massive levels & so much of the site being used as a facebook type forum the answer would be a resonding no.

However there was a time where you could get top flight grow advice that could be trusted , i think whats changed as the site grew is the percentage of growers vs members who just smoke & like to post as entertainment,which is fine too but the entertainment aspect of RIU killed off the teaching & learning aspects the site used to have.
not to sound rude so please don't take it that way , but if youve only been here less than 2-3 weeks and youre REALLY REALLY this unhappy with riu maybe we aren't the right forum for you?
unfortunately its doubtful that we will be changing our entire rule set since its been pretty much exactly like this since 06

I used to frequent a dog forum, and i really dislike how they modded, ect. and i decided to find another one where i was happy at. no point in spending free time online and being unhappy about it
we have a staff section. everyone keeps in touch the problem is YOU want us to do things that ARENT against tos therefore WE CANNOT do it until the core of the rules is changed...which probably will NEVER happen sorry. mods have their own sections they clean up arguments and spam global mods ban members, do everything plus what mods do

actually i just wanted to point that , when we switched to new riu, everyone was "demodded" by the system, everyone who was a mod and said HEY I CANT MOD, got their modding back, you never said anything until about a week or so ago that ive noticed and ive contacted admin about it
there is another mod who has to have it fixed as well, its simply a porting of profile issue that didnt work out properly.

Also riu wasnt hijacked we took it down to have things work better and be faster as vbulletin was sucking in that department
With the membership of RIU being at its current massive levels & so much of the site being used as a facebook type forum the answer would be a resonding no.

However there was a time where you could get top flight grow advice that could be trusted , i think whats changed as the site grew is the percentage of growers vs members who just smoke & like to post as entertainment,which is fine too but the entertainment aspect of RIU killed off the teaching & learning aspects the site used to have.
It a still there...just buried deeper. Lotta knowledgeable and talented growers are still active...even younger / new growers bring a new dynamic to every thread. Innovation and progress comes from trying new things and expanding upon new ideals. I never got that mentality of older folks like things can never be as good as they used to...every generation thinks theirs is the best but the reality is that things will always change and stuff that used to be pure gold is completely obsolete these days. Idiots like me will always be online, so ur gonna have to look past us and realize the value of the community hasn't changed or I guess just complain about it the rest of Ur life..
It a still there...just buried deeper. Lotta knowledgeable and talented growers are still active...even younger / new growers bring a new dynamic to every thread. Innovation and progress comes from trying new things and expanding upon new ideals. I never got that mentality of older folks like things can never be as good as they used to...every generation thinks theirs is the best but the reality is that things will always change and stuff that used to be pure gold is completely obsolete these days. Idiots like me will always be online, so ur gonna have to look past us and realize the value of the community hasn't changed or I guess just complain about it the rest of Ur life..
It a still there...just buried deeper. Lotta knowledgeable and talented growers are still active...even younger / new growers bring a new dynamic to every thread. Innovation and progress comes from trying new things and expanding upon new ideals. I never got that mentality of older folks like things can never be as good as they used to...every generation thinks theirs is the best but the reality is that things will always change and stuff that used to be pure gold is completely obsolete these days. Idiots like me will always be online, so ur gonna have to look past us and realize the value of the community hasn't changed or I guess just complain about it the rest of Ur life..
I think your missing my point which is the exchange of information based soley on growing , teaching is easier when you dont have to dig for info , or in the case of a newbie having to decide weather somebody is just fukin with him or offering serious advice.

My point inst a generational issue where its a good ole days deal its about being helpfull in a way newbs can understand , also about respecting peoples threads where their asking for help & bored people drag the thread off topic when there are plenty of places here to shoot the shit & not turn every thread into a free for all , how is that a bad thing or not keeping up with the times ?
I think your missing my point which is the exchange of information based soley on growing , teaching is easier when you dont have to dig for info , or in the case of a newbie having to decide weather somebody is just fukin with him or offering serious advice.

My point inst a generational issue where its a good ole days deal its about being helpfull in a way newbs can understand , also about respecting peoples threads where their asking for help & bored people drag the thread off topic when there are plenty of places here to shoot the shit & not turn every thread into a free for all , how is that a bad thing or not keeping up with the times ?
You're right. We should be more constructive and not take every thread off course, or be so rough on beginners. Sorry for the misinterpretation. there's no good resolution to the issue besides maybe a little self policing by more prominent members and trying to get everybody on board to improve the community. Prob a slim chance but might b worth a shot.

I gotta say tho that I fucking love this site, and half of the reason I'm still here is for the filler bullshit, arguments and twisted sense of humor u all dish out on a daily basis.
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It a still there...just buried deeper. Lotta knowledgeable and talented growers are still active...even younger / new growers bring a new dynamic to every thread. Innovation and progress comes from trying new things and expanding upon new ideals. I never got that mentality of older folks like things can never be as good as they used to...every generation thinks theirs is the best but the reality is that things will always change and stuff that used to be pure gold is completely obsolete these days. Idiots like me will always be online, so ur gonna have to look past us and realize the value of the community hasn't changed or I guess just complain about it the rest of Ur life..
You're starting to get it now.
actually i just wanted to point that , when we switched to new riu, everyone was "demodded" by the system, everyone who was a mod and said HEY I CANT MOD, got their modding back, you never said anything until about a week or so ago that ive noticed and ive contacted admin about it
there is another mod who has to have it fixed as well, its simply a porting of profile issue that didnt work out properly.

Also riu wasnt hijacked we took it down to have things work better and be faster as vbulletin was sucking in that department

Hi Sunni how's it been, i want to clear a few things up that i think are mistakes , when the site came back online & i was locked out of the mod cp i contacted Roiile on the Potroast account within a day or two , i inquired as to why i was demoted,i dont like to repeat mod conversations in open forum but i will say that after talking with Potroast i got the feeling i was demoted by admin , i went straight to the top asking about it & didnt contact anybody but Potroast , figuring i went as high as i could go & any further pm's to mods would be belly aching,i thought if the admin no longer wanted me modding hydroponics he had his reasons & there wasnt any sense bringing other mods into it so i left it alone & didnt have & still dont have hard feelings .

You probabally didnt hear about it for those reasons , infact i wouldnt even of mentioned it in this thread except i didnt feel it was fair misleading a member into thinking a mod was involved in the discussion & possibly keep him from participating in the thread , had i known i was still considered a mod by staff i wouldnt of even posted in the last few dozen threads .

If we werent jacked wtf was the deal on the Jesus guru site that auto signed us on when we logged into RIU , there's alot of members who got that same Jesus nut threatening fire & brimstone type goodies .
Hi Sunni how's it been, i want to clear a few things up that i think are mistakes , when the site came back online & i was locked out of the mod cp i contacted Roiile on the Potroast account within a day or two , i inquired as to why i was demoted,i dont like to repeat mod conversations in open forum but i will say that after talking with Potroast i got the feeling i was demoted by admin , i went straight to the top asking about it & didnt contact anybody but Potroast , figuring i went as high as i could go & any further pm's to mods would be belly aching,i thought if the admin no longer wanted me modding hydroponics he had his reasons & there wasnt any sense bringing other mods into it so i left it alone & didnt have & still dont have hard feelings .

You probabally didnt hear about it for those reasons , infact i wouldnt even of mentioned it in this thread except i didnt feel it was fair misleading a member into thinking a mod was involved in the discussion & possibly keep him from participating in the thread , had i known i was still considered a mod by staff i wouldnt of even posted in the last few dozen threads .

If we werent jacked wtf was the deal on the Jesus guru site that auto signed us on when we logged into RIU , there's alot of members who got that same Jesus nut threatening fire & brimstone type goodies .
hi pan! hope all is well
potroast and everyone else including myself were quite unorganized and chaotic in the days following the switch over.heck im still confused about half the things on here
you certainly were not ever demodded on purpose but as a result of profile formatting over to the new riu, as i had said this happened to all of us
i couldnt even log into riu when it first came back up

vbulletin simply couldnt handle the amount of users we have and it started to shut down slowly, kinda like severe alcohol poising
first we had to remove the like system because it kept putting riu offline,
than eventually it go so bad we couldnt delete spam, vbulletin kept shutting down and the entire thing was overall frustrating and chaotic
admin had bought new software but was going to import it over a course of months time, however vbulletin had other plans.
during that time riu had to be shut down completely for about 2 weeks while admin rushed to put it together
in that time, he allowed to me beta test what we are using now, in order to make the forum some what workable, such as photos ect.
than we went live with it , however following launch we experienced high issues. and bugs, (because of the rush) this included many mods not being a mod but simply just stuck with the title under their name.

unfortunately this just had to do with formatting to the new and how profiles were set up and unset up a simple switch over that didnt happen in the short time we had to bring riu back up
Hopefully your just being silly & not taking my comment that literal , just incase you are my meaning is this.

Here's an example of what i meant,when a newb is having trouble keeping his ph in check & is asking for help a response such as " rez temp 2 hi " isnt very helpfull & most likely isnt going to help the newb one bit .

I was a soil grower when i came here & totally ignorant about hydroponics so i had to ask questions , luckily the growers who were mentoring hydroponics took the time to write out well thought posts to help me , if i had to learn from one line responses it would of been much harder.

I dont think anybody really learns anything from posts with 5 or 6 words.
hi pan! hope all is well
potroast and everyone else including myself were quite unorganized and chaotic in the days following the switch over.heck im still confused about half the things on here
you certainly were not ever demodded on purpose but as a result of profile formatting over to the new riu, as i had said this happened to all of us
i couldnt even log into riu when it first came back up

vbulletin simply couldnt handle the amount of users we have and it started to shut down slowly, kinda like severe alcohol poising
first we had to remove the like system because it kept putting riu offline,
than eventually it go so bad we couldnt delete spam, vbulletin kept shutting down and the entire thing was overall frustrating and chaotic
admin had bought new software but was going to import it over a course of months time, however vbulletin had other plans.
during that time riu had to be shut down completely for about 2 weeks while admin rushed to put it together
in that time, he allowed to me beta test what we are using now, in order to make the forum some what workable, such as photos ect.
than we went live with it , however following launch we experienced high issues. and bugs, (because of the rush) this included many mods not being a mod but simply just stuck with the title under their name.

unfortunately this just had to do with formatting to the new and how profiles were set up and unset up a simple switch over that didnt happen in the short time we had to bring riu back up

All is well here thanks, im still recovering from my latest surgery & trying to move into the new house i just bought , as you know my wife has MS but her disease has worsened to where she can no longer climb stairs so i had to buy a one level house for her, it worked out for the best cause we gave our other paid off home to our youngest son & his wife for xmas so thats 1 gift down.

Thanks for the explaination, i figured the admin demoted me because of all the time i was taking off with my wifes health & my never ending back surgeries , and i know potroast gets bombarded daily with bs pm's so i didnt want to push him into lengthy conversations knowing he allready had his hands full so i just let things be & thought he left my avatar as is for his own reasons.

Things make alot more sense now , thanks.
Maybe people got confused on what I was expressing. I was thinking of under my name or others name where it says well known member that changes to established grower or hydro user or etc. So that a newer grower could see if the poster is serious or jacking them around.
I only found this thread cause some fucktard quoted a post..

Anyway its easy to find info and see who's actually knowledgeable.. A lot of people don't know who I am..but if you compare post counts I have similar or on occasion many more. I'm known in c&e for the most part. "Well known" members, famous if you will in TNT are only that in TNT.. Its easy to see who gets likes for info and who gets em for bullshit posts and funny gifs or whatever. Its no different as a grower looking for info. But I too don't give grow advice anymore. People want to debate something they have no knowledge of and it's frustrating.
Anyway I'm just rambling..tootles
not what i meant. just only people you follow or following you can post in your posted grow journal, should u choose that deleting just not full public posting.

i took a look at your plants using the microbe method of germination.

they look great except for that "leaf puff" from underneath with her tips pointing downward.

typically in veg (at this stage) they should have a more vigorous and erect look from nutes.

kinda like "arms reaching upward".

just you mist or not?

*this is just one persons opinion and not meant to be critical:hug:
It a still there...just buried deeper. Lotta knowledgeable and talented growers are still active...even younger / new growers bring a new dynamic to every thread. Innovation and progress comes from trying new things and expanding upon new ideals. I never got that mentality of older folks like things can never be as good as they used to...every generation thinks theirs is the best but the reality is that things will always change and stuff that used to be pure gold is completely obsolete these days. Idiots like me will always be online, so ur gonna have to look past us and realize the value of the community hasn't changed or I guess just complain about it the rest of Ur life..

the community is people and they are the same as they've always been..some more helpful than others.

just much bigger now. all my info was first acquired from the web and sites have "dialed" things in for me through exchange of courteous questioning.

c' all know what it's like to have a doctor or mechanic at the holiday table..right?

comes with the territory:wink:
i took a look at your plants using the microbe method of germination.

they look great except for that "leaf puff" from underneath with her tips pointing downward.

typically in veg (at this stage) they should have a more vigorous and erect look from nutes.

kinda like "arms reaching upward".

just you mist or not?

*this is just one persons opinion and not meant to be critical:hug:
i'm pretty sure it's my crappy tap water that's doing it. i fill a bucket and let it sit and then use that to water. seems to have helped they look a lot better now.but thanks go out to the doctor at the dinner table :)
i'm pretty sure it's my crappy tap water that's doing it. i fill a bucket and let it sit and then use that to water. seems to have helped they look a lot better now.but thanks go out to the doctor at the dinner table :)

yeah, i'm not liking that do use ph pen?..not drops..pen? ppm pen? ph changes within hours..i'm in hempy DTW..mixing nutes prior then leaving the nute water like someone here suggested did not work for me.

it's amazing with those 2 tools, how i'm able to laser focus down to a few parts and/or ph.

it upped my game, believe it or not.

EDIT: what is your water ppm and ph out of the tap?