The Real Obama


Well-Known Member
Here is an incoming missile nobody had their eyes on.

Gasoline consumption is down an enormous amount due to the high price. That means Federal and State tax revenues are falling through the floor. Presently, according to the Wall Street Journal, about half the states are operating in the red. With a drop in fuel revenues most state will need to borrow money. But, the Federal Government is in the same or worse trouble.

In the debates, I want to know what the candidates are going to do now?


Well-Known Member
Yeah and when the Energy market tanks then we start the second "Great Depression".

One Stock Market Bubble bursts after another.


New Member
I agree that they will increase gas taxes. Raising taxes is always the answer. Take the post office for example: FedEx and UPS have really knocked the USPS in the ass, so what do they do? They continually raise the price of postage. By raising the price of postage, they further drive their "customers" to the competition.

Every politician in Washington agrees (all the smart ones, anyway) that the unprecedented rise in gasoline prices are really hurting the economy. As gasoline usage drops, and tax revenues dwindle, their answer is what? Raise taxes. In other words, raise the price at the pump and continue to keep the economy in the dumper.

Washington D.C. is an insane asylum and the senators, congressmen and the executive are the inmates.



Well-Known Member
I agree that they will increase gas taxes. Raising taxes is always the answer. Take the post office for example: FedEx and UPS have really knocked the USPS in the ass, so what do they do? They continually raise the price of postage. By raising the price of postage, they further drive their "customers" to the competition.

Every politician in Washington agrees (all the smart ones, anyway) that the unprecedented rise in gasoline prices are really hurting the economy. As gasoline usage drops, and tax revenues dwindle, their answer is what? Raise taxes. In other words, raise the price at the pump and continue to keep the economy in the dumper.

Washington D.C. is an insane asylum and the senators, congressmen and the executive are the inmates.

It's funny I rarely hear anyone point out what gas prices have done since Bush became a lame duck. Since Democrats took charge in Congress, gasoline is approaching $5 a gallon.

By itself, the war didn't have a remarkable effect on the price of oil. There was a modest rise in the price of oil following 9-11 and another following the entrance into the Iraqi Theater. It was the interruption of refining and distribution in the wake of Hurricane Katrina which brought prices over $2 gallon nationwide. They stabilized until the Ds took charge. Speculators drive the market and this is a recent phenomenon.

Now Nancy Pelosi will not even allow a vote on new domestic exploration and drilling because she is 'trying to save the planet.'


Well-Known Member
the real obama hasn't been born yet. Even he has no idea of who he is - could be great, could be goat. pay your money, take your chances.

other agenda - please vote in the presidential poll at

so we can give some ammo to NORML for their lobbying efforts. this is something we each can actually DO to help legalize pot. please vote and thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Here's how the Democrats govern:
Sens. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) and Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) dismissed Democratic claims of obstructionism and expressed outrage last week over a government report that shows the majority of bills that have passed in the Democrat-controlled Senate of the 110th Congress have done so without any debate or even a vote.
Coburn was referring to a non-partisan study released on June 10 by the government’s Congressional Research Service (CRS), which indicates that 855 of the 911 bills passed by the Senate of the 110th Congress have been streamlined by Democratic Party leadership with a procedural tactic known as Unanimous Consent (UC), which requires no debate or even a vote. - Democrat Senate Passed 94% of Bills without Debate or Roll Call Vote

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Nobody could possibly live up to the hype shrouded in hope that his campaign is promulgating.

Let's say you get your wish: Obama wins and his coattails are long enough to guarantee a majority in both Houses of Congress. Not much will actually 'change' for the better.

The rich will export their money offshore, like the Kennedys and Heinz-Kerrys do already. This will make their wealth untouchable, thus useless to the Obamanation. The 'Great sucking sound' as Ross Perot phrased it in 1993-94 will be MASSIVE American capital going offshore to benefit less tax onerous countries before new laws are enacted.

The economy will sputter, possibly collapse entirely. What will our hero do then? Blame Dubya, of course.

All the spending Obama proposes will be borne largely by the average achieving American. The rich have an escape plan already, just in case. Currently, the top half pays the freight for Federal Income Tax (97%) for the bottom half of Americans (3%). How much more will we bear? Entitlement societies can function as long as you don't kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.

Look at Zimbabwe to see what happens after the government demonizes a certain segment of society; seize their wealth and destroy their means of production. All in the name of fairness, the government wrecked the economy and the country cannot feed itself.

The world will still love him because they prefer us weaker, not stronger. Lefties will still love him because he can do no wrong.

The average American won't stand for it. Ocarter will get a free hand for two years. The mid-terms elections will be a massacre and he'll find himself a lame duck until he's voted out of office in disgrace.
Income tax is illegal anyways so why don't we just fix the fuckin problem where it started? We borrowed money as a nation from a bank that now runs us?

It's funny I rarely hear anyone point out what gas prices have done since Bush became a lame duck. Since Democrats took charge in Congress, gasoline is approaching $5 a gallon.

By itself, the war didn't have a remarkable effect on the price of oil. There was a modest rise in the price of oil following 9-11 and another following the entrance into the Iraqi Theater. It was the interruption of refining and distribution in the wake of Hurricane Katrina which brought prices over $2 gallon nationwide. They stabilized until the Ds took charge. Speculators drive the market and this is a recent phenomenon.

Now Nancy Pelosi will not even allow a vote on new domestic exploration and drilling because she is 'trying to save the planet.'
Nancy Pelosi is fine with them drilling offshore. She as well as a lot of other D's would just like it to be done in the hundreds of thousands of miles that are already approved for drilling and not being used. Rather than spending even more of our money to go through all the procedures of getting an area cleared. plus these places they wanna start drilling are Preserves and shit.
Why can't we drill where its already setup?



New Member
Senator Maxine Waters let the cat out of the bag during the Senate hearings on "Big Oil" and their "Obscene" profits when she said: "I want to SOCIALIZE the oil companies."

There you have the Democrat Party in seven words. They hate capitalism. They hate free markets. They hate private property.

Med said it best when he said: "There is too much ownership." That said it all folks ... and that's why its my new signature. I want everyone to read it, absorb it and burn it into your consciousness. For in those few words, you have the basis for a slave-state existence, born out of a slave-state mentality.


blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Senator Maxine Waters let the cat out of the bag during the Senate hearings on "Big Oil" and their "Obscene" profits when she said: "I want to SOCIALIZE the oil companies."

There you have the Democrat Party in seven words. They hate capitalism. They hate free markets. They hate private property.

Med said it best when he said: "There is too much ownership." That said it all folks ... and that's why its my new signature. I want everyone to read it, absorb it and burn it into your consciousness. For in those few words, you have the basis for a slave-state existence, born out of a slave-state mentality.

So you say let a few large groups run shit instead of many smaller companies? Communism didn't work b/c of the human factor.


munch box

Well-Known Member
Not enouph black people vote. Not enouph white people are willing to vote for a black man, and as far as i know mexicans do not get along with black people very well.


Well-Known Member
Income tax is illegal anyways so why don't we just fix the fuckin problem where it started? We borrowed money as a nation from a bank that now runs us?
The Income Tax is legal. It's even Constitutional: the 16th Amendment.

Nancy Pelosi is fine with them drilling offshore. She as well as a lot of other D's would just like it to be done in the hundreds of thousands of miles that are already approved for drilling and not being used. Rather than spending even more of our money to go through all the procedures of getting an area cleared. plus these places they wanna start drilling are Preserves and shit.
Why can't we drill where its already setup?

I can only speculate that the oil is not readily available for drilling in these places due to technical limitations, or there is no oil there. Otherwise, drilling would be happening now.
The wave of change her party has ridden could come crashing down. The pressures facing the nation — troubled financial markets, falling housing prices and rising energy and food costs — are genuinely historic. The next president will inherit a projected deficit of close to $500 billion, and Democrats admit privately that they were caught off guard by the spike in gasoline prices and the hardship it has imposed on middle-income and working-class voters.

With fewer than 20 legislative days before the new fiscal year begins Oct. 1, the entire appropriations process has largely ground to a halt because of the ham-handed fighting that followed Republican attempts to lift the moratorium on offshore oil and gas exploration. And after promising fairness and open debate, Pelosi has resorted to hard-nosed parliamentary devices that effectively bar any chance for Republicans to offer policy alternatives.

“I’m trying to save the planet; I’m trying to save the planet,” she says impatiently when questioned. “I will not have this debate trivialized by their excuse for their failed policy.”
Pelosi: 'I'm trying to save the planet' - David Rogers -

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Not enouph black people vote. Not enouph white people are willing to vote for a black man, and as far as i know mexicans do not get along with black people very well.
Not enough people between 18-24 vote. Thats the problem not racial segregation. Mexicans don't get along with black people? What about the Spanish....Cuban.....Brazillian.....There are a lot of latin people that don't have issues with blacks/whites whatever.......Puerto Ricans are Latin and Black......Irish people believe it or not are Spanish/Germanic.

Once people see people and not colors we'll be in a much better situation.


blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
The Income Tax is legal. It's even Constitutional: the 16th Amendment.

I can only speculate that the oil is not readily available for drilling in these places due to technical limitations, or there is no oil there. Otherwise, drilling would be happening now.
Pelosi: 'I'm trying to save the planet' - David Rogers -
Actually the 16th amendment gave nobody the power to tax our income. You can only tax profit. Profit is defined as money recieved for a corporate gain. As written in the constitution. Income isn't profit. It is defined in the constitution as a trade for services. Which by the constitution in not taxable.

They never gave the IRS the power. Thats why there have been Supreme Court rulings upholding the unconstitionality (not sure thats a word) of taxing income.

See to many people are Jaded by the bullshit being fed to them.

And i'm sure you can see where oil has been found and we've been cleared to drill......even in Alaska.
I will try and find something to support the oil thing. But if you research you will see that income tax is illegal.



Well-Known Member
No, drilling would not be happening now. Those lands that are already leased almost definitely have oil. But the oil companies have no great need to pump it. Why? Because our refineries are running at 95+ percent capacity already. Pump umpteen billion barrels a second and it doesn't matter if you don't have the refineries to do anything with it. Which they don't, because instead of reinvesting their substantial profits, they are giving those profits to their shareholders. Which makes the shareholders all warm and gooey inside, I'm sure, but doesn't do a thing for us at the pump. Translation: with record profits now and for the foreseeable future, what incentive do the oil companies have to invest in more refineries? That's right, none.

This absolutely means that opening up our beaches will mean nothing. They might drill up our beaches because the oil there is easier to get to, but without more refineries, there still won't be more oil. In other words, instead of drilling the oil a couple of hundred miles away, they'll move their platforms closer to shore where it's easier for them. There will be the same amount of oil though (the amount the refineries can handle), but our beaches will be fucked instead of some area a couple of hundred miles off the coast. Awesome plan. I'm betting that it's someone seriously pro-big business that proposed this. Or someone who doesn't understand how things work. Or both.

Perhaps it is because our refineries are already doing all they can that the oil companies never asked to drill off our shores. Maybe they understand the situation. Lack of raw crude isn't the entirety of our problem. Lack of refining capacity is what's actually killing us at the moment. But later there *will* be a shortage of raw crude, which is why they don't want to spend billions on more refineries: because later on, when raw crude *is* scarce, they won't need all that refining capacity. It's more profitable for them to just keep the current refining capacity, make oodles of money, and just wait for the supply of raw crude to drop down to match today's refining capacity. That makes for happy oil companies and happy shareholders and sad suckers at the pump. But that's capitalism for ya.
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Well-Known Member
No, drilling would not be happening now. Those lands that are already leased almost definitely have oil. But the oil companies have no great need to pump it. Why? Because our refineries are running at 95+ percent capacity already. Pump umpteen billion barrels a second and it doesn't matter if you don't have the refineries to do anything with it. Which they don't, because instead of reinvesting their substantial profits, they are giving those profits to their shareholders. Which makes the shareholders all warm and gooey inside, I'm sure, but doesn't do a thing for us at the pump. Translation: with record profits now and for the foreseeable future, what incentive do the oil companies have to invest in more refineries? That's right, none.

This absolutely means that opening up our beaches will mean nothing. They might drill up our beaches because the oil there is easier to get to, but without more refineries, there still won't be more oil. In other words, instead of drilling the oil a couple of hundred miles away, they'll move their platforms closer to shore where it's easier for them. There will be the same amount of oil though (the amount the refineries can handle), but our beaches will be fucked instead of some area a couple of hundred miles off the coast. Awesome plan. I'm betting that it's someone seriously pro-big business that proposed this. Or someone who doesn't understand how things work. Or both.

Perhaps it is because our refineries are already doing all they can that the oil companies never asked to drill off our shores. Maybe they understand the situation. Lack of raw crude isn't the entirety of our problem. Lack of refining capacity is what's actually killing us at the moment. But later there *will* be a shortage of raw crude, which is why they don't want to spend billions on more refineries: because later on, when raw crude *is* scarce, they won't need all that refining capacity. It's more profitable for them to just keep the current refining capacity, make oodles of money, and just wait for the supply of raw crude to drop down to match today's refining capacity. That makes for happy oil companies and happy shareholders and sad suckers at the pump. But that's capitalism for ya.
Refinery capacity is a big factor on gas on prices here, but has no impact on worldwide oil prices. We do need more refineries, but regulatory bottlenecks resulting from hostile legislation have prevented a refinery being constructed in the U.S. in 30 years.

This is from 2005:
Refinery Construction Bill Is Drawing Broad Criticism

A Texas congressman's bill to give the oil industry incentives to increase refinery capacity would gut air-quality protections that currently govern the refining and power industries, Democrats, environmental groups and state and local regulators are charging.
But Hurricanes Katrina and Rita hit the Gulf Coast in the weeks after the energy bill, and the subsequent rise in gasoline prices created a new political climate, prompting Mr. Barton to reintroduce some of the ideas that had not survived in the earlier legislation.


New Member
johhny,I heard that it is actually been ruled that income tax not being written in as a law directly, has been used as a defense and had a sort of pyhhric victory. No jail time, but did have to pay all back taxes.


Well-Known Member
Okay, then there's not enough refining capacity worldwide. The problem isn't yet lack of oil. It's lack of investment in refining, because the oil companies don't want to spend that much on what they know will only be useful in the short term. Which makes sense to me, although I'm not an oil company stockholder (yet).

And I see the environmental aspects too, of course. A 7-mile sheet of ice just cracked off of Canada today. I don't really want to see us turn this planet into Venus, even if I won't be around when it happens. Not even if doing so means cheaper gas. Global warming seems to be accelerating and it's making me a bit uneasy. Burning more oil just doesn't seem like the best idea to me.
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Well-Known Member
Actually the 16th amendment gave nobody the power to tax our income. You can only tax profit. Profit is defined as money recieved for a corporate gain. As written in the constitution. Income isn't profit. It is defined in the constitution as a trade for services. Which by the constitution in not taxable.

They never gave the IRS the power. Thats why there have been Supreme Court rulings upholding the unconstitionality (not sure thats a word) of taxing income.

See to many people are Jaded by the bullshit being fed to them.
The text of the 16th Amendment is unambiguous.
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.
I hate the fact that income is taxed. Completely counter-productive. Spending should be taxed, not income.

The 16th Amendment was all part of the Progressive Movement of the early 20th Century. The movement which sounded the death knell for our Republic and made the U.S. Federal Government a democracy. Mob rule.


Well-Known Member
Okay, then there's not enough refining capacity worldwide. The problem isn't yet lack of oil. It's lack of investment in refining, because the oil companies don't want to spend that much on what they know will only be useful in the short term. Which makes sense to me, although I'm not an oil company stockholder (yet).

And I see the environmental aspects too, of course. A 7-mile sheet of ice just cracked off of Canada today. I don't really want to see us turn this planet into Venus, even if I won't be around when it happens. Not even if doing so means cheaper gas. Global warming seems to be accelerating and it's making me a bit uneasy. Burning more oil just doesn't seem like the best idea to me.
Again, domestic refinery capacity effects gas prices in the U.S., but has no impact on world-wide oil prices. Increasing demand from China and India puts upward pressure on oil prices. Rampant speculation fuels the demand.

World-wide drilling capacity is in the hands of those countries who hold the oil. It's in their best interest to keep prices high. Drill less and the price of oil stays high. Drill more and oil prices decline. Supply and demand.