yes you did say 35,000 syrians, and i can quote it.
not that a dose of reality will change your mind. you seem very comfortable in your delusions.
the article said 10,000.
yes you did say 35,000 syrians, and i can quote it.
not that a dose of reality will change your mind. you seem very comfortable in your delusions.
Right, you put up a chart from the second site I referred you to so you could justify what you said about the first link, and that was that,....I said it,...which was wrong.
You aint that good added.
Your mistake,....not mine, next time get it right.
actually the article said "U.S. resettlement effort expected to bring as many as 10,000 Syrians to cities across the USA over the next few years, according to the U.S. State Department".you did say 35,000 IMHO 10,000?..what's the difference? 25,000
but they're still here.
I'm generally on the opposite side of you and your "like buddy" so I'd say I was on the opposite side of really seem to enjoy picking the side of stupid.
Question. Why is it everytime you an I are engaged in a conversation you bring up UB.I'm generally on the opposite side of you and your "like buddy" so I'd say I was on the opposite side of stupid.
I would never try to prove someone wrong about 2014 by posting a chart from 2013, admit the chart from 2014 was right there too, then call someone else stupid for pointing it out. That's what you did here man. Own it, be proud of it.
Question. Why is it everytime you an I are engaged in a conversation you bring up UB.
I guess you really did not follow the conversation with me and oddball. I used his chart from his link. No chart from 2014 only a saying of less than 50 were allowed in. next time READ the whole thing if you want to participate in the conversation
To show you what side each of us were on. You and your like buddy that I didn't name, or pretty much everyone else.Question. Why is it everytime you an I are engaged in a conversation you bring up UB.
I guess you really did not follow the conversation with me and oddball. I used his chart from his link. No chart from 2014 only a saying of less than 50 were allowed in. next time READ the whole thing if you want to participate in the conversation
The stats from 2014 are there as well. I just used the chart from his link, which was for 2013
THE STATS...did not say chart. The stats said 326 were actually settled here in 2014. The chart from his link was from 2013. again read the conversation and the article if you wish to participate. Right now you seem to want to go against me just to go against me. It makes you look like you are clueless...and stop bringing up UB when he is not even around, that makes you look like he stays in your head constantly.To show you what side each of us were on. You and your like buddy that I didn't name, or pretty much everyone else.
You said this
I laughed because you had the info right there to disprove him by your own words but used a chart from a year he wasn't talking about as your proof.
Own it man, that's on you. Then you called me stupid for pointing it out, yep that's on you too. Fun times with LF folks.
what point did he bring up about terrorists? are we now calling refugees terrorist ? Well I guess if we called the victims from Katrina refugeesQuestion. When he brings up a valid point that terrorists and their families could be gaining asylum in the united states under this pretense, why do you feel the need to pick peanuts out of shit and argue how many there are? How many terrorists does it take to bring down the WTC?? A lot less than 10,000...
Maybe we would take you more seriously if you actually tried to find common ground with other people here rather than letting your ideology run you blindly into walls.
I'm generally on the opposite side of you and your "like buddy" so I'd say I was on the opposite side of stupid.
I would never try to prove someone wrong about 2014 by posting a chart from 2013, admit the chart from 2014 was right there too, then call someone else stupid for pointing it out. That's what you did here man. Own it, be proud of it.
I'm sorry you don't see the opportunity you had there but failed to grasp.I'm sorry you don't get why I used the chart from HIS link
actually Oddball never stated a year only that 35,000 Syrian were quietly let into the USA. I covered all grounds. Sorry you want to side with stupid in order to attempt to one up me..MAJOR FAIL on your part.I'm sorry you don't see the opportunity you had there but failed to grasp.
"I know the claim you made about 2014 was wrong, I have the stats right here to prove it, but I'm going to use a chart of 2013 as my proof instead, see how smart I am?" "you just don't get it".
Another question. Islam is the religion of peace... Where? What muslim country is at peace? When was a muslim country last at peace? How long did that peace last?
you did say 35,000 IMHO 10,000?..what's the difference? 25,000
but they're still here.
the united states has killed more muslim civilians than all muslim nations combined.