The religion of peace strikes again!!

I am trying to keep up.

ISIS is beheading and frying people, taking slaves, fucking children, threatening to behead the president in the white house and running rampant through the mideast. Al Qaeda is actively trying to murder westerners, hijacking airplanes, bombing subways, and plotting murder and mayhem against infidels. Muslim clerics in western countries are preaching jihad against infidels and are in cahoots with ISIS and providing a steady stream of western jihadis.

The progressive response to this is that I am supposed to worry about WWII era Nazis? I am supposed to put this current threat on the same level as the Christian crusades? No wonder you guys have lost the confidence of the American people.

2016 can't come soon enough.
I am trying to keep up.

ISIS is beheading and frying people, taking slaves, fucking children, threatening to behead the president in the white house and running rampant through the mideast. Al Qaeda is actively trying to murder westerners, hijacking airplanes, bombing subways, and plotting murder and mayhem against infidels. Muslim clerics in western countries are preaching jihad against infidels and are in cahoots with ISIS and providing a steady stream of western jihadis.

The progressive response to this is that I am supposed to worry about WWII era Nazis? I am supposed to put this current threat on the same level as the Christian crusades? No wonder you guys have lost the confidence of the American people.

2016 can't come soon enough.

Desert dude.

Its a little early for my prediction, but the way the progressives are carrying on on this forum tells me that all common sense is gone. It might get so bad they probably won't vote anyway. imo
I am trying to keep up.

ISIS is beheading and frying people, taking slaves, fucking children, threatening to behead the president in the white house and running rampant through the mideast. Al Qaeda is actively trying to murder westerners, hijacking airplanes, bombing subways, and plotting murder and mayhem against infidels. Muslim clerics in western countries are preaching jihad against infidels and are in cahoots with ISIS and providing a steady stream of western jihadis.

The progressive response to this is that I am supposed to worry about WWII era Nazis? I am supposed to put this current threat on the same level as the Christian crusades? No wonder you guys have lost the confidence of the American people.

2016 can't come soon enough.

the big bad white supremacist is thuper worried about those thcary muthlimth.

should be more worried about his ideological colleagues in white supremacy, they have a much higher body count here in the states.

let's not forget the half a million dead muslim civilians in iraq at the behest of our born again christian president.

and if he's worried about kiddy fuckers, he should be going after christian churches that are actively hiding and protecting known kiddy diddlers for decades now, if not centuries.

but let's all worry about those thuper thcary muthlimth.
A new video purportedly distributed by the Islamic State on social media appears to show militants burning alive Lt. Muath al-Kaseasbeh, a Jordanian pilot that has been held since December.

We can wait while muslims yet again tell us how peaceful they are and if we just learned about Islam, well and converted, we would have nothing to worry about. Just look how happily the sunni's and shites have been living together in mutual peace for hundreds of years.... Oh wait...

Beheading wasnt good enough so now they are burning people alive. Bet that victim would have rather been waterboarded...
do isis represent all muslims,,,,im pretty sure they kill and terrorize muslims too.
Who is running ISIS?

It is postulated that Iran is the backer of most if not all the unrest in the middle east. ISIS, the Taliban, Al Quaida, etc...

The big beard guy Baghdadi, I don`t know how to spell his name without Google or something so...Big Daddy will do for me.

No Iran is not behind ISIS, they are with Assad. Iran is over in Iraq waiting for permission to interfere, they can and will, only snag is weather or not they can keep the land Iraq surrendered during combat to ISIS. By thumb law, Iran should be able to keep what they take during combat with this enemy.

Iran wants that. I say let them but Obama say`s no way, Iraq lost land in combat and should get first crack at getting it back. That`s why he is sending troops in barrito to Iraq to "train" their Army again, and again til they stop being cowards.

The non troops he is sending over there are not dressed in civilian clothes, they are dressed in military gear. He wants you to believe he is not again, going back on his word.....again.
i'd post picture of mutilated civilian muslims in iraq by the hundreds of thousands, but it wouldn't change anyone's mind.

muthlimth ith bad.

You would need to prove who did it too. If you are looking for that pretty war where your make-up wont run.....I gots bad news for ya.
I would suggest that you find another source for your information. WND has been caught in way too many lies.

Are you implying that it is not possible that bad people are crossing the border? Is it your contention that the 30 million plus illegals here right now are all angels and have committed no crimes? Well, except crossing the border illegally or ignoring their exit date?

Are you implying that it is not possible that bad people are crossing the border? Is it your contention that the 30 million plus illegals here right now are all angels and have committed no crimes? Well, except crossing the border illegally or ignoring their exit date?

what I'm saying is find me a source other than the hack source that was provided. Waste your time, not mine
The big beard guy Baghdadi, I don`t know how to spell his name without Google or something so...Big Daddy will do for me.

No Iran is not behind ISIS, they are with Assad. Iran is over in Iraq waiting for permission to interfere, they can and will, only snag is weather or not they can keep the land Iraq surrendered during combat to ISIS. By thumb law, Iran should be able to keep what they take during combat with this enemy.

Iran wants that. I say let them but Obama say`s no way, Iraq lost land in combat and should get first crack at getting it back. That`s why he is sending troops in barrito to Iraq to "train" their Army again, and again til they stop being cowards.

The non troops he is sending over there are not dressed in civilian clothes, they are dressed in military gear. He wants you to believe he is not again, going back on his word.....again.

Iran wins by funding and equipping these terrorist groups to cause shit in the middle east to keep America's attention away from their nuclear development program. They have time to wait right now. Once they have nukes then they can take whatever part of Iraq they want. Taking it from ISIS would be a good cover.
what I'm saying is find me a source other than the hack source that was provided. Waste your time, not mine

I dont need a source. I evaluated the possibility and found it to be credible. How can we possibly prevent this if America refuses to protect the southern border?
Hell I agree with you. Daddy Bush had it right. Baby Bush was an idiot who got it all wrong...and look at this shit now
Only a fucking fool, couldn't se the link between THE INVASION OF IRAQ, and the shite(pun)sunni warfare that is occurring now. Thanks USA, for fucking the world up again, and again, and again, and fucking again. This one though, will reak
Who is running ISIS?

It is postulated that Iran is the backer of most if not all the unrest in the middle east. ISIS, the Taliban, Al Quaida, etc...
Your joking, right?