UMmmmm.....or you obsessed with the Soviet Union?
Right, The Economic Reality and Companies in the same sentence, a little mis worded tho'

.....The least a Company could do is invest in their Country Right

It's not like they aren't getting anything in return.......labor!!
I'm no more obsessed with the Soviet Union than you are with sucking cock. (Of course, this statement could bite me in the ass if it turns out you are female, or gay...)
As far as corporation that are leaving the United States,
They are typically American Corporations that suffer under idiotic tax policies enacted by Democrats. Policies that require that on top of foreign taxes they also pay domestic taxes. Also, with the new bills that Obama is pushing for, why would any corporation want to provide jobs here.
The idiocy being pushed by the left contradicts their own statements. If they are going to attack corporations for not investing here, why are they not attacking themselves for making it undesirable for corporations to invest in jobs here?
Typically the corporations that are leaving this company are American Corporations, Dell, HP, Ford, Chrysler, GM, and other domestic manufacturers that realize, that it is more economical to produce products and ship them back than it is to actually produce products here and ship them out.
Which is the exact opposite of what happens to foreign corporations that are not subject to the same idiotic double taxation that we subject our domestic corporations to. So, it actually makes economic sense for companies like Kia, Honda, Mitsubishi and Toyota to build factories here.
Besides, if I was running a company, I probably would have laid everyone off yesterday and left for the Caribbean yesterday with as much money as possible. No, sense in allowing the government to take more than 50% of my wealth.
Of course, the only corporations that are going to benefit from these new policies of Obama's are entrenched giant companies that can afford these economic policies. New companies just seeking to enter the market or seeking to expand have just seen the cost of trying to expand further much higher than before.
Regulations are counter-productive to economic growth, and do nothing more than encourage stagnation and maintenance of the status quo. In a free market there is no way for one corporation to establish a monopoly. Such monopolies must be created and protected through government action. Otherwise competition will arise when more economic means of production are discovered.