The States vs The Federal Gov.

So, you think state governments are greed free? I'm afraid you're in for a surprise. Starting at the lowest levels, district supervisors, the greed kicks in and only gets stronger as it travels up the ladder. When someone will spend 1.6 million for a 40,000 a year job, you have to get suspicious.
my god that is the smartest thing i have ever seen you right after that shit want to give them complete charge of everything? ITS LIKE WTF?you want them in charge of your health care too? are you fukin nuts?WOW
Is Glenn Beck that premature grey guy who seems gay? He whines and runs with anything. I don't like him.

Are you that fucking idiot I saw the other day who pulled up to the curb in his mile-high pickup truck, jumped out wearing a stained tank-top, fat-assed gut hanging out, hat on backward with greasy hair sticking out the sides, pants down below your ass-crack, shoes that looked like Corvettes ... and said: "Liberty? Liberty? Why hell dude, I thought liberty was a done deal!"

Yeah, I thought so. :roll:

Are you that fucking idiot I saw the other day who pulled up to the curb in his mile-high pickup truck, jumped out wearing a stained tank-top, fat-assed gut hanging out, hat on backward with greasy hair sticking out the sides, pants down below your ass-crack, shoes that looked like Corvettes ... and said: "Liberty? Liberty? Why hell dude, I thought liberty was a done deal!"

Yeah, I thought so. :roll:


that's me:bigjoint:

and by the way, wasn't John Adams a power hungry fellow back in Colonial times? of course, leave it to New Englanders to be more aggressive than other Americans:wink:.
If there's not jobs for them, there's just not jobs. It's irrational and even more idiotic to state that people should be bumped out of their jobs to give them jobs, because that goes against the very ideals they are supposed to be fighting for.

"Great job men, with your discharge you'll see the civvie whose job you're taking. Thanks for fighting for totalitarianism err. freedom." It doesn't work.

Yes, they did an important job, and they deserve recognition, but somethings just cross the line.

Well you are correct in the one respect (your own ) but that situation doesn't always apply.......They do have civilain jobs, when we are not at war, or is everyone a lifer? A soldier, I work with, who left for their 2yr tour, had no job when they returned as well, but one had to be created, a position, (hours dat is), until another official one opened.....I don't think it's law, or a rule to do so, but only b/c it was in their policy, and not a bad one either...... Unless the Company is one that's gone under, yeah Ok, I can understand that, but if not, b/s, what kind of company is that, they should go UNDER

To each his own tho, people who think like that is one of the reasons I wouldn't sign up fo' shit........

The only thing Idiotic is thinking from only one point of view, is that why you are always looking at yourself?
Well you are correct in the one respect (your own ) but that situation doesn't always apply.......They do have civilain jobs, when we are not at war, or is everyone a lifer? A soldier, I work with, who left for their 2yr tour, had no job when they returned as well, but one had to be created, a position, (hours dat is), until another official one opened.....I don't think it's law, or a rule to do so, but only b/c it was in their policy, and not a bad one either...... Unless the Company is one that's gone under, yeah Ok, I can understand that, but if not, b/s, what kind of company is that, they should go UNDER

To each his own tho, people who think like that is one of the reasons I wouldn't sign up fo' shit........

The only thing Idiotic is thinking from only one point of view, is that why you are always looking at yourself?

Oh, know, I understand requiring companies to keep jobs open for veterans, but the issue here isn't whether or not those companies did that (they did.) These companies even gave the military veterans their jobs back.

The problem was that economic reality forced the company to cut that job. It's not something that can be handled. Unless you want the kind of central planned economy the Soviet Union had, with its chronic shortages, malinvestment, corruption, nepotism, favoritism, and censorship of opinion.
Aside from the chronic shortages, ( and let me tell you, the chronic was short last fall around here :wink: ) isn't that pretty much the same exact government we not only have, but have had for decades?

Unless you want the kind of central planned economy the Soviet Union had, with its chronic shortages, malinvestment, corruption, nepotism, favoritism, and censorship of opinion.
Oh, know, I understand requiring companies to keep jobs open for veterans, but the issue here isn't whether or not those companies did that (they did.) These companies even gave the military veterans their jobs back.

The problem was that economic reality forced the company to cut that job. It's not something that can be handled. Unless you want the kind of central planned economy the Soviet Union had, with its chronic shortages, malinvestment, corruption, nepotism, favoritism, and censorship of opinion.

UMmmmm.....or you obsessed with the Soviet Union? :lol:

Right, The Economic Reality and Companies in the same sentence, a little mis worded tho' :lol:.....The least a Company could do is invest in their Country Right :?: It's not like they aren't getting anything in return.......labor!!
UMmmmm.....or you obsessed with the Soviet Union? :lol:

Right, The Economic Reality and Companies in the same sentence, a little mis worded tho' :lol:.....The least a Company could do is invest in their Country Right :?: It's not like they aren't getting anything in return.......labor!!

I'm no more obsessed with the Soviet Union than you are with sucking cock. (Of course, this statement could bite me in the ass if it turns out you are female, or gay...)

As far as corporation that are leaving the United States,

They are typically American Corporations that suffer under idiotic tax policies enacted by Democrats. Policies that require that on top of foreign taxes they also pay domestic taxes. Also, with the new bills that Obama is pushing for, why would any corporation want to provide jobs here.

The idiocy being pushed by the left contradicts their own statements. If they are going to attack corporations for not investing here, why are they not attacking themselves for making it undesirable for corporations to invest in jobs here?

Typically the corporations that are leaving this company are American Corporations, Dell, HP, Ford, Chrysler, GM, and other domestic manufacturers that realize, that it is more economical to produce products and ship them back than it is to actually produce products here and ship them out.

Which is the exact opposite of what happens to foreign corporations that are not subject to the same idiotic double taxation that we subject our domestic corporations to. So, it actually makes economic sense for companies like Kia, Honda, Mitsubishi and Toyota to build factories here.

Besides, if I was running a company, I probably would have laid everyone off yesterday and left for the Caribbean yesterday with as much money as possible. No, sense in allowing the government to take more than 50% of my wealth.

Of course, the only corporations that are going to benefit from these new policies of Obama's are entrenched giant companies that can afford these economic policies. New companies just seeking to enter the market or seeking to expand have just seen the cost of trying to expand further much higher than before.

Regulations are counter-productive to economic growth, and do nothing more than encourage stagnation and maintenance of the status quo. In a free market there is no way for one corporation to establish a monopoly. Such monopolies must be created and protected through government action. Otherwise competition will arise when more economic means of production are discovered.
your going to love when all of that tax money we have pounded up a rats ass with the big three.GM is setting up a new HQ in ireland not sure .but ford might skate on out too..LOL
do you know how much this is going to piss the liberals off?LOL
i love it.
I'm no more obsessed with the Soviet Union than you are with sucking cock. (Of course, this statement could bite me in the ass if it turns out you are female, or gay...)

Besides, if I was running a company, I probably would have laid everyone off yesterday and left for the Caribbean yesterday with as much money as possible. No, sense in allowing the government to take more than 50% of my wealth.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:........:lol: :lol: :lol:, ......:sad:, sorry if I touched on a personal issue for you..:lol:...:|.

You'll have to do better than that, everybody knows Black People like chicken (you cracking racial jokes again....:?:)

Don't worry you'll be going down with them as well..........the KoKsukers, i'm talkin about, that go sprinkkle your doulbe scoop sundae, :lol:

You ain't Hard.........:lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:........:lol: :lol: :lol:, ......:sad:, sorry if I touched on a personal issue for you..:lol:...:|.

You'll have to do better than that, everybody knows Black People like chicken (you cracking racial jokes again....:?:)

Don't worry you'll be going down with them as well..........the KoKsukers, i'm talkin about, that go sprinkkle your doulbe scoop sundae, :lol:

You ain't Hard.........:lol:


WTF are you talking about, I've never said anything about black people liking chicken?

I say something about Obama destroying the economy, and you quote it as me saying Black people like Chicken? What are you on?

NVM, don't worry about it. It's clear from that response that you are a moron that has no concept of reality, I don't want to force you to leave your weird alternate reality.
WTF are you talking about, I've never said anything about black people liking chicken?

I say something about Obama destroying the economy, and you quote it as me saying Black people like Chicken? What are you on?

NVM, don't worry about it. It's clear from that response that you are a moron that has no concept of reality, I don't want to force you to leave your weird alternate reality.

You said
Originally Posted by TheBrutalTruth
I'm no more obsessed with the Soviet Union than you are with sucking cock. (Of course, this statement could bite me in the ass if it turns out you are female, or gay...)

Well, I'm not female, or gay, you we're trying to insult me right :?: so I figured you were saying blk people suck the chicken bone,

Dumb Ass
You said
Originally Posted by TheBrutalTruth
I'm no more obsessed with the Soviet Union than you are with sucking cock. (Of course, this statement could bite me in the ass if it turns out you are female, or gay...)

Well if that's what I said, and it turns you out are neither female nor gay, which means you're not obsessed with sucking cock, then it's pretty clear the answer to your statement about me being obsessed with the Soviet Union is a negative. Indicating that I'm not obsessed with the Soviet Union.

Now, if you are done being a dumb ass (that is how you signed your last response isn't it?) perhaps you'd actually care to offer some intelligent debate instead of hurling insults like a 3 year old.
Even if those "bailouts" were constitutional, none of those banks and businesses deserve any kind of bail. Greed brought their downfall... they need to suffer the consequences.

As for the states, they've been governing themselves since birth. I'm sure they can find solutions without the support of the Feds.
i always wondered why we didn't give money to banks that knew how to make $$$$$$$$$$$$ never even heard the ??????????
Well if that's what I said, and it turns you out are neither female nor gay, which means you're not obsessed with sucking cock, then it's pretty clear the answer to your statement about me being obsessed with the Soviet Union is a negative. Indicating that I'm not obsessed with the Soviet Union.

Now, if you are done being a dumb ass (that is how you signed your last response isn't it?) perhaps you'd actually care to offer some intelligent debate instead of hurling insults like a 3 year old.

Originally Posted by Brazko
to add, I was watching on CNN how all the Iraq and Afghan Vets are coming home and can't get a Job......all the specialized trained soldiers, operating choppers, computers and what not....can't even transition back to society, because they can't find WORK, WTF is that.......nobody who just risked their life for me should be stress about trying to find work or financial support.......that is NOT RIGHT

No, Here is where you chimed in, and this is what we, debating, and you went on with that Political B/S, and this subjuct for me is passed the political B/S, it' I heard someone say, nonsensical to debate.....

44 in 54 draws, is that grown up enough for you.......

ok I'm twee again.....:hug:

edit: blah, blah, blah, OK you win........Holla
WTF are you talking about, I've never said anything about black people liking chicken?

I say something about Obama destroying the economy, and you quote it as me saying Black people like Chicken? What are you on?

NVM, don't worry about it. It's clear from that response that you are a moron that has no concept of reality, I don't want to force you to leave your weird alternate reality.
u getting 1 now should i get popcorn
" I'm sorry to say things like this but the Government has no right or responsibility to protect you from yourself. It has no right to steal from me to feed you. No matter how bad off you may be. The world is a messy place and people sink or swim, there just is no security in the real world". .......this is so true....and any expectation that robbin peter to pay paul should be compared to a communist state.....correct??????
Well if that's what I said, and it turns you out are neither female nor gay, which means you're not obsessed with sucking cock, then it's pretty clear the answer to your statement about me being obsessed with the Soviet Union is a negative. Indicating that I'm not obsessed with the Soviet Union.

Now, if you are done being a dumb ass (that is how you signed your last response isn't it?) perhaps you'd actually care to offer some intelligent debate instead of hurling insults like a 3 year old.

Extremely vulgar and uneducated speech. You have taken over the Politics forum and assumed the role of #1 buzz killer.

Are your self loathing rants a product of your failed website that you stupidly keep promoting in your signature? <--CLICK HERE DOPE.