what can i do to talk you out of a grow partnership?
ive tried this and ended up losing thousands of dollars and a friend in the process. someone will always feel like they deserve more because they do more work. contempt will arise, trust me. i ended up walking out on 4-1000w air-cooled rigs, 4-4x4 e&f trays with the fixings, and tons of little things.
we had agreed to move it all in pounds to keep traffic to a minimum then one day i find out hes been talking around the neighborhood about selling oz's! said we would make more money....but at what cost? now half the neighborhood knows weve got herb for sale. bad form, bigtime.
now there is someone out there that know i know how to grow and have the desire to do so. its a fucking liability for the rest of my life.
be patient and grow by yourself.
and dro blunts are gross....good way to ruin some tasty dro IMO.
hehe...i said, 'dro'