The Torrents Thread

Pirate Bay Co-founder Arrested in Cambodia

Pirate Bay co-founder Gottfrid Svartholm Warg has been arrested in Cambodia, Sweden's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Monday. Sweden wants to extradite Warg from Cambodia because he is avoiding a prison sentence imposed by a Swedish court. The arrest was made at the request of Swedish legal authorities and Warg is now in custody, said Anders Jörle, head of the press service of the ministry of Foreign Affairs. Sweden government officials have seen Warg in Cambodia and Jörle said he is doing O.K.

They will find you apparently.
If we're talking internet service providers they generally don't really care what you download, or where you download it from. They only care about bandwidth, And that's if they're even concerned with that. Sometimes they'll send an email or some scare tactic shit about bandwidth usage if your being excessive.

As for the music/movie companies... Sometimes they track the new releases. It is very rare that they even do that. You can do searches and see which recent movies they have tracked. If you belong to a private torrent site it is very unlikely your going to download a torrent from any source that is tracking you. For the most part it is the willy nilly newbies using public torrent sites. Thats how they nab 40,000 people in a day. heh.
PS - it shouldn't have to be said but if leo's somehow force your isp to give up information they will. And no matter what software, or how cool you think you are, They know who you are. They are providing you internet service. No software is gonna block shit from them. lol.

Good shit. Real good copy. BR comes out in like three weeks though...
If you get a letter just don't reply to it. Replying to it means you know you committed the action. Run over to the router and rest it. Now the router wont have a password and you can say some douche stole your internet and committed those acts.
My uni roomate recently started his own tracker. So far it works good, but its just like a clone of
Anyway check it out: XD