The Trade war between the US and Communist China

Bernie makes my skin crawl.
You think he is sucking Russian Cock? Seems like a hopeless old man with repressed anger and utterly useless, he must have ego inflation to run, or it’s all bs and he’s part of putin’s game to keep his gimp Trump in charge. Rumour has it that DB have Trump’s tax filings and that loans were countersigned by Russian oligarchs.
Is High Treason a capital offence?
I pity the man who wants a coat so cheap that the man or woman who produces the cloth will starve in the process. - benjamin harrison
He was lamenting progress and the process continues to raise standards of living across the planet while causing social disruption. We are on a technological ride with no getting off and no going back, we can only go forward into the unknown. We do have a choice about how things unfold and if we will use the power to kill each other or ourselves.
You think he is sucking Russian Cock? Seems like a hopeless old man with repressed anger and utterly useless, he must have ego inflation to run, or it’s all bs and he’s part of putin’s game to keep his gimp Trump in charge. Rumour has it that DB have Trump’s tax filings and that loans were countersigned by Russian oligarchs.
Is High Treason a capital offence?
Treason is defined in the US constitution, if there were a declared war Donald would swing for sure. I don't think old Bernie has anything to do with Trump or the Russians, in fact I figure his thinking about the Russian threat has changed a bit. In any case, I don't figure Bernie has much chance of winning the nomination.

Trump is definitely is sucking Russian cock and swallowing too.
the effects of always wanting a bargain and outsourcing labor to other countries and the profits from those bargains going offshore will come home to roost i doubt there will be ways to effectively organize labour in other countries.
the effects of always wanting a bargain and outsourcing labor to other countries and the profits from those bargains going offshore will come home to roost i doubt there will be ways to effectively organize labour in other countries.
There is no way to organize labor in the states, the GOP managed to kill the unions. Most jobs have been lost to automation not off shoring and the trend will continue, not just blue collar jobs, but plenty of others too. The future issues will be those of distribution,not abundance, but it will be a rough road getting there, it's not like we have a choice about that aspect of things, the pace of change will quicken. Among the future unemployed will be many resourceful and intelligent people and idle hands are the Devil's playground...
that is very unfortunate i live up in canada and i see myself as a trade unionist they cant offshore my job and if a company closes its doors and another non union one comes along i will physically go there and organize it the only way they will take my tools if they rip it from my cold dead hands.
that is very unfortunate i live up in canada and i see myself as a trade unionist they cant offshore my job and if a company closes its doors and another non union one comes along i will physically go there and organize it the only way they will take my tools if they rip it from my cold dead hands.
I'm Canadian too and a former trade union member (retired) and I hear ya and in Canada ya got a chance, but workers rights here have eroded in the past couple of decades too. Good luck though and I continue to support unions.
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My two cents, Unions need to unionize. They should focus more on keeping people employed and fully trained when displaced work wise.

I am not a big fan of unions, when I was a kid, my dad got blackballed because he complained that a union rep's kid was a danger on the job site and couldn't get another job for a few years without driving out of state. I understand their need, and their use in the past, but anything people can do to screw a good thing up, usually someone will to take advantage of their power.

The big thing for me, is if someone is not good at their job, unions should not force the company to have to keep that employee. The union should be able to find the company a new worker who can do the job and (while paying) train the newly displace in a career that they will have more competence in.

e.g. if a teacher sucks at teaching, the union should not hinder all the students education and find a new role for that teacher.
My two cents, Unions need to unionize. They should focus more on keeping people employed and fully trained when displaced work wise.

I am not a big fan of unions, when I was a kid, my dad got blackballed because he complained that a union rep's kid was a danger on the job site and couldn't get another job for a few years without driving out of state. I understand their need, and their use in the past, but anything people can do to screw a good thing up, usually someone will to take advantage of their power.

The big thing for me, is if someone is not good at their job, unions should not force the company to have to keep that employee. The union should be able to find the company a new worker who can do the job and (while paying) train the newly displace in a career that they will have more competence in.

e.g. if a teacher sucks at teaching, the union should not hinder all the students education and find a new role for that teacher.
The biggest offender of this is the Fraternal Order of Police.
My two cents, Unions need to unionize. They should focus more on keeping people employed and fully trained when displaced work wise.

I am not a big fan of unions, when I was a kid, my dad got blackballed because he complained that a union rep's kid was a danger on the job site and couldn't get another job for a few years without driving out of state. I understand their need, and their use in the past, but anything people can do to screw a good thing up, usually someone will to take advantage of their power.

The big thing for me, is if someone is not good at their job, unions should not force the company to have to keep that employee. The union should be able to find the company a new worker who can do the job and (while paying) train the newly displace in a career that they will have more competence in.

e.g. if a teacher sucks at teaching, the union should not hinder all the students education and find a new role for that teacher.
Unions can present problems,but you're better off with them than without. Having said that, unions are dying for the same reasons that all fraternal organizations that have meetings are dying, modern media and the social isolation it fosters. International trade with slave states doesn't help matters any, but the point is you need counter forces to the money that capitalism uses to corrupt politics. One of the big problems in America and the world is the distribution of wealth that is mostly the result of policy that is bought and paid for. If .1% own 80 or 90% of the wealth and pay no taxes, that leaves the 99.9% to pay them, Google, Amazon and Facebook make trillions and pay no tax at all to the USA, they only pay their workers what they must. The only defense against this is for people to organize into unions, associations and political parties, or take over one of the existing ones or influence it's direction significantly. Human beings band together to face threats and accomplish goals, it's how we conquered the natural world, racists and other tribalists are another aspect of this natural reaction gone awry.

We live in a dynamic world of constant technological change, trade and technology have made us much richer and will make us richer still. The old left vs right paradigm is being sweep away by technology, workers won't be required for more jobs than we can now imagine, many of the unemployed will be intelligent, educated and creative people, not the dregs of society. The wealthy will use racism and social division as they already have to maintain the status quo and divide the populace, but their vehicle for it in America is in deep trouble, the GOP is foundering. The problems of the future will be of distribution, not abundance, but it will be a rough and tragic road to the technological utopia on the other side of the future.
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