the truest words ever spoken in american politics

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You once said that a 13 year old can consent to sex with an adult. Do you still believe a 13 year old can consent to sex with an adult ? and does that mean you would not get involved if you knew your neighbor indulged in such behavior.

I already told you when I was 13 I consented to sex with a 15 year old female. Given the opportunity at that time I would have banged an 18 year old female (by your definition that is a legal adult) so, yes it is possible.

At that time many years ago, when I was 13, a hot 18 year old WAS my neighbor, I definitely would have jumped her bones, but it didn't happen.

Of course when you were 13 you may not have had the wherewithal to consent, it varies from person to person, but generally speaking the younger a person is the less likely they have developed the wherewithal to consent.

Now if you are asking me if I approve of a guy your age banging young girls, no I don't. I think I've mentioned that a couple of dozen times already.

You sure do like to talk about it a lot though. So no, I don't want to go to your mixed age slumber parties. Does your wife know how much you think about that stuff? It's a little creepy the way you go on and on about it.
you are a bitch. you'd sit by and let a kid get fucked?. whats wrong with you?.. if a kid consents its probably not for the right reason which will inevitably fuck that kids head all up in the future. you wont intervene.... because youre a pussy, thats what it is. you support pedophiles. its not about the law.. its about what is right. dont bother replying to my post with some long winded bullshit. i already know what you are

He's been asked soooo many times if he would get involved if a kid was abused and he refuses to answer, in my book that's a pussy so let it go and don't waste your time with this clown.

However, you are arguing with yourself now. You are attempting to rebut something I DIDN'T say.

I said, we don't have a right to interfere in what other CONSENTING people do. That assumes an ability to consent is present in the involved participants and the actions don't take away other peoples rights.

It seems you have failed to distinguish between when a person is involved in a consensual relationship and when they aren't. Your argument says there is no difference, and attempts to put words in my mouth.

I don't favor anyone hurting anybody nor do I favor people that do harm others. I thought that was clear by now.
Nope, you're all over the place with your answers.

You never made shit clear except you keep saying consenting as if that takes care of everything, short eyes! Only a sick fuck would think a 10 year old can consent to sex with an adult!

I already told you when I was 13 I consented to sex with a 15 year old female. Given the opportunity at that time I would have banged an 18 year old female (by your definition that is a legal adult) so, yes it is possible.

At that time many years ago, when I was 13, a hot 18 year old WAS my neighbor, I definitely would have jumped her bones, but it didn't happen.

Of course when you were 13 you may not have had the wherewithal to consent, it varies from person to person, but generally speaking the younger a person is the less likely they have developed the wherewithal to consent.

Now if you are asking me if I approve of a guy your age banging young girls, no I don't. I think I've mentioned that a couple of dozen times already.

You sure do like to talk about it a lot though. So no, I don't want to go to your mixed age slumber parties. Does your wife know how much you think about that stuff? It's a little creepy the way you go on and on about it.
How would someone like a cop test a kid to see if they have developed this wherewithal to morally be able to consent to something we would normally reserve for an adult?
So back to true words spoken, how does one reach a part of the population that's willingly swallowed the propaganda paradigm that is 'conservative' thinking? I mean, reach them, to say that radical change such as they keep being told is grand is 'conservative'? That it's okay to tell others how to live in a free country?

Once someone holds all these mutually conflicting ideas in one's head, logic creases to fit their version of 'facts', so using logic to refute it is ineffective.

How would someone like a cop test a kid to see if they have developed this wherewithal to morally be able to consent to something we would normally reserve for an adult?

Cops are bereft of morals. Why would you want them making decisions? They routinely DEPRIVE people of things.

Nope, you're all over the place with your answers.

You never made shit clear except you keep saying consenting as if that takes care of everything, short eyes! Only a sick fuck would think a 10 year old can consent to sex with an adult!


I didn't say they can or not, nor did I say if they could I'd approve of it.

However only a sick fuck, would deprive any person capable of consenting to something which doesn't involve other nonconsenting people or nonconsenting peoples property etc. of their ability to control their own life.

You seem to be trying very hard to imply that it is okay to interfere in what other people who are capable of consenting to something do. That's the same flawed "logic" a Prohibitionist uses when telling people they should be harmed for consuming a plant, because it bothers the Prohibitionist.
He's been asked soooo many times if he would get involved if a kid was abused and he refuses to answer, in my book that's a pussy so let it go and don't waste your time with this clown.


You seem intent on putting meaning into things that aren't there, Mr. Teddy Bear.

Many, if not most of the posts I've made on this website, call for the abolition of the use of initiatory force in its many various forms. So to imply that I am endorsing any person initiating harm or force against another as being something to be permitted is a bit of a stretch.

I am against all forms of initiated aggression, that's precisely why I say IF A PERSON IS CAPABLE OF CONSENTING to something and it doesn't harm other uninvolved people the uninvolved people have no right to initiate aggression by forcing a person to conform to their wishes or standards.

I am not against the use of defensive force though, so I imagine if you were to bring your amazingly large and powerful frame against me in an act of aggression, I would respond in a most appropriate manner.
How would anyone test a kid to see if they've developed the wherewithal to morally consent to something we would normally reserve for adults?

I'm afraid any experience I have in that area was when I WAS a teen, a very long time ago. Try asking Chesus his favorite methods, he seems very eager to talk about those kinds of things. Maybe he could offer some pro tips.

However since you brought up morals, if a person was able to consent to something and it didn't harm others, say they wanted to ingest a substance some people didn't like, is it anyones business to forcefully prohibit them from doing so?
I'm afraid any experience I have in that area was when I WAS a teen, a very long time ago.
So you admit then that there's no way for a person to tell if a kid has developed the wherewithal to be able to morally consent to things we would normally reserve for adults using your reasoning

Hopefully that makes it clear to you why we need a line, as arbitrary as it may seem to you or me
You seem intent on putting meaning into things that aren't there, Mr. Teddy Bear.

Many, if not most of the posts I've made on this website, call for the abolition of the use of initiatory force in its many various forms. So to imply that I am endorsing any person initiating harm or force against another as being something to be permitted is a bit of a stretch.

I am against all forms of initiated aggression, that's precisely why I say IF A PERSON IS CAPABLE OF CONSENTING to something and it doesn't harm other uninvolved people the uninvolved people have no right to initiate aggression by forcing a person to conform to their wishes or standards.

I am not against the use of defensive force though, so I imagine if you were to bring your amazingly large and powerful frame against me in an act of aggression, I would respond in a most appropriate manner.

If all you do is obfuscate in your attempt in answering simple yes or no questions about pedophelia, then I guess you are sympathetic to it and just as guilty of pedophelia for not doing anything, ok cupcake.

And spewing forward that pablum of
Consenting crap makes it worse. Pedophiles use words like consenting in order to justify their disgusting behavior...short eyes!
