The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2


Ron Paul raising peoples wages:


Thanks to some hard working NYC activists, New York servers are quickly becoming aware that Ron Paul is the only one looking out for them, and the logical choice in 2012.
1,040/311,540,740 = 0.0000033825%

that means 99.9999966% did not get waivers.

but my wife can now get covered despite her pre existing condition, and several of my family members have been able to stay on their parents' coverage for longer, and my grandma got help affording her prescription drugs.

so excuse me if i don't give a shit about some 0.0000033825% of people who got temporary waivers, and care a little more about my wife, my grandma, and my family.

Yep, that percentage are his buddies and those companies are super huge, employing thousands of people, for instance all the piss ass poor people working at McDonald's (which got waivers) are screwed thanks to barry.
Also that one percent its at now is besides the point, that number will grow and its a monopoly to help the rich get more rich.
Answer my question. What is so great about obama care if huge fortune 100 companies don't want to carry obamacare and wont carry it?
Oh yea what about all the states that are not going to have anything to do with it in their state?
No they are not all republican states either, that's a lame argument so try better than that.
Where are you from? i dont think your from America you moved here from another country or some shit.
From DailyPaul -
Romney's pull out of all "straw polls" says more about the Anti-Paul strategy of the political establishment than it does about Romney's campaign, "imploding" or otherwise.
The winds of "Tea Party" change are fairly strong here in Iowa. They have been throwing the Herman Cains', Tim Pawlentys', Rick Santorums', and Donald Trumps' at us left and right; but so far nobody has broken out of the pack. Palin is stalled and Gingrich shot himself in the foot.
Regardless of her flaws, I don't believe that Bachmann is on the insiders' short list of dream candidates.
That leaves Romney as the only person standing between Ron Paul and a disturbingly good showing in the Ames Straw Poll.
A good showing there could lead to an Iowa caucus victory and certainly would lend more credibility to his candidacy and (horror of horrors) to his libertarian ideals.
To prevent that, They have decided to pull their fighter from the ring. That way the MSM has the option to discount the importance of the straw poll if Dr. Paul wins or treat as confirmation of his irrelevancy if he is defeated.
If Ron Paul wins in Ames, the Iowa caucuses will be dismissed as unimportant. The MSM will say that the evangelical/Tea Party/radical right wingers have hijacked the GOP in Iowa and will ignore us from then on.
I read through that poll twice and it doesn't say that. Unless I didn't see it, this is the third time you've lied about a poll result in order to try and make Ron Paul look good.

Mitt Romney is the same as barry, he loves his work and would do things just like barry.
What dont you like specifically about Dr. Paul exactly?
I think his views on the Civil Rights vote of 64 could lead to racism, but we already went over all I'm glad he won't make it out the primary....but it is funny to see how hard Ron Paul's supporters try to keep the faith...
I think his views on the Civil Rights vote of 64 could lead to racism, but we already went over all I'm glad he won't make it out the primary....but it is funny to see how hard Ron Paul's supporters try to keep the faith...
Im just going to say it.
I would not care if ron paul was the most racists person on earth, i would still vote for him, because he would follow the constitution and anyone who knows anything, would know that is all they need.
The argument and debate tactic is just stupid. I cant wait to see everyone's faces who voted for someone else when he gets elected.
I think his views on the Civil Rights vote of 64 could lead to racism, but we already went over all I'm glad he won't make it out the primary....but it is funny to see how hard Ron Paul's supporters try to keep the faith...
cause faith in humanity is hilarious? cynical...diabolical...Love your Neighbor... I will never lose faith in the human think like a cop, theres tons of evil people out there to get you right? you live in fear of your fellow man?? Did you get bullied a lot? Are you a cop? Have you been a victim?
I cant wait to see everyone's faces who voted for someone else when he gets elected.


you and your nefarious kabals and wildly optimistic predictions on how ron paul will fare are always good for a laugh. thanks.

cause faith in humanity is hilarious? cynical...diabolical...Love your Neighbor... I will never lose faith in the human think like a cop, theres tons of evil people out there to get you right? you live in fear of your fellow man?? Did you get bullied a lot? Are you a cop? Have you been a victim?

you libertarians, so naive.

i have faith in my fellow man but i am not fucking dumb and i did not forget history. empirical evidence shows that people do discriminate and segregate when able. you can't deny history.

you and your nefarious kabals and wildly optimistic predictions on how ron paul will fare are always good for a laugh. thanks.

you libertarians, so naive.

i have faith in my fellow man but i am not fucking dumb and i did not forget history. empirical evidence shows that people do discriminate and segregate when able. you can't deny history.
If anyone claimed they know history as much as you, they would at the very least see the grim similarities between nazi germany and modern america.
If by history, you mean what you pick up on here and there and very selectively hearing and applying it here and there.
Then yea, i guess you know your history.
... for instance all the piss ass poor people working at McDonald's (which got waivers) are screwed thanks to barry.

actually, they get helped thanks to obama.

if you work at mcdonalds, you likely take home min wage (let's say that is $7.50) and let's also suppose you work full time. 40 x $7.50 = $300 per week x 50 weeks per year = $15,000 per year working full time at mcdonalds.

the poverty line is about $10,890, so that puts you at 150% of poverty working full time at mcdonalds.

under the patient protection and affordable care act, those living above the medicaid level and up to 400% of poverty will be subsidized on a sliding scale to buy insurance from the exchange that will be set up. at 150% of poverty, that means you would pay about 2% of your wage for health insurance, or about $25 per month for full coverage.

ha, facts. i bet you hate those pesky things.

Where are you from? i dont think your from America you moved here from another country or some shit.

at least i can speak the language. proud product of new jersey public schools.
If anyone claimed they know history as much as you, they would at the very least see the grim similarities between nazi germany and modern america.

do let me know when they start rounding up citizens based on religion or political belief and start putting them in ghettos and concentration camps, sport.
i see you changed your sig and edited out the "ron paul will raise your wage" nonsense.
I changed it to standard of living but that was too many characters so then I had to change it to lower taxes - I did it especially for you, gotta be all PC and shit with you haters around lol
actually, they get helped thanks to obama.

if you work at mcdonalds, you likely take home min wage (let's say that is $7.50) and let's also suppose you work full time. 40 x $7.50 = $300 per week x 50 weeks per year = $15,000 per year working full time at mcdonalds.

the poverty line is about $10,890, so that puts you at 150% of poverty working full time at mcdonalds.

under the patient protection and affordable care act, those living above the medicaid level and up to 400% of poverty will be subsidized on a sliding scale to buy insurance from the exchange that will be set up. at 150% of poverty, that means you would pay about 2% of your wage for health insurance, or about $25 per month for full coverage.

ha, facts. i bet you hate those pesky things.

at least i can speak the language. proud product of new jersey public schools.

Again eww shame on me i forgot an e oh no. Your tactic is no good.
Facts are pesky things especially when you warp and corrupt them mr. (my s.u.v. is causing hotter summers.)
Hey i have an idea, PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH.
Mitt Romney is the same as barry, he loves his work and would do things just like barry.

They are not the same. You disliking both of them doesn't mean they are alike.

What dont you like specifically about Dr. Paul exactly?

His economic policies would be a huge give away to multinational corporations and banks. They would be extremely harmful to working class folks. I don't believe electing an extremist is the way to help the economy. The economic theories he's advocating are untried and unproven. Every time a country adopts economic policies even similar to his it leads to massive socioeconomic inequality. For example the gilded age in America. Sure, that time created a lot of GDP, but the price the American people had to pay for it was unacceptable.

I don't like his views on civil rights or abortion either.

I do like his views on legalization and war, but that's about it.
So then, why wouldn't McDonald's have to carry obamacare? When the small ma and pa burger place would?
You think thats logical?
I thought we needed medical reform for a reason, not just to push the little guy around and help big corporate interests.