The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2

If anyone claimed they know history as much as you, they would at the very least see the grim similarities between nazi germany and modern america.

The problem with nazi germany is that they tried to take over Europe and committed genocide. That is not happening here, so you really can't make a legitimate comparison.
So then, why wouldn't McDonald's have to carry obamacare? When the small ma and pa burger place would?
You think thats logical?
I thought we needed medical reform for a reason, not just to push the little guy around and help big corporate interests.

So you like by eliminating all the rules that prevent corporate interests from taking over this country would be a big win for the little guy? Because that's what Ron Paul advocates.
The problem with nazi germany is that they tried to take over Europe and committed genocide. That is not happening here, so you really can't make a legitimate comparison.

You are picking one feather off the overall bird with hundreds of feathers and saying because that feather is different the bird is not the same.
No logic at all, i am at a loss of words if you think things are so simplistic and black and white.
America is not based in over a 150 countries?
America is not claiming wars because of humanitarian effort?
America is not power grabbing and setting up checkpoints wherever they can?
Those three were just off the top of my head.
Like to you if we had the same shirts but with different stitching around the sleeves, they would no longer be the same or even similar for that matter in your opinion.
Would you like me to give you even more technical and broader spectrum's of how your logic is completely lacking?
So you like by eliminating all the rules that prevent corporate interests from taking over this country would be a big win for the little guy? Because that's what Ron Paul advocates.
Your spinning this topic in to a 360 degree direction. I guess that is how you and uncle beck win over the people who oppose freedom.
Lets spin this off into fairy tale land now also.
If you where to get up in front of a crowd and try to debate me, i would have applause as you would have boo's
So then, why wouldn't McDonald's have to carry obamacare? When the small ma and pa burger place would?
You think thats logical?
I thought we needed medical reform for a reason, not just to push the little guy around and help big corporate interests.

ANYONE who makes more than medicaid and up to 400% of poverty would qualify for subsidized health insurance from an exchange. the more you made, the less you would be subsidized. not only that, but medicaid is expanded to more people as well.

if a business with 50 employees or more does not offer health insurance through the employer, they must pay a 'shared responsibility' payment IF their employees health insurance is subsidized.

i don't think you have any clue what is in the patient protection and affordable care act.
ANYONE who makes more than medicaid and up to 400% of poverty would qualify for subsidized health insurance from an exchange. the more you made, the less you would be subsidized. not only that, but medicaid is expanded to more people as well.

if a business with 50 employees or more does not offer health insurance through the employer, they must pay a 'shared responsibility' payment IF their employees health insurance is subsidized.

i don't think you have any clue what is in the patient protection and affordable care act.

As it is, i don't have health insurance because of money and still couldn't afford it if it was $20.00 even.
Forbid i get really ill, and get a terminal disease, i would then obviously need professional medical attention and care. I do not have health insurance, i do not go to the doctor if i am sick, or get a deep cut, or get in a car wreck, because i cant afford it. Also i think that the best cure is prevention, and i eat healthy and take a shit load of vitamins everyday. I don't get sick often.
I don't enjoy being told, if i don't carry health care insurance, i will be fined and that money will go to the feds for no reason other than them stealing my money from me.
Further more why should i have to, by law, required to carry any type of insurance, unless it was a condition of privilege or employment?
As it is, i don't have health insurance because of money and still couldn't afford it if it was $20.00 even.
Forbid i get really ill, and get a terminal disease, i would then obviously need professional medical attention and care. I do not have health insurance, i do not go to the doctor if i am sick, or get a deep cut, or get in a car wreck, because i cant afford it. Also i think that the best cure is prevention, and i eat healthy and take a shit load of vitamins everyday. I don't get sick often.
I don't enjoy being told, if i don't carry health care insurance, i will be fined and that money will go to the feds for no reason other than them stealing my money from me.
Further more why should i have to, by law, required to carry any type of insurance, unless it was a condition of privilege or employment?

how much do you make a year?

if it is less than $14, 483.70, you will qualify for medicaid under the patient protection and affordable care act.

no one gets fined if they can't afford it.

perhaps you may want t brush up on what this bill does.
You are picking one feather off the overall bird with hundreds of feathers and saying because that feather is different the bird is not the same.
No logic at all, i am at a loss of words if you think things are so simplistic and black and white.

Sometimes things are that simple. Hilter wasn't a horrible person because his economic policies caused GDP growth, it was the jews in the oven thing that people had issues with.
Sometimes things are that simple. Hilter wasn't a horrible person because his economic policies caused GDP growth, it was the jews in the oven thing that people had issues with.

that and the moustache. i don't think anyone liked the moustache.
Your spinning this topic in to a 360 degree direction. I guess that is how you and uncle beck win over the people who oppose freedom.
Lets spin this off into fairy tale land now also.
If you where to get up in front of a crowd and try to debate me, i would have applause as you would have boo's

Only in an mental institution.

In a debate, people explain why the other person is wrong. You're not doing that and just throwing out lame accusation like people who don't support Ron Paul oppose freedom. That's what Bush supporters told me when I opposed the Iraq war. It's meaningless bullshit.

Well all oppose and support certain types of freedom. Just because someone doesn't share your views of which types of freedoms should be opposed or supported doesn't mean they hate freedom.

If you think I'm wrong, explain why. But cheap accusations and rhetoric are not impressing anyone.
So you like by eliminating all the rules that prevent corporate interests from taking over this country would be a big win for the little guy? Because that's what Ron Paul advocates.
Yep cause Ron Paul will let wal-mart takeover the world this is totally not a crazy conspiracy theory, and we are also going to be rounded up in FEMA CAMPS, and obama is a lizard man, sure. We've been over this dozens of times and I don't really care to go over it again, this discussion takes place in The Truth about Ron Paul thread and also this thread The truth about ron paul part 2.
Yep cause Ron Paul will let wal-mart takeover the world this is totally not a conspiracy,

It's not a conspiracy, it's free market economics. If you eliminate the regulations that prevent corporations from exploiting people, they will exploit people.
Only in an mental institution.

In a debate, people explain why the other person is wrong. You're not doing that and just throwing out lame accusation like people who don't support Ron Paul oppose freedom. That's what Bush supporters told me when I opposed the Iraq war. It's meaningless bullshit.

Well all oppose and support certain types of freedom. Just because someone doesn't share your views of which types of freedoms should be opposed or supported doesn't mean they hate freedom.

If you think I'm wrong, explain why. But cheap accusations and rhetoric are not impressing anyone.

Well seeing how i answer all the questions with facts and data and legit information, rather than spin it off in a 360 degree direction with added opinions.
Yeah, that would be the part where the applause would be deserving, as with the 360 degree opinions off topic would deserve the boo's.
exploiting people is illegal dan

Not if you eliminate the regulations making it illegal. Like eliminating the minimum wage for example, which Ron Paul supports.

Concepts aren't illegal. You have to define them in a law for them to become illegal. If you eliminate that law, it becomes legal.
Not if you eliminate the regulations making it illegal. Like eliminating the minimum wage for example, which Ron Paul supports.

Concepts aren't illegal. You have to define them in a law for them to become illegal. If you eliminate that law, it becomes legal.

ron paul will not make fraud legal
how much do you make a year?

if it is less than $14, 483.70, you will qualify for medicaid under the patient protection and affordable care act.

no one gets fined if they can't afford it.

perhaps you may want t brush up on what this bill does.

Well i don't make anywhere near that because my job was robbed.
If i did make above that, i probably still wouldn't carry insurance because i live a healthy low risk lifestyle. So who are the government to dictate that to me?