The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
that would have done my head in. waking up hungry and seeing it was too late to finish the domino's order lmao


Well-Known Member
that would have done my head in. waking up hungry and seeing it was too late to finish the domino's order lmao
That's not even the best of it! Dominos deliver up to 5am here, so 1.30am I order online sit there watching that thing where it shows you what stage its at lol

By 3am and the fucking online thing saying its been delivered! I got some1 to ring em cause didn't have any credit on me fne, they put em on hold for 10mins then came back and said the total wrong address after telling em don't bother its too late now the cunt put the fone down on em lol

3.30am I'm about to get me snooze on and knock on the door its dominos with me order I just told em too late now I fucking ordered 2hrs ago! And just shut the door.


Well-Known Member
fuking paki baby indeed!! il be having less, thats deformation of character that is..

did they turn up sambo?

saem,, na if i had a rake of weed course id hook u up,, but i dont im afraid :(

how is everyone>? i bee up since,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6AM!! lol then patient transport turne up so had to go hossy to get me leg checked out,, fuking horrible place.


Well-Known Member
After I got mugged in Bradford the police officer asked if I could give a description of the assailant.

"I can give a very accurate description," I replied, as he opened his notebook. "He was a white youth aged between...."

"That's OK sir," he said, closing his book. "We're well acquainted with the lad in question."

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
i got a Q that yorkie will probably know the answer to. it says not to use the foliar feeding in late flower because of mold but if i mist the lower stems, would it absorb the same sort of way in the stem as it does in the leaves?
It will but not as much or as quickly.

It is fine to mist in late flower if your RH is low enough, if you can keep your RH @ 50% or lower while the plant is wet you'll never get mold.

For mold spores to grow they need warmth, humidity and a food source. Take any one of those away and mold is fucked.


Well-Known Member
Today was weird. In ASDA everywhere I turned there were people on the ground, bleeding from the head and face.
I would have stopped to help but there was nowhere to put my ladder down.


Well-Known Member
just opened the door to TV licensing, let him talk for a minute or so then just closed the door n locked it, he didnt look too happy lol


Well-Known Member
just opened the door to TV licensing, let him talk for a minute or so then just closed the door n locked it, he didnt look too happy lol
yeh slong as they dont see a tv running they cant do shit,,parantly,, cunts at this time of yr too



Well-Known Member
Well just got my letter from the cps through the door... £200 fine for that bust:) fucking result!!!!!! That's made my day so it has lol


Well-Known Member
there is always somthing open for somthing to eat,that liquid light stuff looks good
it looks too good to be true tho. i was supprised that no one here used it if it works as good as it says. hopefully some one will get some and say if its any good before i can sort out my next grow. i just got the misses some perfume and those 50 shades of grey books so that should sweeten her up a bit lol

That's not even the best of it! Dominos deliver up to 5am here, so 1.30am I order online sit there watching that thing where it shows you what stage its at lol

By 3am and the fucking online thing saying its been delivered! I got some1 to ring em cause didn't have any credit on me fne, they put em on hold for 10mins then came back and said the total wrong address after telling em don't bother its too late now the cunt put the fone down on em lol

3.30am I'm about to get me snooze on and knock on the door its dominos with me order I just told em too late now I fucking ordered 2hrs ago! And just shut the door.
i would have just had it. i ordered a chinese before and that took over 2 hours to get here, they said the delivery bloke had a crash and they had to send another car out with a new order. im just a hungry cunt, since i read you post ive been fancying a large meteor off them
It will but not as much or as quickly.

It is fine to mist in late flower if your RH is low enough, if you can keep your RH @ 50% or lower while the plant is wet you'll never get mold.

For mold spores to grow they need warmth, humidity and a food source. Take any one of those away and mold is fucked.
cheers mate. i got a dehumidifier here so ill put that on and check the RH. have you heared anything about that liquid light?


Well-Known Member
just dropped 250 on a new lock, 5 break ins in my area in the last week.....2 large Surinnam chaps by all accounts. Bold as brass, during the day, just smashing the lock cylinders in with screw drivers and hauling them out (shitty builder put shitty locks in). One women and her kid where in and heard a noise, didn't think it was anything, went to the front door and found a screwdriver lodged in the lock:shock: Reminds me of my mate in Glasgow, came back to find his car broken into with a knife stuck in the key and a post it note on it saying "new door key", lol.


Well-Known Member
just opened the door to TV licensing, let him talk for a minute or so then just closed the door n locked it, he didnt look too happy lol
i had 1 of my mates going before on the phone pretending to be the tv licence bloke. he was nearly crying when i asked for a list of his stuff because i was going to reposes it. turned out the dull fucker had a tv licence all along but he was too off it to remember lmao

i just got back from doing the xmas shop. what a fucking head fucking thing to have to do. i had people bumping into me with trollies, other cunts just stood there looking like muppets when i was trying to pass. if i wasnt such a pussy i would have kicked fuck out of some of them lmao


Well-Known Member
just opened the door to TV licensing, let him talk for a minute or so then just closed the door n locked it, he didnt look too happy lol
I couldnt believe the grief I got from them in my last house. Despite inviting them in several times and showing them around, they didn't seem able to grasp the concept that I didn't own a TV.
You can write to them removing their 'implied right of access' which means they can't even knock on your door or walk up your path any more.


Well-Known Member
I couldnt believe the grief I got from them in my last house. Despite inviting them in several times and showing them around, they didn't seem able to grasp the concept that I didn't own a TV.
You can write to them removing their 'implied right of access' which means they can't even knock on your door or walk up your path any more.
yup either gonna do that or go online and register for a Tv licence in the name of the fucking nigerian cunt that owns this place n let it fall to pieces an refuses to fix it lmao


Well-Known Member
I couldnt believe the grief I got from them in my last house. Despite inviting them in several times and showing them around, they didn't seem able to grasp the concept that I didn't own a TV.
You can write to them removing their 'implied right of access' which means they can't even knock on your door or walk up your path any more.
can you do 1 of those letter to talk talk canvasers? i swear if i had a gun id shoot the fuckers. i had another bloke here asking for money to save dogs, when i said no he gave me a stinking look and asked why i hates dogs


Well-Known Member
can you do 1 of those letter to talk talk canvasers? i swear if i had a gun id shoot the fuckers. i had another bloke here asking for money to save dogs, when i said no he gave me a stinking look and asked why i hates dogs
Yup you can do it to any company or organisation you dont want attending your property ( except emergency services, royal mail etc)

Look up online " removal of implied rights of access" and theres plenty of videos and guides to show you how to do it