The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
fuck me ppl dont half take the piss these days, txting round for some mdma for over xmas an ppl are saying .4-.7 for a £40 GRAM deal, i had to laugh as they obviously dont get the concept of the word GRAM lol


Well-Known Member
lol yeh round here i bought a eigth the otherday,, he comes and i say nice one for the teenth and he started getting all pissey saying its a henry i ask how much does it weigh,he said that dont matter its stil a 15 qwid henry (it weighed 1.4) so yeh lol fucknuggets they are pisses me of a henry is 3,5 the last time i checked?
fucking mongoles


Well-Known Member
Fukkin liberty ice, so now a Henry relates to something costing 15, that don't wash. You must have thought you were on a winner, someone telling you it was 15 a henry, 1.4 isn't even a 16th.


Well-Known Member
Fukkin liberty ice, so now a Henry relates to something costing 15, that don't wash. You must have thought you were on a winner, someone telling you it was 15 a henry, 1.4 isn't even a 16th.
i know mate,, he does 1.7 for 20 and must be .8 or sum shit for a cockle, pure liberty, he does get all rather defensive tho wen i menton his weight,, but he did just pay 220 for the weed whcich does have a perfumey taste wen your smoking it but not wen u smell the bud! fucked lol.. 220 for shite and then they moan wen i ask 160's for grade coz they say its too heavy like wtf?

my god u get sum muppets

DST i been asking about the DOG seems it has a herie problem? u managed to stabalise it yet buddy?


Well-Known Member
It was even like that back in the 80's, some cheeky fuckers done 9 8ths to the oz, and 1 knob use to ask 16 for an 8th, Ffs, people been taking liberties since the dawn of man, lol.


Well-Known Member
It was even like that back in the 80's, some cheeky fuckers done 9 8ths to the oz, and 1 knob use to ask 16 for an 8th, Ffs, people been taking liberties since the dawn of man, lol.
a bar was menna be 9 and a q? yeh thats rite coz works out better buying 2 halfs at 4 ana 3/4 if remember rightly?

fuicking liberties,, i blame the pakis, putting weed pricesu p,, no way can it have ben a white man who first asked 2 and above for ther ounces? or maybe it was smabo/ lol


Well-Known Member
lol, def that cunt sambo, he was behind it all, mwahahahahaha, him.and his big fat furry pussy, lol.


Well-Known Member
i remember 6-7yr ago getting stinky stink skunk 120s, 65 a half, 1000 a bar but thank fuck all that soon changed and nowdays people are happy n fucking gratefull to get high grade, DRY and proper for 240s! `

no wonder i got a complex with u lot bullying me lmao


Well-Known Member
Yup, it's all BS. It's like people have forgotten what an 8th actually is and now it's become another word for a gram. I recently worked out that it costs me about £15 an ounce to grow, all in. That includes electric, nutes, bulb replacement, pH testing and pH down etc. That's less than £2 for a genuine 8th. Screw dealers.