The UK Growers Thread!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
I'll take the pepsi challenge with bud all day long the stronger the better, only really bubble does the job I want but it's impractical.
My problem is I have to either cain loads in a short period before I go about my day or set of to go about my day later after I've topped up.
If I can have something that hit's hard and fast then I'm good to go.

I'm running that purp Smelly Fingerez again but in coco/airpots to test this Tricontanol spay, I'll see how the stone pans out this time.


Well-Known Member
afternoon fuckers, anyone getting rid of a cheap tent and/or fan n filter combo at any point soon? wanna get growing again coz im going out my mind with nothing to do lol


Well-Known Member
anyone usuing android? ther a rollitup app,, just for here, 69p but if anyone wants a free link lemmi know fuk payin

chedz has fucked of pukka hes choppin so ofc hes vanished. dont like to pay his debts the CUNT


Well-Known Member
How do you fuckers that dont work keep yourself occupied all day every day? getting cabin fever n its driving me nuts, completely bored shitless everyday


Well-Known Member
anyone usuing android? ther a rollitup app,, just for here, 69p but if anyone wants a free link lemmi know fuk payin

chedz has fucked of pukka hes choppin so ofc hes vanished. dont like to pay his debts the CUNT
Put that link up for me plz ic3. Does my fone need to be rooted to use the app for free?


Well-Known Member
Lol it would be good if it displayed all the different forums separately, but it doesn't. You can only view them as new, latest or subscribed. So all the threads from every sub forum are all mixed in together in one list. I'll stick to my browser me thinks lol


Well-Known Member
Lol it would be good if it displayed all the different forums separately, but it doesn't. You can only view them as new, latest or subscribed. So all the threads from every sub forum are all mixed in together in one list. I'll stick to my browser me thinks lol
yeh suppose i think i got the 1.3 version tho il take a look and find it,, thats 1,2

anyways install this app,, another app market fuk play store



Well-Known Member
Aye vBulletin is crap. That's what you have to use if you go incognito on Google chrome.
Cheers for that getapk link ic3 that will come in handy