The UK Growers Thread!

Hi guys,

my brother has a grow going consiting of 4 plants under a 600watt air cooled grow light, in a tent set up in a cupboard with hot light/tent air being pushed out of the cupboard through a carbon filter, leaving the hot/warm air to blend in to the rest of his flat air/temps. he lives in a ground floor flat,
however the police heli copter is constantly in and out of the area and there is also local yobs that attract police attention to the area, i have grown before and told him not to panic and keep his grow to himself only as 90% of the time this is how small growers are being caught imo.

also just to add the cupboard is sittuated in the center of his flat with bedrooms and bathrooms covering sight through windows and light escaping

Any suggestions would be great. thank you for your time guys
now now hahaha i know its a bone question but he panics i have grown before and said dont panic but he is not me so i just wanted other people to make it clear to him
that 1 600w light is nothing


Well-Known Member
question is ya seriously asking the wrong question at the wrong time for a serious answer, you answered yourself in the 1st post.

1 600 and chopppers fucking behave...........


Well-Known Member
Yeah probably if he waved it out the window at them lol,

FLIR( Forward Looking Infra Red cameras) can only see surface temperatures not through walls so if he was growing in an un-insulated loft and the loft was showing heat spots in certain parts of the roof and not others then it would ring alarm bells but 1 cupboard with 1 600W HPS in the middle of his flat is fine, smell would be more of a concern to me in a flat
its a ground floor flat, with cupboard in the center of the flat (1m x 1m cupboard) i said i would post on here for him as when i done my grow (first and only) this site was what i used for research ect and found it pukka, i understand these may sound like stupid questions guy but we all got ot start some were aint we hahahaha i explained to him that he had nothing to worry about but he stated i only done one grow so what do i know, which is why i have entered here to ask a bit more about it. thanks guys
mold? when i done my first and only grow i just let the filtered air mix in with the normal air in my house and never experienced mold, again any info is good info so thank you for the point about mold

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Guess it depends on a lot of factors but it'd probably be fine. I did 2x 600's like that and humidity was nuts but I live in the cold wet North...
humidity and temps are fine, but he only using 1 600 so i wouldnt think it would be to high, its more the chopper worry he has, i know its been pointed out that 1 600 is nothing to worry about
but i think every grower has had a certain ammount of worry when it comes to the chopper, okay they may be doing larger grows but i can imageine there first was
not a large scale grow, maybe 5-6 plants. any ways im great ful for any advide i can get and help others out so thank you for your help guys

also don gin and ton,
the weather in the north is great tuffens us all up hahaha

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Doesn't bother me the cold I've a beer jacket on most days. And ne coat.

Tell your mate to crack on and keep his gob shut. Rule #1 we don't talk about fight club;)


Well-Known Member
look 1x 600hps in a room within the middle of your house will not get seen by flir,flir can only see surface temps but the heat wil be on the surface of your cupbard therfor the flir cant see it, thats hwy folks use tents a room within a room"!


night guys im going bed i need a banging shit! oh that reminds me sambo YER A CUNT!
