The UK Growers Thread!

i never recommended budworx hes been hit n miss, seems to have upped his game tho recently n in general aint a bad option.

now techohippy thats my rec, yeah your pay the price but your get exactly what u ordered and it will be the qaulity described, techohippy supplys half the uk vendors with md,acid,hash etc.
im not into it but I like a challenge, I offered to wash some coke(don't use it myself) with anhydrous acetone, I think it was drop some sodium hydroxide with the actone toremove the water and BOOOM charlie
very drunk and waiting for th raping lol

ive had it before mate, from the darknet was 130 a gram for the washed stuff yeah it was nice but no nicer than good sniff id had in the past, acetone will clean alot out the coke but not all theres alot of mixers that wont disolve in acetone.
Could of sworn it was you lol Jaysus ah well only ordering from people that package with Mbb bags so I can sleep a lil better lol ill definitely be going all out on the hashes there I'll be getting a q of each hash but then I've weed to buy lol
Could of sworn it was you lol Jaysus ah well only ordering from people that package with Mbb bags so I can sleep a lil better lol ill definitely be going all out on the hashes there I'll be getting a q of each hash but then I've weed to buy lol

no mate sorry budworx wasnt me. ive seen him about for a while n no of the vendor but personally i wouldnt rec, they have had there problems.

them tesco's vouchers dunno if you seen em but they work lol ive had a few of them.
Yeah I was looking at them lol the diamonds are a great idea not even marked! But 2 much money...kinda thing you'd have to fly over for to be sure.
ive had it before mate, from the darknet was 130 a gram for the washed stuff yeah it was nice but no nicer than good sniff id had in the past, acetone will clean alot out the coke but not all theres alot of mixers that wont disolve in acetone.
its an interesting chem, cant be reproduced in the lab (45 years after apparently landing on the moon we still cant synth cocaine..? what a fukin rip
Yeah I was looking at them lol the diamonds are a great idea not even marked! But 2 much money...kinda thing you'd have to fly over for to be sure.

fuck the diamonds lol i like cheap shopping tho lol

i member a few yrs ago when they still ads offering to kill people or burn down a house or 3 for 1500 in bitcoins lmao
fuk u been smoking?
firstly frontline only do packs of 3 or 6 and ther 18-20 for 3 and 28-30 for 6.

only place u get em cheap is 19 qwid + vat for 6 from costco. obviously ther suppliers tho

we use em regular, the frontline combi is the best but the vets saying uk fleas are getting immune to it so use sum other stuff, that also worms them, cant rmemeebr name but gunna buy sum, i know its a tad more dear but it last 6 months or sum shit,
dont use bob martins, its a cat killer.

wats this spray u speak off?

Yeah you're right, £18 for 3 the missus said.

I had a 20 min conversation with the vet earlier all about Bob Martin products and she told me that they're unlicensed.
Due to this the Fipronil solution is made up far too fucking strong and it's killing cats.

The Fipronil solution spray bottle I have just bought from the vet....


.....has 2.5mg/ml of Fipronil in it.

The instructions say......


.......7.5 mg per kilo of body weight sprayed onto fur to wet down to the skin (most of this will evaporate).

According to the Bob Martin website.....

"Bob Martin FleaClear Spot On Solution 50mg for cats is for killing fleas on your cat. It is applied at the back of the cat’s neck and between the shoulders. Each treatment provides protection against fleas for up to 5 weeks.
Bob Martin FleaClear Spot On can be used on cats over 2 months old and is suitable for use in homes with both cats and dogs."

.....that means they're telling you to apply the spray dose for a 6.6kg cat (50mg) directly to the animals skin from 2 months old!