The UK Growers Thread!

its an interesting chem, cant be reproduced in the lab (45 years after apparently landing on the moon we still cant synth cocaine..? what a fukin rip

i had a quick read of that message from agora, i highly doubt that they wont be back up when its sorted, id watch your orders tho when u can off course lol i dunno what the auto-finalize time is on agora 14days i think? your orders already been a week if the sites now down for another week u might get orders auto-finalized that u aint received yet.
i had a quick read of that message from agora, i highly doubt that they wont be back up when its sorted, id watch your orders tho when u can off course lol i dunno what the auto-finalize time is on agora 14days i think? your orders already been a week if the sites now down for another week u might get orders auto-finalized that u aint received yet.

busting out the knowledge n whatnot early on a weeked morning sambo shiyyyat u must have had a light night.?
i been trying ice, aint exactly been tee-total but deffo improving only drank twice in the last 7days, n both times just a cheeky half bot not going stupid like i have been.

respect man! keep it up,,,,, that drink is a demon of a monkey to have on ya shoulder, keep it up, yer not a cunt wen ya sober.
n the family will appreciate it too, but u know if u totally stop ya knob will work TOO well lol,, all that sensitivty comes bak and ur bak to being a oral demon to save a messsy embaresment

fuking hell man, menna start on ripen my mans poorly so cant get my bottle of it CUNT, lol oh yeh got half oz of livers ther too, again CUNT.
i had a quick read of that message from agora, i highly doubt that they wont be back up when its sorted, id watch your orders tho when u can off course lol i dunno what the auto-finalize time is on agora 14days i think? your orders already been a week if the sites now down for another week u might get orders auto-finalized that u aint received yet.
Nah agora will be back up I'd put money on it but yeah all my orders are on their way b4 it went down n I've about 2e in my wallet so fuck it...dunno if the function will still work if everything's down you'd think they would freeze all those actions
respect man! keep it up,,,,, that drink is a demon of a monkey to have on ya shoulder, keep it up, yer not a cunt wen ya sober.
n the family will appreciate it too, but u know if u totally stop ya knob will work TOO well lol,, all that sensitivty comes bak and ur bak to being a oral demon to save a messsy embaresment

fuking hell man, menna start on ripen my mans poorly so cant get my bottle of it CUNT, lol oh yeh got half oz of livers ther too, again CUNT.

yeah it was getting abit silly the drinking that is not to mention id be dead quick lol

fuck the ripen id be getting him up for the half oz of livers tho lol
i like wham bars too.

anyone remeber that eastern movie called the raid? a dubbed version was made and uploaded? bowt a team of chinese cops or oriantel anwyays, go into a tower block and its mad fighting and shit! real good movie


raid 2 is out
The Raid 2 2014 BDRip x264-GECKOS
Have you seen old boy?
Nah agora will be back up I'd put money on it but yeah all my orders are on their way b4 it went down n I've about 2e in my wallet so fuck it...dunno if the function will still work if everything's down you'd think they would freeze all those actions

i think they will back up soon too relax, dunno bout the auto-finalize you would think it would be turned off but i dunno? dont matter if they are in transit if it aint been turned off n you dont finalize in time it will do it for ya.