The UK Growers Thread!

after growing ur own the 2.5(a good deal lol) of heavily sprayed green would be 50. or 35e foe an 8th of soap bar..I'd ate that up in 2-3 bongs...cheaper to buy class a's

well ask on here then, im sure u can find a O for ilke 180-200,
dident HG just have a harvest in?
Yeah I've been offered it's the waiting for it that's a ball ache n with the hash i make more money Actually hg, how much ur ounces going for bud?
I'm sure with that much fame n fortune comes mucho isolation doesn't matter how great everything is if ur bipolar ur bipolar. Money doesn't cure everything
Just spent all morning with my Ma , called me Robert all morning !, onset dementure I think, great stuff lol
that my mother's biggest fear, something truely terrifying about it.buuut again some ppl take it really well it's just the family that have to deal with the emotional distress. If you're being genuine baz my heart goes out to u buddy you've not had the greatest of luck this yr
that my mother's biggest fear, something truely terrifying about it.buuut again some ppl take it really well it's just the family that have to deal with the emotional distress. If you're being genuine baz my heart goes out to u buddy you've not had the greatest of luck this yr
I'm totally straight m8, she's 78,& losing it by the week !, no love lost between us & her,(too much to go into), but we as kids were treated worse than dogs !. But there's no other fucker to help her & she had to sell her gaff, & now she has to rent private, what a fuck about !
baz bipolar is a propper illness drug addiction self inflicted fukin celebrities, and as for mothers....not fukin keen on mine either...they get dementure wont remember a fukin thing about all the chaos they caused or turned a blind eye to, also wont know if ya visited or not.....fuk em lol