The UK Growers Thread!

The paki from the German lad arrived.was around 110 for the 25g so,should be good, smells the propper paki black smell n the packaging was good, not super ninja (didn't shrink wrap the dvd after putting it in there) but definitely smell proof.... If my Spanish guy doesn't return I'll definitely buy from this lad again...german efficiency lads lol


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The paki from the German lad arrived.was around 110 for the 25g so,should be good, smells the propper paki black smell n the packaging was good, not super ninja (didn't shrink wrap the dvd after putting it in there) but definitely smell proof.... If my Spanish guy doesn't return I'll definitely buy from this lad again...german efficiency lads lol

Well get smoking some then and tell us what its like lol

Also how does the paki hash compare in strength n taste to some of the other hashes? never smoked paki so dont know if its stronger or weaker than stuff like gold seal/00 etc
Just gonna try it now. Went shopping n long story short the bog roll was marked as 6 n scanned at ten n the fat whore wouldn't give it to me for 6 ( false/misleading advertising) so I've taken pics n emailed customer service...gonna get some free shiz woop woop ok gonna smoke it now lol
Just gonna try it now. Went shopping n long story short the bog roll was marked as 6 n scanned at ten n the fat whore wouldn't give it to me for 6 ( false/misleading advertising) so I've taken pics n emailed customer service...gonna get some free shiz woop woop ok gonna smoke it now lol
Stop whineing and just wipe yer arse with it ya moany big cunt lol
Lovelylee. To me its the fucking taste n smell of it that I love n yay I'm pretty high lol 50e for 3.5 it is muahaha if the other cheap stuffs like this I'm literally laughing. Few of the comments on it was that the quality wasn't the best but for the price it's pretty good and I'd agree with that, not gonna lie n say it's the best hash i had but it's definitely worth what i paid for it lol maybe not what I'm gonna charge for it but it's not gonna kill em like that sprayed "weed" about the place
Stop whineing and just wipe yer arse with it ya moany big cunt lol
Fuck that shit man lol I complained before n got a 80e store voucher and with this I'm 100% right even took pics of the display n all.if shits discontinued in a store write to the producers n they send you out free stuff lol all u needs the time n that I have.
@Z they want me to take pills, but when I told doc I drive HGV for living, he said "come off the green & take some kalms " otherwise ide lose licence. That was 3 year ago , the surgery has now closed down & I haven't registered anywhere else. Nearest doc is 5 mile away now. FUCK EM ! When I'm bad , I just go down the hospital, & wait 4 hrs behind the Eastern Europeans & otherJohnny foreigners !
. . . Yes , show us what kinda plastic bag is in there ! Lol, those were the days, or not as the case may be.
Lol, that was soap bar lol id burn it n a tiny bit would keep burning till the plastic was covered again by the hash hahaha here u are séan...probably gonna keep it myself n have a bong ever other day n ween myself off don't wanna die from cannabis withdrawals ha ha