The UK Growers Thread!

Hello U.K growers!
I am french,as many of you guessed,and I did love to use T.G.A supersoil. But as some of you,certainly knowed,most of the ingredients are very hard to find in U.K and E.U!!
Do you know a good "recipe" of SSoil with all ingredients available around our country.So without big shipping cost...
Only tap water...a dream...
Biotabs would be a solution...for vegg,but for flo I need something else...
Have a great day
PS: I did not post in the organic thread,because I really need a more "local" answer!

surely it is the french growers thread you are looking for?
Why are you so agresive...
It is because you we French guys are the best fuckers on heart
And maybe I bang you girlfriend last summer,here in Cannes,that why you act like this!!!?
And I fell really sorry for you guys, cause I'm maybe French but I hate cheese as deeply as you
Wow,I have a lot of English friend,cause I live on french riviera,maybe you don't like French,but many of you invade my country in summer,and some even stay...
Heres one...i remember when dubaholic ripped off one of our regs..i sent don A paclage b4 bemzos went mad on me lol nnn lemme think..gary has chickem legs zedds hone scuba diving on opium lol..will i go on?
Shush chicken legs lol how about this u sent me a tast jakes dream sample that was delicious..we both love rotties n so on crocks now so on slippers a they smell of hot ass after awhile