The slipper bandit
How can i prove this is i lol. Id be para muself woth randoma cominf in
he was a month in de briefing lolLool he ain't been rehab then haha....made a batch af cheesy funky wax today proper thick n greasy and terpy ta fuck....I'm 1 week in flower and me plants are about 18 inch away from the light some only 12 inch away ohhh Fuck
Lol.the crocks ate easy to was as appose to old smelly slippersLool gone from leather slippers to crocks too slippery slope that he'll be on the browns next toe nails hanging out his sandles and all sorts
Yup juat change wallet after each transactiondo u guys use agora wallet ?
Anyone with time and who's read the thread would know that, I want real proof, I think we need a dancing vid to prove its you. LolShush chicken legs lol how about this u sent me a tast jakes dream sample that was delicious..we both love rotties n so on crocks now so on slippers a they smell of hot ass after awhile
shudda listened to the docs mate and stay well clear, ur on a bender btl ...?Lool maybe aftwr. Few dribks lol will ppst pot crock poca eventually i suppose haha
morning guys plants look worse for ware to day 24 hours after sparying water and fairy on them just as lights went outView attachment 3473996 View attachment 3473997 View attachment 3473998 View attachment 3473999