The UK Growers Thread!

I do forget your still the fairly newb to the thread oscar spent too many tame yrs in the journals mate lol

I may have gone down on a brass or 2 ffs baz has fucked ponys! Throw me a friggin bone lol
Now it's pretty much the only place I post.
I started when I went through an E phase a year or so back. It was the only place I could have contact with the outside world lol
The Mrs was in bed and I'd get shitfaced downstairs smoking joint after joint by myself on the downstairs bog. Man I got into a few bad states lol mixing with Valium creates some very strange goings on
My percy run out few days ago, thought fuck it, was smoked out anyways.

Took the kids to the park this morning in a nice area kinda and in a decent part of the uk kinda lol n fucking found a bag of weed under the bench i was sitting lol

Not much about a gram + lol but was dry n bagged up carnt lie ive had a joint of it not the greatest but still free lol
Crazy posting up on them sites I know Oscar, but you'd be surprised how easy it is to get sorted off them when your working away from home
No one gives a fuk about weed these daze they can't give a toss bout burgers even.
a mate got pinched with another's name all over the phone, the brief says ya mate is going down. Geez still growing nothing happened, doors still on