The UK Growers Thread!

I fucking love em man. Nothing beats a bit of scifi.
Im good man,still sober to fuck! not even been gatting much at all n its boring the fucking shite out of me.
You back at the growing yet?

Sick dose with rambo, I got the gist of it but id stumbled on it after hed been deleting haha was like hed been drinking or something with all the deleted comments haha some people really dont catch a fucking break
Won't be growing for a year or two, ain't worth it. Doin well keeping clean m8, might be boring but once U pop u can't stop lol. Aye shite about rambo, don't know much about it either but I think I've got the jist....well it's a guess anyway, either way sounds kinda serious
Yeah theres no half measures with me lad,pure dedication my end haha
Yeah best off but it must be a right prick trease being on here with every cunt growing.
The comment he made about them thinking hes playing a bigger role than he is makes me bum hole twitch.
Im amazed ive not been locked up ffs ive random flashbacks to me attempting to walk into town with me legs refusing to work properly to sort out a mate ffs
Yeah best delete for his peace of mind but not as bad as id thought.
Yeah ive watched a few episodes and I found it a bit slow,its the show where waters or oxygen like currency? ..might give it another try though.
Man I fucking liked it alot,pennywise scared the shite out of me growing up.i use to piss n shit with the sint tap running so id get a head start if blood started pouring out