The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Up North (I still can't quite bring myself to admit to the exact city I'm stranded in - the shame! the shame! - but it's basically somewhere cold, wet, dark and backward). Nowhere near London. Nowhere near anywhere, actually.



Active Member

Scotland would be cool. I love Scotland. Scotland is proper north.

This is just basically the bit of England they send people out of spite, I think. I picked it because I found a gorgeous house with a gorgeous garden for a really good price. Now I know why the price was so good. It was karma. The Universe is punishing me for a decade of happiness, highs and hot weather.


Active Member
Anyway, me going into hibernation for tonight. Nice talking to you guys. You all now hold the dubious title of being my first UK acquaintances since I got here. T-shirts available on request.


Active Member
hi del

im in bio bizz light mix

using advanc nutrient ph perfect 3 part micro grow bloom with big bud and over drive i also use dbudblood for the first 10 days of flowering....i have a 600w hps

i feed on everyfeeding


Well-Known Member
Scotland would be cool. I love Scotland. Scotland is proper north.

This is just basically the bit of England they send people out of spite, I think. I picked it because I found a gorgeous house with a gorgeous garden for a really good price. Now I know why the price was so good. It was karma. The Universe is punishing me for a decade of happiness, highs and hot weather.
scotland newcastle liverpool yorkshire manchester jesus you pretty much covered most on england with that one line lol


Active Member
scotland newcastle liverpool yorkshire manchester jesus you pretty much covered most on england with that one line lol
lol actually you got it in 5 :) Yorkshire (well, part of it).

Is it just me or has English rain shrunk? The raindrops themselves, I mean. I'm sure they never used to be so sneaky, halfhearted and irritatingly tiny. I have many fond memories of getting soaking wet in the rain - luckily for me I love rain - not merely coated in a thin film of damp.

OK, my brief hibernation resolved one burning question in my mind: what happened to England in my absence? Answer: It can only be the EU. England stinks of EU regulations. Everything annoying about England seems to be traceable back to some EU regulation or other (apart from the rain, but then again, who knows? Maybe the EU ruled that big fat raindrops are a waste of water or bad for driving visibility or discriminatory in some way, and demanded that England shrank their raindrops).

England used to be gloriously, defiantly, vibrantly eccentric. Eccentric and unique and illogical and did not care what the rest of the world thought. Also, England used to be the opposite of standardized. Each village, each town, each individual pub was utterly unique. Now I have to constantly check my sat nav to confirm that I have indeed reached a different county/ region, and haven't been stuck on the automotive equivalent of a treadmill or hamster wheel for the past 4 hours.

Hey, one thing the EU didn't manage to eradicate - the English Apology Reflex. I nearly burst into nostalgic tears the other day when I accidentally barged into somebody grappling with their shopping, and before I had time to even open my mouth to apologize, the victim had already jumped in with the sincerest and most heartfelt of apologies. Awww.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
scotland newcastle liverpool yorkshire manchester jesus you pretty much covered most on england with that one line lol
cheeky sod.

baklawa, yorkshire, aint exactly the densest populated area to try and score in. should have come to newcastle. its not much further and the people dont talk like they tend cows all day long.

i fuckin love baklawa! stuffs well tasty. but again finding good quality stuff is hard to do unless you live in little kurdsville

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
anyone see the piers morgan interview with gzza? normally id prefer to blind myself with fish hooks than watch piers 'why the fuck am i famous' morgan but gazza had me in stitches and near tears. he's a broken man. pained me to see it. still made me buckle up.

piers small organ:

so do you blame the football being taken away from you or yourself for the alcoholism??


naaah piers i blame the off license.

fuckin legend.


Active Member
the people dont talk like they tend cows all day long.

i fuckin love baklawa! stuffs well tasty. but again finding good quality stuff is hard to do unless you live in little kurdsville
Just snorted coffee all over my monitor. Ah man, first belly-laugh of the week :D

As for baklava... Actually it's not that impossible to make yourself. The only tricky bit is the tissue-thin pastry and you can get that ready-made. I'll send you a batch next time I go into a cooking frenzy.


Active Member
It's pure chauvinism, that's what it is. People see a woman loitering hopefully in a seedy area and they think "soliciting". Then they clock the brat handcuffed to a nearby bench and think "no thanks."

If every mother had unrestricted access to herbal medication, there'd be a lot fewer cases of infanticide, suicide, divorce etc. I'm convinced that this is the source of the unruffled serenity of famously angelic mothers like, umm, Mother Theresa.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
tempting but my lass might ask questions if an arm showed up in the post.

you could start at the local headshop obviously they wont sell you any but the customers who visit are only up to one thing eh ;)

next step is the grow shop. get yourself set up. most of the dope the youths punt is chink grown bollocks. you may aswell set light to a tenner instead


Well-Known Member
3rd arm would get the trimming done faster aswel. Fucking chink weed. Selling oz's my way for 2 ton. And thats in bulk tae. Wait till I get these livers out. The same people who r offering me 10oz of chink for 2 quid r in for a shock