The Villans 5,300 watt 3 room perpetual grow going into first flower phase 48 plant


WOW BRO!! You have 1 HELL of a set up going there!! I sure wish I could do one such as yours one day, who knows maybe! I wouldn't say it's out of the ?
Hell, I would probably have to take out a damn loan to get all the shit I need to go hydro, and all the lights you have! Due to the fact that I am disabled,
and I only receive a certain amount of dough a month! I was in a tractor trailer accident, and got hurt really bad! Don't mean to ramble! But I love growing,
and "especially" knowing the fact that I had a hand in growing what I'm toking on makes me really happy! lol! I had to move from my home town, so now I am starting
all over with my grow room! And it really sucks! I had a set up with two HPS's one 500wt & the other 250wt. I used the bubble ponics system/method! I like it allot!
Now I just am able to do a soil grow! But have pains again for the bubbly again! I really enjoyed checking your pictures out bud! Do you have any of this grow into flowering
stage?? Well, I am going to stop running up your thread! Great post though! And I am rooting 4 ya bro!
