The VO Grow #3

It is a good start to LST, but I would suggest working your whole way up the stalk, slowly bending it as you go and then move that string up about 3-4"s and you should be able to bend that baby over a fair bit!!! You will be surprised! It won't take long for the plant to start turning everything towards your lights as well. You will have multiple shoots within a few days!

What in the fuck did you do at the end of the video? I never seen that before in my life. Is that just a clever way to smoke hash oil?

By the way, don't you think your root growth should be like.. 3 times that? I have slime on my roots and they are rediculous...

What in the fuck did you do at the end of the video? I never seen that before in my life. Is that just a clever way to smoke hash oil?

By the way, don't you think your root growth should be like.. 3 times that? I have slime on my roots and they are rediculous...

It's a nail/dome/14mm male to male adapter from aqualabtechnologies
I'm cinching the LST from the middle a lil more everyday.. she has maybe 35 degrees on her right now, hoping to get closer to 70
My co2 generator:
the other plant looks like its takeing off v.o. looks good man. shit v.o. i'm not far from you and it was below freezing out this morning.