These are the woods they will grow up in... svchop889 2010 outdoors:


Well-Known Member
Its supposed to rain all weekend so I should be good for a little while. I'm sure I will probably end up making more than four trips there but it all depends on what actually comes up.


Well-Known Member
haha those damned pests. they need to stop nibbling. i want to see these ladies in FULL flower
I do too man but its going to be soo looong before they are busting out Im getting 16.3 hours of light per day currently and it gets to about 17.1 by June 21st I'll hit them with the earth juice bloom I bought on that date but they wont start flowering till the middle of august. These things will be ridiculous huge by then in the month that they have been out they have grown about a foot but things have been speeding up. should be about 4' by flower and they might double that before harvest but who really knows but it would be awesome to have some 8ft monsters to harvest for my first outdoor grow.


Well-Known Member
Dude 2-3 pounds total would make me extremely happy, if I'm sitting on six pounds at the end of the season I'm going to end up smoking myself retarded withing a week. but the one that got munched I don't see myself getting more than a qp from it. Only time will tell but its exciting to think about it at the max i think I can get 7lb about 112oz in other words depending on quality and how generous I feel even if i sell at 120 and ounce I would still end up with $11,200 which would end my money problems for awhile. I know I can get 300$ an ounce for high mids in some places totals out to $33,600. in all likelihood I will keep half for personal use sell half so I can pay off my 7,000$ of debt and buy some new equipment stash the rest so I don't go spending it I will probably have to bury it in the backyard lol. I would like to start a legitimate source of income maybe buy a foreclosed house and rent it out you can find a nice two bedroom fixer upper for 10-14k around here. I know I am getting way to far ahead but I have been stuck in this state for awhile now and thinking about all the options this year might open up for me bring up the spirits. Hell I might just finish up the woork that needs to be done to my ninja 600R and just ride around the country exploring for a year. I have been wanting to visits some old friends in Texas, Arizona, and California Vegas is always a place to visit as well.


Well-Known Member
small business. something you would like to do. then grow more weed and seel it out. clean out the cash through the business. make sure its something with a LOT of cash flow. then once the business is built up, expand it. open more stores in different locations. then you wont have to sell and can live of the income from the business and can grow for personal use. thats what i want to do in the future. a lot of fortune 500 companies were started from illegal money.


Well-Known Member
yeah therein lies my main issue and that is cleaning the money, I have no idea on how to begin laundering it or what the easiest most simple way would be. Cash purchases are untracable but you can't buy everything with cash.


Well-Known Member
haha a snow cone stand. would only work during summer months though. lets say you actually made 500 in cash one day, well you report making 1000 that day. you could clear 3500 a week. and it would be clean money except you would have to pay taxes on it. but hey, you then can deposit that into your account.


Well-Known Member
So If I were to run a car audio store I would buy merchandise but I would cash it out at the register as sold but really I take it and sell it on the street and the cash goes in my pocket and It just looks like my store is making sales.


Well-Known Member
eh ya that would work. except you may have to just watch who you sell it to on the street. you could also learn how to put them in systems, then charge a customer $100 dollars to put it in, but right down in the books, you charged 300. you really want something with low overhead, lots of cash flow. something someone would pay cash for. or something with minimal merchandise. also selling a service rather than an object is also good as well. i.e. cleaning service, lawn service, gutter cleaning. those you wouldnt have to even do, but say you do. charge a lot for it. thats just a way to clean money. but if you are wanting a car audio store go for it. once you get it running you will realize how easy it is to launder money. why do you think the mafia has so many businesses.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like its easy enough, I knew that was why the mafia had so many businesses I just didn't know how they did it exactly. Thanks for the info EP.
ahaha guys, you're talking about money laundering online. I don't mean to be a spoil sport but i don't think that's exactly the best of ideas :)


Well-Known Member
hahaha, we put up pictures of our plants, that will get us thrown in jail longer than a rapist or child molester, if we get caught by the po-po's i dont think im too worried about talking about money laundering ideas. the government already knows the majority of them anyways.


Well-Known Member
Shit I have talked about legitimate ways to bring down the government on here and I'm not in jail. The feds didn't surround my house and kick my door down