I know right?do you think he'll donate that $100,000 he took from the vets to help fight the 22 veteran suicides that are happening every day?
I know right?
You would think that Obama would just end all wars and bring them all home with good mental and physical healthcare. But he isn't doing any of those things either, because , like BOOSH, he doesn't give a fuck about Vets or young men coming home and being unable to deal with the horrors of killing other people.
Not cool. I'd probably put my hands on you if you were in reach.
If what you said were not a big fat lie, then we wouldn't have:
- 2010-present - al-Qaeda insurgency in Yemen: The U.S has been launching a series of drone strikes on suspected al-Qaeda and al-Shabaab positions in Yemen.
- 2010–11 – Operation New Dawn, On February 17, 2010, U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates announced that as of September 1, 2010, the name "Operation Iraqi Freedom" would be replaced by "Operation New Dawn". This coincides with the reduction of American troops to 50,000.
- 2011 – 2011 military intervention in Libya: Operation Odyssey Dawn, United States and coalition enforcing U.N. Security Council Resolution 1973 with bombings of Libyan forces.
- 2011 – Osama Bin Laden is killed by U.S. military forces in Pakistan as part of Operation Neptune Spear.
- 2011 – Drone strikes on al-Shabab militants begin in Somalia.[18] This marks the 6th nation in which such strikes have been carried out,[19] including Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Yemen[20] and Libya.
- 2011-present – Uganda: U.S. Combat troops sent in as advisers to Uganda.[21]
- 2012 – Jordan: 150 U.S. troops deployed to Jordan to help it contain the Syrian Civil War within Syria's borders.
- 2012 – Turkey: 400 troops and two batteries of Patriot missiles sent to Turkey to prevent any missile strikes from Syria.
- 2012 – Chad: 50 U.S. troops have deployed to the African country of Chad to help evacuate U.S. citizens and embassy personnel from the neighboring Central African Republic's capital of Bangui in the face of rebel advances toward the city.
- 2013 – Mali: U.S. forces assisted the French in Operation Serval with air refueling and transport aircraft.
- 2013 – Somalia: U.S. Air Force planes supported the French in the Bulo Marer hostage rescue attempt. However, they did not use any weapons.
- 2013 – 2013 Korean crisis
- 2013 – Navy SEALs conducted a raid in Somalia and possibly killed a senior Al-Shabaab official, simultaneously another raid took place in Tripoli, Libya, where Special Operations Forces captured Abu Anas al Libi (also known as Anas al-Libi)[22]
- 2014-present – Uganda: V-22 Ospreys, MC-130s, KC-135s and additional U.S. soldiers are sent to Uganda to continue to help African forces search for Joseph Kony.[23]
- 2014-present - American intervention in Iraq:
- 2014 - 2014 American rescue mission in Syria:
- 2014-present - American-led intervention in Syria:
- 2014-present - Intervention against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant: Syrian locals forces and American-led coalition forces launch a series of aerial attacks on ISIL and al-Nusra Front positions in Iraq and Syria.
- 2014 - 2014 Yemen hostage rescue operations against al-Qaeda:
- 2015 - April 30th, 2015 U.S. sends ships to the Strait of Hormuz to shield vessels after Iranian Seizure of commercial vessel:
Does the booze induced reality you live in one in which there are no sodiers, Marines, airmen or sailors in the middle east?
Why do you feel you need to continuously lie about everything?
Face it boozeboy, Obama is BOOSH X3. Your little fairytale about hope and change? More like seek and destroy, especially the Medical Marijuana crowd. Obama has stepped up MJ arrests by more than 80% under his leadership. He is fucking you in the ass, but you're so busy sucking him off you fail to notice.
Your hero worship isn't going to feel good when your hero turns on you.
LOLso obama withdraws 100,000+ troops from iraq, 25,000+ troops from afghanistan, sends a whopping total of 600 tropps to humanitarian missions in non-combat zones, and this somehow makes him a war mongere like your hero george w bush?
the number of dispensaries increases by at least 500%, arrests only go up by 80%, and you call this getting fucked in the ass?
your reality is a strange one, but then again, you are a lyng racist plagiarizing history denying conspiracy nut hypocrite.
obama hasn't started any wars, hasn't put any boots on the ground, and has ended the wars we were previously in.
Biker? Hardly. I just beat up racist white folks for a living.
How much does that pay?Biker? Hardly. I just beat up racist white folks for a living.
Like I said, he posted that to get a rise out of you and watch with glee as you expend oodles of energy trying to make him look bad, but in the end its you who looks the fool.
I also know for a fact that Nitro did not create that pic, he just got it off the internet. And you LOOKED at it and commented on it, so that means you are indeed the true racist here.
I condemn your racist posts multiple times per day, what you talking about? You are after all the founder of Stormfront, a neo nazi, swastika tatoo wearing klan loving white boy who always makes sure to live in the whitest areas of the country. You never deny any of the accusations, you gladly admit they are all true.i get it, your buddy and ideological colleague posted one of the most explicitly racist things this board has seen in (sadly) days.
you are too much of a coward and a racist (one in the same) to condemn it, thus you lash out like a douche.
is bearkat a racist too for finding it as offensive as i found it to be?
I condemn your racist posts multiple times per day
Just because you went and deleted all 42,000 posts in which you describe black people as NI$%^R doesn't mean you became a saint. You are still the racist you have always been, hiding under sheep skin. You aren't fooling anyone but yourself little man.then show us one of these racist posts you claim exist so we can all laugh at the delusional bubble you maintain around yourself.