Well-Known Member
Yeah, growing the plants takes much less effort than PLANTING or HARVESTING you moron.
LOL I can't believe that you proved your stupidity in such a way. A 5 year old knows that plants pretty much require no human interaction to grow, but you don't.
Holy shit are you dumb.
no, this is what i was saying back in spring when you told that tall tale about working 18 hours all summer.
the fact that you lie so shamelessly and constantly illustrated the title of this thread so perfectly.
20 hours in the SUMMER you doofus, is it currently summer? How do you know it isn't summer? When there is still snow on the ground.
say, isn't it summer?
large scale farmers don't even work 8.
watch the documentary 'king corn'. someone with a 680 acre property like no drama has, and who is using only 5/8th of it to grow crops like nodrama does, is only farming 425 acres. that is nothing.
with a tractor that costs around $400,000 (paid for with government welfare checks) he's tilling one day one week, top dressing one day the next week, and planting for one day the week after. then he sits around and twiddles his thumbs until it's time to spray herbicide on his GMO crops.
he doesn't even have to steer the tractor, it's guided by GPS. the most work he does is turn the wheel at the end of the row.
like with everything else he says on this site, when he's not plagiarizing, outright lying, or making ridiculous hyperbole, he's plagiarizing, outright lying, or making ridiculous hyperbole.
he is more full of shit than anyone on here, and quite racist too.
guess i had it right, and you lied. like usual.