This is a republican they have no shame, none.

Not cool. I'd probably put my hands on you if you were in reach.

Too bad he did not accompany it with a threat. But at last the little weasel of a captain threw up his real colors. Didn't know there were that many assbite racists in the PNW. Nitro you must really feel safe in that old wives tale that blacks don't like water. I know a few black Navy seals that would love to pay your boat a visit next time they're in the area.
Too bad he did not accompany it with a threat. But at last the little weasel of a captain threw up his real colors. Didn't know there were that many assbite racists in the PNW. Nitro you must really feel safe in that old wives tale that blacks don't like water. I know a few black Navy seals that would love to pay your boat a visit next time they're in the area.

You lefties are showing your colors with violent threats. Carry on and maybe some day you will find the courage to follow through. And I have had Black people and probably every race known to man including several school field trips on my boat , and they kinda all liked it. just so you know.

You might want to look in the mirror when you puff that chest up, it might help with finding courage.

I saw your monkey pic last night, Nitro. I've seen you post about the coloreds. If anybody thinks you're a racist, it's your own fucking fault. Keep blaming Obama though.


The picture only had one half white, half black person, and the other two were monkeys. So I covered everybody including a look at evolution from a school book for children. Whats racist about that?
The Coon Caricature: Blacks as Monkeys
A hateful association between Blacks and monkeys or apes was yet another way that the antebellum South justified slavery. Blacks were considered by some Whites to be more simian than human, and therefore had no self-evident rights, including freedom. After the Civil War, the emancipation of slaves, and passage of the 13th, 14th, and 15 amendments to the Constitution, White bigots used the association to justify Jim Crow laws, and the use of violence, such as the lynching of Blacks who challenged or threatened the status quo. The general acceptance of the evolutionary theories of Charles Darwin was easily twisted into a means of identifying further "evidence" of the primitive status of Blacks. In the 1878 cartoon to the right, for example, an organ grinder's monkey is attacking a black child. Beneath is the caption, "Southern Scenes--An incident in Richmond, VA--The Darwinian Theory Illustrated". Presumably, the monkey feels that his position is challenged by the child, and he's defending his territory. Meanwhile, a drastically caricatured black man watches with a mirthful look on his face.
I have never seen most of what you posted. And it was a good read.
All too often, the White perpetrators of these incidents claim to be ignorant of the history. Studies show that only about 8% of White Americans claim to be aware of the history of the association between Blacks and apes. Whether or not this is true, some disturbing research released in 2009 clearly shows a high level of subconscious engagement with this association. The research was conducted by Jennifer Eberhardt, a Stanford associate professor of psychology, Pennsylvania State University

Cuddle With Me Black Doll with Monkey & Hat that reads, "Lil' Monkey", 2009
psychologist Phillip Atiba Goff (the lead author and a former student of Eberhardt’s) and Matthew C. Jackson and Melissa J. Williams, graduate students at Penn State and Berkeley, respectively. Their studies of mostly White male undergraduates revealed that just a second of "priming" the subjects with images of the words "ape" and "gorilla" (shown too fast to consciously register) caused them to, when watching videos of police brutality, justify the level of violence used against the suspect when they were led to believe the suspect was black. When they were led to believe the suspect was White, there was much less rationalizing of the amount of force used by police. In all, six studies were included in this research. The results strongly indicate that White Americans, who aren't particularly prejudiced, subconsciously associate blacks and monkeys. The researchers believe this association is held in place through "implicit knowledge," the result of a lifetime of conditioning via the long history of stereotyped anti-Black imagery that depicts Blacks as less than human.
The picture only had one half white, half black person, and the other two were monkeys. So I covered everybody including a look at evolution from a school book for children. Whats racist about that?

this is the racist picture you posted.


his week Marilyn Davenport, a Southern California Tea Party activist and member of the central committee of the Orange County Republican Party circulated what some are calling hate e-mail to an unknown number of her fellow conservatives.

Written under the words, "Now you know why — No birth certificate!", is an Obama family portrait depicting his parents as chimpanzees.

When asked if she thought the email was appropriate, Davenport is quoted as saying, "Oh, come on! Everybody who knows me knows that I am not a racist. It was a joke. I have friends who are black. Besides, I only sent it to a few people–mostly people I didn't think would be upset by it."

Former Chairman of the California Republican Party Michael Schroder has demanded Davenport's resignation saying it's not her first brush with racist rhetoric.

In February 2009, Los Alamitos Mayor Dean Grose, another Orange County Republican, emailed the White House watermelon image and then apologized. While others demanded he step down, Davenport defended him. When a Newport City Councillman voted against installing grass turf near the beach because it would "attract Mexicans", Schroder claims that she supported him as well.

"That's three strikes," he says.

KCAL9 reporter Stacey Butler asked Davenport if she wanted to appear on camera but she declined. She blames the media for blowing this story out of proportion.