This is how sick MOST religions are ......


Active Member
Yes we get it quit repeating your self. You sound retarded.
He seems to be more respected than you. So really, I'm sure you're the only one that looks like a retard. Besides, can't you see hepheastus420 is just fucking with you? Like I said in the other thread, you're just too easy to piss off haha.


Well-Known Member
He seems to be more respected than you. So really, I'm sure you're the only one that looks like a retard. Besides, can't you see hepheastus420 is just fucking with you? Like I said in the other thread, you're just too easy to piss off haha.
Umm if my comments come off to you 2 butt buddy's as aggressive then since you both keep copying me what does that make you sound like?
Why do i get the feeling stealth and hepatitis420 are the same person... same childish mind frame and everything.
You two seem to pop up out of the blue to each other rescue all the time at all hours. Amazing...
Are you really that lonely kid? Go get laid or something that's just friendly advice. There is more to life then the internet i mean what is it they teach you kid in school now a days?
Do they seriously not promote going outside anymore?
You keep talking about winning and getting owned i mean that seriously some high school crap you know you cant object that one bit. Getting owned and winning in what a online verbal assault back and forth, wow well congratulation if you think you've actually won something here its all yours.
Not even a real debate over anything. I go on break in between classes and post to you on my phone. while getting a good laugh at ya. How are you actually frustrating anybody? I'm confuse its sad you really think that one can even get frustrated over a online forum. I'm assuming you speak from experience?
I'm gonna drop this now because its finals week and i really dont have time for it anymore. You enjoy now oh yea and umm congratulations in "owning"... seems to means a lot to you.


Well-Known Member
Umm if my comments come off to you 2 butt buddy's as aggressive then since you both keep copying me what does that make you sound like?
Why do i get the feeling stealth and hepatitis420 are the same person... same childish mind frame and everything.
You two seem to pop up out of the blue to each other rescue all the time at all hours. Amazing...
Are you really that lonely kid? Go get laid or something that's just friendly advice. There is more to life then the internet i mean what is it they teach you kid in school now a days?
Do they seriously not promote going outside anymore?
You keep talking about winning and getting owned i mean that seriously some high school crap you know you cant object that one bit. Getting owned and winning in what a online verbal assault back and forth, wow well congratulation if you think you've actually won something here its all yours.
Not even a real debate over anything. I go on break in between classes and post to you on my phone. while getting a good laugh at ya. How are you actually frustrating anybody? I'm confuse its sad you really think that one can even get frustrated over a online forum. I'm assuming you speak from experience?
I'm gonna drop this now because its finals week and i really dont have time for it anymore. You enjoy now oh yea and umm congratulations in "owning"... seems to means a lot to you.
LOL, look how mad you get haha. Oh man this is just too great, ;).