This is trumps america

Germans call it schaudefrede.
Schadenfreude* is considered inappropriate in situations like this. Laugh when someone trips, not when he breaks his neck. Ridiculousness, that’s schadenfreude. This, this is just too embarrassing to be funny for Germans.

Given the low number of casualties, the fact they only delayed matters by hours, one could argue law enforcement handled things well. Responding like China or Russia would have done would be a far worse look and make the leaders in those countries even happier.

The protestors did you all a favor in a way though, just watch peope distancing themselves from the Trumps now. Watch the responses to the few republican idiots who will continue to defend him and his lies. Plus you won the senate. It’s a glorious day.
Tis true that popo probably handled the situation to minimize harm to Trumpkins. That being said a law and order bunch love to put the thumb down to oppress the uprising. If not white. Why weren't they ready? More popo? Curious.
Schadenfreude* is considered inappropriate in situations like this. Laugh when someone trips, not when he breaks his neck. Ridiculousness, that’s schadenfreude. This, this is just too embarrassing to be funny for Germans.

Given the low number of casualties, the fact they only delayed matters by hours, one could argue law enforcement handled things well. Responding like China or Russia would have done would be a far worse look and make the leaders in those countries even happier.

The protestors did you all a favor in a way though, just watch peope distancing themselves from the Trumps now. Watch the responses to the few republican idiots who will continue to defend him and his lies. Plus you won the senate. It’s a glorious day.
I hate it when I misspell something. Thanks for the correction.

The guy I responded to didn't think his gloat was inappropriate. This is the internet age. Manners are not the same. In any case, I have to agree that this whole thing is absurd if I weren't in the middle of it.

It's all one long bad story to me. This isn't something that happened overnight and won't just quickly die down. Trump is an asshole and the worst president we've ever had but he's a symptom, not a cause. The Republican congressmen who are distancing themselves from Trump are fake patriots who are toadying up to Trump because the people who elected them expect it. Trump will eventually go away but those people will still be there. They are being fed lies by more than just him but they willingly accept those lies. So, yeah, maybe this is a watershed moment but I don't think so.
Schadenfreude* is considered inappropriate in situations like this. Laugh when someone trips, not when he breaks his neck. Ridiculousness, that’s schadenfreude. This, this is just too embarrassing to be funny for Germans.

Given the low number of casualties, the fact they only delayed matters by hours, one could argue law enforcement handled things well. Responding like China or Russia would have done would be a far worse look and make the leaders in those countries even happier.

The protestors did you all a favor in a way though, just watch peope distancing themselves from the Trumps now. Watch the responses to the few republican idiots who will continue to defend him and his lies. Plus you won the senate. It’s a glorious day.
I agree they did their "cause" great damage with the storming of the capital and succeeded more than anybody would have thought. I was shocked and figured a robust response should have kicked in, as it normally would, but the way it turned out, ended up helping the cause of liberal democracy more than harming it. They have these clowns on video and there will be plenty of morons charged and imprisoned.

I also think it might be the end of Donald, he could be gone by the weekend. Mitch has nothing to lose and if he impeaches him it will be a quick up down vote and no trial, perhaps by secret ballot (it's allowed). If Chucky does him with his majority, it will be post presidency and to prevent him from holding office and probably after a criminal conviction. They would have a lengthy trial with witnesses and documents designed to damage the GOP as much as possible closer to the 2022 election. This way Donald will be quickly fucked and forgotten with indictments waiting in the SDNY as individual #1. Mitch doesn't have much time to do Donald and if he does it will be real fast, perhaps they talked it over while they were locked down with bag gas masks on their fucking heads! :)
45 rejected calls to bring in the National Guard for hours before he finally agreed to it.
I'm coming around to the idea that Pence is giving orders after cutting a deal with the big four and perhaps on the phone with Pompeo and others. Donald perhaps agreed at the point of a gun, the 25th, STFU and stay in your box and we won't drag you out of the WH in a straight jacket!
So, yeah, maybe this is a watershed moment but I don't think so.
I think it is in the sense that they will have to take it down a notch now. Trump started out as a symptom but became a cancer by itself and at the very least crippled the GOP. They won’t be able to recover from that with more Trumpism. Sure, they’ll still be liars and hypocrits, but Trumpism is not a winning strategy.

They have these clowns on video and there will be plenty of morons charged and imprisoned.
I was watching live video feeds going “he’s fucked. that’s one fucked too. oh and he‘s definitely fucked”. Some of his worst supporters effectively turned themselves in. Definitely expected a different response, plenty of generally less violent western countries where there’s a good chance you get shot or litterally get your head bashed in if you’d storm congressional chambers.