This is trumps america

These Trump idiots need to be held accountable and given jail time. Plenty of time to scratch their balls. It’s a real shame it had to come to this with 4 dead but they got what was coming to them. Who the fuck do they think they are? I am optimistic things will get much better from this point forward with the democratic senate and seeing these total loser GOP people turn to dust. There is much work to be done to clean this shit up and restore the soul of our nation.
Schadenfreude* is considered inappropriate in situations like this. Laugh when someone trips, not when he breaks his neck. Ridiculousness, that’s schadenfreude. This, this is just too embarrassing to be funny for Germans.

Given the low number of casualties, the fact they only delayed matters by hours, one could argue law enforcement handled things well. Responding like China or Russia would have done would be a far worse look and make the leaders in those countries even happier.

The protestors did you all a favor in a way though, just watch peope distancing themselves from the Trumps now. Watch the responses to the few republican idiots who will continue to defend him and his lies. Plus you won the senate. It’s a glorious day.

And congress reconvened after the trash was removed and finished the nomination of Biden as the next POTUS.

They told you to wear a mask and pray to St. Fauci didn't they ?

It's all one long bad story to me. This isn't something that happened overnight and won't just quickly die down. Trump is an asshole and the worst president we've ever had but he's a symptom, not a cause. The Republican congressmen who are distancing themselves from Trump are fake patriots who are toadying up to Trump because the people who elected them expect it. Trump will eventually go away but those people will still be there. They are being fed lies by more than just him but they willingly accept those lies. So, yeah, maybe this is a watershed moment but I don't think so.

Im not a doctor or anything, but sometimes it takes something majorly noticeable to get people to notice the underlying disease that was causing the symptom.

I think of this like that.
Here's who they all are..

Yep. I found all that out when I googled. Folks like him will get pinched by the FBI. But that's mid-level management as far as I'm concerned. No one at the top will pay for what happened.