Nothing is ever really free...
I beg to differ.
do you have an actual policy disagreement to make, or are you just here to play race bait politics with the people that you have labeled as "niggas" and then deny that you are racist?
why you gotta make assumptions of race?
i was taught by the best, specifically people like you and desert dude who assert that black people can't speak properly.
i'm just applying the education that YOU gave me.
kinda sucks when your own racism comes around to bite you in the ass like that, eh?
(childish crayola tantrum redacted to save space)
i was taught by the best, specifically people like you and desert dude who assert that black people can't speak properly.
i'm just applying the education that YOU gave me.
kinda sucks when your own racism comes around to bite you in the ass like that, eh?
my ass remains unbitten.
i know enough wiggers and wanksters to never hazard a guess what ethnic group somebody is from without seein em.
sounds like san jose is making you racist as fuck.
That has to be one of the clumsiest back peddles I've seen I a while. The reason you felt justified in making a bigoted observation is by virtue of other's past indiscretions?
I'm guessing you're really high and off your game tonight.
do you realize that you are only reinforcing what i am saying now?
You totally back peddled the record is clear......oooh how about a post about sucking cock before the next post about racism won't that be a hoot?
Don't be a hater.
Ohh snap, look who I'm talking to...
so you're standing by your usage of the word wigger, and the implications that carries?
damned right.
thats why i posted a Pimped Out Swagalicious Wiggers Diagram for you.
Don't be a hater.
Ohh snap, look who I'm talking to...
can you please illustrate my back pedal?
i stand by my assumption. i assume that the people i heard speaking are black, which is informed partially by things kynes and desert dude have taught me about how black people speak.
i could be wrong, but i doubt it.