I don't know, was this over how pot makes you lazy so you chose to not smoke hardly ever anymore. Like the pot was to blame, not your motivation at the time. perhaps, Herban was referring to something else. no matter

Fuck no, I will-not ever empathize with an intruder. That ^ sounds weak imo.

Oh yeah that thread. That wasn't personal it was just how it affected my personal life. He took it personally like I called all stoners lazy.

And once again I was called a PIG. It's funny how informed people are assumed to be LEO. IF you're not ignorant like everyone else you are a cop?
Oh yeah that thread. That wasn't personal it was just how it affected my personal life. He took it personally like I called all stoners lazy.

And once again I was called a PIG. It's funny how informed people are assumed to be LEO. IF you're not ignorant like everyone else you are a cop?
dont feel bad he called someone else the same thing earlier today
The most fucked up thing is that this will never end.
Robbers do not consult with me to see if its a good idea.
Some people will always run shitty security in their haste to grow.

Really, I think the solution is for the grower to take realistic measures that make themselves problematic targets.

But, aint no one got time for that.
Easier to just blow wishes towards heaven and pretend it will never happen to them.
there are no undercover mods, there are mods who clean up spam and use the report button
and delete things

and than there are staff members, the only one allowed to ban etc
im not sure why you would kill people over a plant.
way to ruin the rest of your life

Its not " over a plant". Its probably more " his mortgage and groceries and living expenses for A year"

The one guy will walk, the other guy is can't shoot someone in the back - unless you are a cop.

I've still yet to see the ages of the three deceased.. I can't form a string opinion until I see how old the three dead people are.
The most fucked up thing is that this will never end.
Robbers do not consult with me to see if its a good idea.
Some people will always run shitty security in their haste to grow.

Really, I think the solution is for the grower to take realistic measures that make themselves problematic targets.

But, aint no one got time for that.
Easier to just blow wishes towards heaven and pretend it will never happen to them.
Its not " over a plant". Its probably more " his mortgage and groceries and living expenses for A year"

The one guy will walk, the other guy is can't shoot someone in the back - unless you are a cop.

I've still yet to see the ages of the three deceased.. I can't form a string opinion until I see how old the three dead people are.
well he wont be paying a mortgage anymore once hes killed three people
I live in Sac & there was a follow up story on the local news, that the sheriff dept was investigating a report that it may not have been a theft at all, but a dispute over wages.....