Tell that to a woman that's been raped, I'm pretty sure she'll look at you like you have brain damage lol
I certainly wouldn't minimize a woman's violation with your line of reasoning. Let people rob you because it's a simply a part of life. roll over fido

...if I were to grow outdoor I would half expect someone at some point will find the grow and try to take some, a expected loss
I would say robbing elderly is as bad as rape

old lady across the road got robbed, the shock killed her !!

This can often be the case with heart problems and the elderly
Ok, well my apologies if my emotions got the best of me on this topic. I was raised in the emerald triangle and I have seen this happen time and time again to very good people who are only growing cannabis to make a living. I hate thieves and I have a hard time keeping quiet as others defend these thieves! If you are not defending the people protecting their plants then you are defending the thieves.
It is not defending your plants when you chase them all the way to the street and then shoot them in the back.
Thats what I'm talkin about!!!
GWN knows all about it!

With you 100% fellow
just want to see what everyone else thought before jumping and putting an end to this !!

I would shoot a theive in the back as he runs off
why ?

because most theive are there to attack the weak, old, and disabled ( as some elderly disabled people grow weed to help them with a lot of medical conditions )

99% of the time they get it right, they don't mess up often, what happens if they rob your mum, nan ect
and you find out, could you live with yourself if she dies from the shock, its wrong on every level

only talking about people breaking into your home
Ok, well my apologies if my emotions got the best of me on this topic. I was raised in the emerald triangle and I have seen this happen time and time again to very good people who are only growing cannabis to make a living. I hate thieves and I have a hard time keeping quiet as others defend these thieves! If you are not defending the people protecting their plants then you are defending the thieves.
When I was younger I would have said kill them all.
At this point I actually have sympathy for drunk teenagers with limited impulse c
Really not agreeing with the rape is the same as stealing line

They may both hurt people that's where the similarities stop
One hurts very emotionally and physically

One takes away monetary value

Really fucking not the same :/
There is a feeling of being violated and unsafe when someone creeps into your safe zone.
I don't view them as the same but they both have that in common.

They both destroy the ILLUSION of safety.
Really not agreeing with the rape is the same as stealing line

They may both hurt people that's where the similarities stop
One hurts very emotionally and physically

One takes away monetary value

Really fucking not the same :/

I don't think he is saying they are of equal violations.I am interpreting it as each violation causes damage or harm that is subjective to the victim.
When I was younger I would have said kill them all.
At this point I actually have sympathy for drunk teenagers with limited impulse c

There is a feeling of being violated and unsafe when someone creeps into your safe zone.
I don't view them as the same but they both have that in common.

They both destroy the ILLUSION of safety.
I've had my house invaded I understand feeling violated

Big difference compared to actually being violated sexually

Just don't think the two are comparable
Elderly burglary victims 'die earlier'
Campaigners for the elderly spoke of their deep concern today following a report suggesting pensioners who are burgled are far more likely to die earlier than others of similar age.

Age Concern said Home Office research showing burglary has a greater impact on the elderly than was previously believed would enhance fear of crime amongst old people.

A spokeswoman said: "Age Concern is deeply worried by Home Office figures which show that older people who suffer burglary are more likely to die earlier than those who have not.

"The fear of crime for older people is very real, albeit in reality older people are less likely to be victims than other age groups. Statistics such as these enhance that fear.

"Age Concern would urge the Government to work with organisations such as ours to form comprehensive crime prevention programmes that would enable older people to live their lives without the constant fear of being victims of crime."

The study, seen by BBC News, examined the cases of elderly burglary victims in sheltered accommodation.

It was found that their health deteriorated faster than expected and some became so frail they had to be moved into residential care.

The key finding was that those whose homes had been broken into were twice as likely to be dead within two years as people of a similar age who had not been burgled.

The report called for security in sheltered housing to be improved.

It also recommended that burglary victims be kept informed of the progress of their case to help alleviate their distress.

Read more:
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I've had my house invaded I understand feeling violated

Big difference compared to actually being violated sexually

Just don't think the two are comparable
They are both violations of a peace of mind. Rape is definitely a worse crime to commit but both rape and intrusion of ones property leave both victims violated.
I've had my house invaded I understand feeling violated

Big difference compared to actually being violated sexually

Just don't think the two are comparable
The problem is this.
When someone breaks in I have little to no time to cipher if they are just thieves or dog rapists or killers.
I have to assume it is them or me.

Horrible situation
I just don't see why rape is being brought up. And used as a comparable and like minded thing next to someone stealing monetary value

You guys can defend the comment all you want
My mind isn't changing on this
And it's kinda sickening