It would be cool if you made a thread on here so we could help with any questions and see if a vegan can grow veggies as well as they eat em.

I'm so lame lol
seeing as i cant grow grow anymore ill prob only grow veggies i wouldnt be against making a veggie thread maybe some flowers too cause fuck paying for flowers.
it all just depends where i move if i live somewhere sunny ill go for outdoor if its not so sunny ill go for indoor
ok that was a poor example and an exaggeration, my bad.

merely attempting to convey the vehemence in which i would protect mine. clearly rape and home invasion are not the same thing, but one -could- lead to the other, or even-worse yet, murder. that does happen in real life, while some of you continue to be borderline rip-off apologists.

don't see much of a benefit in distinguishing a hierarchy among atrocities, i tend to assume the worst to be best prepared for such. i see things as right or wrong, not giving much of a shit about the varying degrees. in a certain circumstance, i would have very little qualms about chopping a mthrfkrs hand off w a machete. i understand that in many's opinions that may be the wrong thing to do. certainly i'm jaded from my experiences with altercations, and more break-ins than i care to tally. maybe shit has been too real for me on more than one occasion lol

no i dont. because if they could have they would done it the first time.
I'm telling you that once a criminal has identified a mark, they will be inclined to continue to tap a known resource rather than go look for a new source to rob. lemme guess, you don't live in a trailer park, or a sketchy neighborhood, and you're just playing that role? I figure most of the ppl in this thread, arm-chair quarterbacks, @Flaming Pie, have little experience w crime.

now if someone has the balls to break into your house to steal that's a different story
i'm thankful for each instance i wasn't present, 'things' can be replaced. i'm also thankful for moving the fuck out of the city!
You don't have to live in bad neighborhood to know that killing someone who is OUTSIDE your home will land you in jail.
ok that was a poor example and an exaggeration, my bad.

merely attempting to convey the vehemence in which i would protect mine. clearly rape and home invasion are not the same thing, but one -could- lead to the other, or even-worse yet, murder. that does happen in real life, while some of you continue to be borderline rip-off apologists.

don't see much of a benefit in distinguishing a hierarchy among atrocities, i tend to assume the worst to be best prepared for such. i see things as right or wrong, not giving much of a shit about the varying degrees. in a certain circumstance, i would have very little qualms about chopping a mthrfkrs hand off w a machete. i understand that in many's opinions that may be the wrong thing to do. certainly i'm jaded from my experiences with altercations, and more break-ins than i care to tally. maybe shit has been too real for me on more than one occasion lol

I'm telling you that once a criminal has identified a mark, they will be inclined to continue to tap a known resource rather than go look for a new source to rob. lemme guess, you don't live in a trailer park, or a sketchy neighborhood, and you're just playing that role? I figure most of the ppl in this thread, arm-chair quarterbacks, @Flaming Pie, have little experience w crime.

i'm thankful for each instance i wasn't present, 'things' can be replaced. i'm also thankful for moving the fuck out of the city!
Amen brother
Steal my shit and I'll make you the middle of my human centipede.
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There's another story this morning about a customer shooting a thief that tried to rob a place with a fake gun. I'm having trouble posting the link
geez that's worse than bringing a knife to a gun fight man! Seriously tho, how can we NOT deport these somali's? they come to america for a better life right? Well if they make the choice to steal once there here that's (imvho) not being a productive citizen, if your not being productive, we kindly need to send your ass back where ya came from!