Cant defend the comment because I don't know the intention behind it.
of course rape is way worse than stealing.
Cant defend the comment because I don't know the intention behind it.
of course rape is way worse than stealing.
Everybody has stated that. Rape was only used because it does leave victims of each, violated. Maybe rape was an extreme example but victims of theft and rape feel violated at different levels.
With you 100% fellow
just want to see what everyone else thought before jumping and putting an end to this !!

I would shoot a theive in the back as he runs off
why ?

because most theive are there to attack the weak, old, and disabled ( as some elderly disabled people grow weed to help them with a lot of medical conditions )

99% of the time they get it right, they don't mess up often, what happens if they rob your mum, nan ect
and you find out, could you live with yourself if she dies from the shock, its wrong on every level

only talking about people breaking into your home

Sorry. I was just talking food . I'm pretty hungry atm & couldn't resist.
That food. It's my second favorite F word.
Sorry. I was just talking food . I'm pretty hungry atm & couldn't resist.
That food. It's my second favorite F word.

go steal it from a supermarket or a farm, there a lot of places you can steal from but breaking into someones home is crossing the lines
my nan had heart atack last year after someone broke in her house, nearly killed her
go steal it from a supermarket or a farm, there a lot of places you can steal from but breaking into someones home is crossing the lines
my nan had heart atack last year after someone broke in her house, nearly killed her
And how would shooting them make her not have a heart attack ?
It wouldn't she probably would've had one either way it's a traumatic experience
So is killing people

Glad you're nan is ok
go steal it from a supermarket or a farm, there a lot of places you can steal from but breaking into someones home is crossing the lines
my nan had heart atack last year after someone broke in her house, nearly killed her
Thanks but I think I'll pass on that advise. I'm totally capable of taking care of myself & have too much pride & respect to have to have to steal.
We're obviously talking about two totally different things.
Thanks but I think I'll pass on that advise. I'm totally capable of taking care of myself & have too much pride & respect to have to have to steal.
We're obviously talking about two totally different things.
Ya not sure what that post was about either ?
And how would shooting them make her not have a heart attack ?
It wouldn't she probably would've had one either way it's a traumatic experience
So is killing people

Glad you're nan is ok

Its like a drug to some people, i knew a couple when i was a teen, it took one 8 mins and he could rob over 20 houses a day easy
do you really understand how many people he would affect ?