I live in Sac & there was a follow up story on the local news, that the sheriff dept was investigating a report that it may not have been a theft at all, but a dispute over wages.....
was this the one someone bumped from like 4 years ago?
no the message just says that every time its pre written youve posted 4 times now under 5 mintues i assure you youre not on discouraged
Ok, well my apologies if my emotions got the best of me on this topic. I was raised in the emerald triangle and I have seen this happen time and time again to very good people who are only growing cannabis to make a living. I hate thieves and I have a hard time keeping quiet as others defend these thieves! If you are not defending the people protecting their plants then you are defending the thieves.
You are the one who attacked my morals and values a

Ok, well my apologies if my emotions got the best of me on this topic. I was raised in the emerald triangle and I have seen this happen time and time again to very good people who are only growing cannabis to make a living. I hate thieves and I have a hard time keeping quiet as others defend these thieves! If you are not defending the people protecting their plants then you are defending the thieves.
i dont believe i attacked your morals and values i certainly dont agree with them thats ok were allowed to disagree thats life

regardless you can make a case without name calling, and as far as the 6 pages of this thread goes im not the only one who disagrees with you, yet you take it out on me?
why cause im a staff member? lets be real thats the exact reason why

i dont care how much of a case you make just do it without calling members police, thats unfair to said member, people will blindly believe whatever they so feel, you call someone a cop on here you completely remove any safety they have from other members of the forum.
youve done it twice today , once in another thread wher ei said please dont name call and deleted your posts, you did it again you were pretold it was not acceptable behaviour and continued to do so
i really dont like giving out warnings, i dont see whats so hard about not calling someone a name
youre not on discouraged its just the way its written
but i think you should take a min and relax if you so can
Oh yeah that thread. That wasn't personal it was just how it affected my personal life. He took it personally like I called all stoners lazy.

And once again I was called a PIG. It's funny how informed people are assumed to be LEO. IF you're not ignorant like everyone else you are a cop?
I don't believe I called you a pig in that thread but how does that saying go... if the shoe, can't remember, oh well. But I did tell you to not blame your lack of discipline on cannabis. (extends arms out for a hug).
These are the kind of guys that make the medical marijuana movement look like a joke, make us look like criminal gang banger wannabes...ultimately it's shit like this that's gonna make it so nobody can grow and big pharma or tobacco will be the only people allowed to grow the shit..killing someone over a weed plant, that's just stupid
These are the kind of guys that make the medical marijuana movement look like a joke, make us look like criminal gang banger wannabes...ultimately it's shit like this that's gonna make it so nobody can grow and big pharma or tobacco will be the only people allowed to grow the shit..killing someone over a weed plant, that's just stupid

I think you are right about proponents commercializing this to fit their anti-agenda but I would rather the prohibition continue (I won't stop growing either way) then to see scum thieves get away.

Am I out of line for feeling this way? Do people disagree? Why?
I think you are right about proponents commercializing this to fit their anti-agenda but I would rather the prohibition continue (I won't stop growing either way) then to see scum thieves get away.

Am I out of line for feeling this way? Do people disagree? Why?
Yea we get it stealing is wrong, killing someone is worse...maybe my view is a little skewed but if I were to grow outdoor I would half expect someone at some point will find the grow and try to take some, a expected loss, even large companies do this all the time they have a percentage of loss expected for having a shitload of merchandise out in the if someone has the balls to break into your house to steal that's a different story
Private property is just that. I don't give shit if it's in my woods, my driveway or my home. Arrive with mal intentions, you're toast. I look at stealing the same way i view rape.